Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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(pl°2 ion picruB reemans FACE POWDER. To emphasize good looks is an art •Well understood fcr? the women of France. That charming quality? of natural freshness is given the complexion by Freeman's Face Powder. At all toilet counters 50 cents (double quantity) or 4c for miniature box. The Freeman Perfume Co. Q Dept. 100 Cincinnati, 0.(K) Become a Nurse Our graduates earn $15 to $25 a week IF TOTJ cannot spend three years in hospital or are past hospital age limit, send name and address on post card for yearbook explaining the C.S.N. Home-Practice Method of studying trained nursing. State age. THE CHAUTAUQUA SCHOOL OF NURSING, 584 Main St. Jamestown, N. Y. El-Rado The "Womanly" Way to Remove Hair Youthifying the underarms with El-Rado is an agreeable way to remove the hair. -While necessary for the proper wearing of evening gowns and transparent sleeves, hairfree underarms are just as desirable for everyday comfort and cleanliness. El-Rado removes hair from the face, neck, underarms or limbs in the same simple way that water removes dirt. The sanitary lotion first dissolves the hair, — then it is washed off. Much more "womanly" than the use of a razor. El-Rado is absolutely harmless, and does not increase or coarsen later hair growth. Users of powdered hair removers will find an occasional use of El-Rado liquid is good for the skin. Ask for "El-Rado" hair remover at any toilet goods counter. Two sizes, 60c. and $1.00. Money-back guarantee. If you prefer, we will fill your order by mail, if you write enclosing stamps or coin. PILGRIM MFG. CO., Dept. N, 112 E. 19th St., New York Canadian Address: 29 Colborne Street, Toronto THE ARTHUR SALES' CO. THE SANITARY "O.K." ERASER includes an Adjustable Metal Holder which keeps Rubber Clean, Firm and Keen-edged; works better and lasts longer. Two Rubbers, the length of the Holder, are made, one for Ink, one for Pencil. By slight / pressure, clean Rubber is fed down until us * ed. Price 15c. New Rubbers 5c each. ALL STATIONERS . By mail 2c extra. Booklets free. The most Practical Eraser for Everybody _ THE O.K. MFG. CO., Syracuse, N. Y. (j\ Makers of the famous Washburne "O.K." Paper Fasteners K0 From Plain Bill Smith to Franklin Farnum (Continued from page 60) prove beneficial as an advertisement, besides allowing him to leave his winter's savings untouched. The day he presented himself at Universal City, California, a casting director needed a leading man, so, without giving Mr. Farnum a test, he engaged him for the role. The young man hadn't a bit of difficulty in making the first five reels which bore the Farnum brand of smiles and tears, and the directors rubbed noses and said, "That smile of his alone should be worth mazuma to us. If we can make people laugh with him, he'll be a valuable addition to this outfit." So in the very next production, Franklin Farnum was starred as a smiling Western hero. He had never ridden a horse or attempted a stunt until he came West two years ago, but he is not afraid of trying out anything nowadays. He just dotes on Western stuff. He has created a new type of screen Westerner, and the world likes it. You all recall his "Stranger from Somewhere," "The Man Who Took a Chance" and "Bringing Father Home." Since then he has worked for Pathe and Metro, just completing a big feature at Universal City, surrounded by a fine cast, including Mary MacLaren, Anna Q. Nilsson and Marin Sais. The ex-musical-comedy man is a tall, broad-shouldered and small-waisted man, who wears his clothes easily. Franklin Farnum is far handsomer off screen than on, but that's so often the case. The camera cant register his magnetism and warmth. You'd surely think that Franklin Farnum's dreams had all come true, but he says they never will until he gets back on the stage. He hopes a Victor Herbert will write another tuneful opera and that he can smile at us all across the footlights as he sings the male lead. A Potential Madame Butterfly (Continued from page 65) expense, not many props, and no idea of the present-day presentation of a subject. Even so, it was considered a very wonderful screen-epic, and if it could be put into a five-reel drama now under the artistic direction of some of our big men of the screen and — well, I might as well confess it, with Me doing Lorna — I feel sure the public would like it." But while she's waiting for the things to happen which she would rather do, Vola Vale is not dreaming. She is to do two pictures with William Russell, and will migrate with her mother, her car and her little dolls and dishes to sunny Santa Barbara, and — oh, yes, her big collie, "Princess." Roscoe Arbuckle tells a story of the time in 'Frisco when everybody wore flu masks. According to the corpulent comedian he was walking towards his hotel one night and saw a man, somewhat under the influence of liquor, draped against a lamp-post. The man, whom Roscoe said he had never seen before, said: "Hello, Roscoe!" Roscoe replied, "Hello, how are you?" The man waved his hand and said, "I'm great — never more happy in my life ! At last the world is running just exactly to suit me; the war is over, peace is declared, churches are closed, saloons are opened — and the women are all muzzled !" BUY Diamonds and Jewelry ON CREDIT SWEET'S 7 -Diamond Cluster Ring. Seven perfect-cut, fine Quality Diamonds set in newest style Platinum hand-engraved mounting. Looks like a $350 solitaire. Price $62.50 </* Solid Gold Festoon, /SSSS8ffi^&/fe™ in, 4 fine Diamonds. ^SjgfcST, *< • . S4O.0U ;*#£?** V> _5S9p 44 VJIgjP Twin Ring, 3 "fine Dia m monds, £35.00 ^d£S<i 245 Too'.h Ring, 1 fine D i.iond, $60.00 24$ Ladies' Belcher, 1 fine iamond. J3S.00 1 fine Diamond, 4 Diamonds in shank. .1SK WhiteGold, $225.00 . '*ttr ^ ^~ 3 <^ A3 ■Am & o„ Hngraved Belcher, 1 fine Diamond, $50.00 Clustei, 12 fine Diamonds, Sapphire center. SI00U0 Buy Today — Ten Months to Pay "SWEET" DIAMONDS are highest quality, blue-white, perfect-cut gems. Every Diamond guaranteed for Quality and Value. "SWEET'S" TEN PAYMENT PLAN Goods sent on approval at our expense — Examine — if satisfied, pay only 1 /5 the purchase price and the rest in 10 equal monthly payments. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH THE ■'HOUSE OF SWEET"— NO RED TAPE— NO DELAY— Absolutely confidential. "SWEET'S" MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE protects you in every way. Any money you may have deposited will be promptly refunded if you are not entirely satisfied. OUR TA% PROFIT SHARING EXCHANGE PLAN applies to all exchanges of SWEET DIAMONDS. We share our profits with our customers by allowing them a, yearly increase of 7%% more than, paid on all Diamonds exchanged for more expensive ones. finr Fi-oa Pafalna contains over 1500 gift sug\JUI Tree VdldlUg gestions in Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Rings, Pins, La Vallieres, Silverware, French Loiy Toilet Ware, Cut Glass, Cameras, and Phonographs. Send TODAY for SWEET DeLuxe Catalog. Write now to Dept. 3I9J .10% Discount oh All Cash Transactions L. W. SWEET & CO., INC. 2-4 Maiden Lane, Dept. 319J, New York City 108 A<3£