Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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(pre on picturp _ "IE _U freeman's FACE POWDER The climate of Britain's Isles makes care of the skin imperative. The complexion demands a powder tkat soothes, softens and beautifies, like Freeman's. 50 cents (double quantity) at all toilet counters, or 4 cents for miniature box. The Freeman Perfume Co. Dept. 100 Cincinnati, O. •w *t A 5HfcuSSSft£5agg 9AcMIRr\CLEqfMILK Drinking Your Way To Health You know In a genera! _way that milk is good for you. But if you knew what a precious life-giving fluid it really is — if you knew the almost miraculous results it produces for those who drink it intelligently, you would be truly amazed. For anemia, indigestion, constipation, any difficulties of the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart or bladder, Bright's disease, rheumatism and many other ills for which physicians have no reliable remedy, the right use of milk almost invariably overcomes the trouble. For instance, feet and hands that are usually cold and clammy, become warm and life-like a few days after beginning this marvelous Belf-treatmeot. Benarr Macfadden, the famous physical culturist, in collaboration with Dr. Sauford Porter, the milk diet specialist, has -written a book of priceless value entitled: "The Milk Diet. Bow To Use It." You May Have It Free It 17*111 be a revelation to you. Send us a three months' subscription for PHYSICAL CULTURE MAGAZINE at the regular price of 50o and we will mail you the book at once. PHYSICAL CULTURE MAGAZINE should be part of your reading every month. Its inspirational articles on Health, Hygiene and Success-Building will be of great value to you in many ways. To more broadly circulate this unique magazine, we will send it to you for 3 months for 60o and include Mr. Macfadden'a above mentioned book free. ^^_.._ ■.._>•* Write TODAY. PHYSICAL CULTURE PUBLISHING CO. 119 West 40th St., Pept.7A, New York City <D Makes stubborn hair easy to comb, neat and attractive Miss Betty Parker Jay DiIlon Featured in Jack Norworth's "Odds and Ends" Adopted by— Screen— Stage— Society Because Hair-Dress will make the most stubborn hairstay the way you comb it and retain a smooth, dressy appearance the entire evening. With Hair-Dress you can comb your hair any fashionable style— straight back— any way you want it HairDress will also give to your hair that beautiful lustre so much in vogue with men and women of the stage, the screen and society. Is harmless and acts as an excellent tonic. Seiia fr»l* Trial lar Send n"y cents today lor tJCUU tor inai jar a trial jar. Use it five days. It it isn't just what you have been looking for— send 'c j t; ■ Your money wi" be cheerfully returned to you. Send United States stamps, coin or money order. Your jar o f delicately scented, greaseless Hair-Dress will be promptly mailed postpaid. Send forthis wonderful toilet necessity today Send $1.00 for Three Months' Supply. HAIR-DRESS CO., Dept. 61, 920 Windsor Aye., Chicago MISINTERPRETED The poster The angular spinster In front of the Cinema Theater Looked at it for a while, Read as follows : Then curled up her nose The eminent actor And walked on. PERCY PIPPIN "I was going in," in his new plav She commented, "GOING HOME," 'But I hate In four reels Those drunken scenes !" Supported by a large company. — Harvey Peake Beauties from All Over the Land (Continued from page 73) decided upon, but it will be announced in both The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic far enough in advance so that every one can get their final pictures in before the last hour. If you happen to be within a short distance of the office of The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic, please do not telephone the office for information regarding your pictures. With thousands of portraits arriving daily, the impossibility of giving out information of this character is plainly apparent. Do not write to ask if your portraits have arrived safely. These queries cannot be answered. If you wish your portrait or portraits returned, enclose the right amount of postage to cover mailing. Attach stamps to pictures with a clip. Do not place stamps in separate envelope. These pictures will be returned upon examination by the judges for the monthly honor rolls. Pictures may be lost in handling and we cannot guarantee the safe return of portraits. If your pictures were entered before March 15th and you have not won a place on any of the honor rolls, try again. Because you have submitted one or more pictures does not bar you from trying again. Try not to send hand-colored portraits. The contest is open to men. Upon the closing, the final winner will be selected. Undoubtedly he or she, (as the contest is now open to men), will be selected from among the various semimonthly honor rolls. It is possible that three or four leaders may be chosen and invited to come to New York for test motion pictures, after which the final winner will be decided upon. It is also possible that a first prize may be awarded to both a man and a woman. This will, however, be decided later. It is important, if you have already won a place on the honor roll, that you submit at least several more pictures to be used later by the judges. In this case, contestants should write the words "honor roll" across the face of the entrance coupon which is attached to the portrait. The words should be written in red ink, to be plainly distinguished. Let us briefly outline the purpose of the contest once more : The two magazines will give two years' guaranteed publicity to the winner. This will include cover portraits in colors, special interviews, pictures, special articles, etc. — the sort of publicity that could not be purchased at any price. The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic will secure an initial position for the winner and other opportunities, if necessary. At the end of two years The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic guarantee that the winner will be known thruout the civilized world. Samuel Lumiere, the photographer, has been added to the jury of the Fame and Fortune Contest. The Fame and Fortune jury now includes : Mary Pickf ord, Thomas Ince, Cecil de Mille, Maurice Tourneur, Commodore J. Stuart Blackton, James Montgomery Flagg, Howard Chandler Christy, Samuel Lumiere and Eugene V. Brewster. The terms of the contest follow : 1. Open to any young woman, or man, in the world, except those who have already played prominent screen or stage roles. 2. Contestants must submit a portrait, upon the back of which must be pasted a coupon from either The Motion Picture Magazine or The Motion Picture Classic, or t a similar coupon of their own making. 3. Contestants can submit any number of portraits, but upon the back of each must be pasted an entrance coupon. MAGAZINE ENTRANCE COUPON Contestant No (Not to be filled in by contestant) Name. Address • (street) (city) (state) Previous stage or screen experience in detail, if any When born Birthplace . . . Eyes (color) Hair (color) . Height Weight Complexion 108 AGS.