Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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^maiaawB DERMA VIVA WHITENS THE SKIN „d?f Is used in place OR MONEY BACK of powder. Has the same effect but does not show. Red, Brown or Dark Face, Neck, Arms or Hands made a beautiful , white at once or money cheerfully refunded. Absolutely Harmless. When entertaining or beini; entertained, you will find exquisite satisfaction in having your skin so beautiful. Accept no substitute. Try Derma Viva Rouge also, purely vegetable. In mirrored box with puff. Either article sold at every toilet counter or sent prepaid upon receipt of 50c. Derma Viva Co. f®\ ^'fe^oT,^'1 l NewWoivderful | Way To Remove Wrinkles loo^Yed^ Younger i PRINCESS TOKIO presents to the women of America a new way to remove wrinkles and blemishes — THE ORIENTAL WAY! No masks, no plasters, no massage, no exercise, no rollers. This new, scientific treatment is simply marvelous. The lovely little women of the Orient have known these secrets for hundreds of years as they have been handed down from one generation to another. The Japanese women are famous for the beauty of their complexions and these same Lovely, Soft, Velvety Skins which nature has adorned with the tints of the rose are now within the reach of any woman who will follow the simple rules which are to be found in the Princess Tokio Beauty Book, which we will send FREE to any woman who will write for it. Princess Tokio does not ask you to wait a long time for results— only 2 A Few Days — and Lo! All ^7 Wrinkles and Blemishes are Gone You use this treatment in the privacy of your room in your home. Just a few moments at a time. The results will amaze and delight you. We ask you to send right now for the FRFF PROCESS TOKIO BEAUTY BOOK It will prove to you how quickly all wrinkles and blemishes may be removed. Under my treatment they simply vanish. You will look years younger and more charming. Don't waste a single day. Write at once, and the book will go to you in a plain, sealed wrapper. Address, i ft PRINCESS TOKIO CO. 159 N. State St., Suite 633 CHICAGO ILL wr m Kill The Hair Root My metbud is tin: uuly way to prevent the hair from growing again. Easy, painless, harmless. No Bears. Booklet free. WritO todav, enclosing 3 stamps. We teach beauty culture. D. J. MAHLER, 886-X, Mahler Park, PROVIDENCE, R. I, THE SANITARY "O.K." ERASER includes an Adjustable Metal Holder which keeps Rubber Clean, Firm and Keen-edged; works better and lasts longer. Two Rubbers, the length of the Holder, are made, one for Ink, one for Pencil. By slight pressure, clean Rubber is fed down until us Li ed. Price 15c. New Rubbers 5c each. ALL STATIONERS % By mail 2c extra. Booklets free. The most Practical Eraser for Everybody THE O.K. MFG. CO.. Syracuse. N;Y Makers of the famous Washburno "O K.1* Paper Fastenors Helping Our Heroes Thru the Red Cross {Continued from page 29) back to stay the rest of my life right there on that farm with my folks." I confessed that I had agricultural ambitions, too, and he laughingly guessed that the next time we met we would probably both be brawny farmers thrilled over the prospect of a bumper hay crop. The world loves these fighting men and a uniform is a sure passport to anything they want. They must not be forgotten when they lay aside their uniforms and are absorbed by civilian life. The Red Cross and all the organizations co-operating with it are pledged to service just as long as there is a soldier who needs them. Their care will follow the men at Hero Land when they leave this hospital for another or to return to their homes ; they, and all the country's heroes, will have the supporting friendship of these organizations until there is no longer painful. evidence of war's deprivations, but a healed nation where all men are happily engaged in work suited to their capabilities and for which they have been carefully trained. Red Head, Red Head! (Continued from page 74)) over the head with a club. You develop a large reptilian acquaintance. Snakes, alligators, tarantulas and other crawling things are sicked upon you. You are asked to do scenes with tigers and lions and wild boars. Your life becomes a constant repetition of escapes and your mind is occupied with but one thought — how will you get even with the man who wrote the scenario? Such is the life that Anne Luther gave up the features for. Did I mention that Miss Luther is a red-h — excuse us — a Titian blonde? History tells how Anne Luther as a schoolgirl was subjected to the taunts of the little boys of the neighborhood. Like all girls whose hair is of inflammable texture, she was picked on. The boys probably warned her not to go into the barn, or she would set the hay on fire. They no doubt yelled "Red head !" at her just as the boys did in Irene Franklin's song. But from a casual inspection of Miss Luther I am morally certain that they ran like the dickens after calling Anne names. For Anne is not of the sort to be trifled with and, as a rule, the uncertainty of action of a Titian blonde begins to take form at an early age. I will venture to assert that any youth of Miss Luther's school set who commented on the color of her tresses in a ribald manner was able to exhibit a discolored optic the next day. That is, unless he happened to be a budding marathoner. From all of this I do not want you to accumulate the idea that Miss Luther is a tomboy or a female Hercules. But she is a healthy athletic girl and not of the sort to be picked on. It was probably her health and spirits combined that led her to eschew the anemic feature for the red-blooded serial. A certain player, whose name we will not mention, has a wife who plays the guitar. One evening recently while in a poetic mood, she took up her instrument and, strumming a few chords, began to sing, "I'll Strike Again My Tuneful Lyre." Her husband made a dive for the door, saying, "Not if I know it, you won't !" THE RESURRECTONE TRADE /AARK REGISTERED Get Rid of that Nasal Twang on YOUR Phonograph This remarkable reproducer gives sounds their proper expression and rhythm. Its naturalness and warmth of color maltes the sound a true "resurrection" of the original. Applicable to any machine, lou'il be delighted with it. Send $10 if nickel plated, or $12.50 if gold plated, and the KESUEHECTONE will be sent postage paid. State make of instrument. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Hoffay Talking Machine Co., Dept. 206, Z H. 29th St., New York City Strengthen Your EYES! Preserve Your Most Precious Possession Tour sight is your most precious gift. Weak eyesight means weak power of observation, eye strain, eye disease, and untold inconvenience. Take no chances with your eyes — you cannot get along without them. Make them stronger every day instead of weaker. Let us send you Bernarr Macfadden's wonderful new Course in "Strengthening the Eyes." Send no money — just mail coupon. Glasses Do Not Remove the Cause of Eye Trouble Instead, the eyes come to depend on them more every day. Glasses are eye crutches! They simply bolster up the eyes — they do not strengthen them. It has been definitely proven that practically all defects of the eyes can be cured without glasses. Most people now wearing glasses can be freed from the inconvenience, and expense of constant breakages, by strengthening and correcting their vision through the simple, yet effective eye educational exercises recommended by Mr. Macfadden. Eye Defects Removed This remarkable new Course teaches you how to use your eyes without strain at all distances — how to do without glasses — how to remedy cross eyes or squint eyes — how to restore the normal sight — how to restore perfect control to eye nerves and muscles. Beneficial Results at Once No drugs, medicines or operations. The course includes a simple, yet thoroughly scientific sj'stem of eye educational exercises which strengthen the eyes exactly as the muscles of the body can be strengthened through body exercises. Results are immediate, and improvement continues daily. One woman writes: "I notice a great improvement in my eyes since learning to use them right." Another user says, "Your Eye Strengthening Course is fine. My eyes are already improving." Still another writes, "Words cannot express my great gratitude for these excellent books." (Names on request.) Send No Money Let us send you this new Course "Strengthening the Eyes" on five days' approval. There are twenty-eight simple little lessons which will show you the way to strengthen and preserve your sight — the gift of the gods! Try the exercises, then return the Course if not satisfied and you will owe nothing. If, however, you feel that the Course will help your eyes wonderfully, send only $5.00. If you value your eyes, if you wear Mail Coupon glasses and want to get rid of them, M — — m m m j£m „ if your eyes are weak or strained, 0 or if you want to insure freedom # Physical Culture from eye troubles, mail coupon # Pub. Co., Dept. 3106 now and investigate this New f 119 W. 40th St., Course "Strengthening the f New York City Eyes." Send no money # but mail coupon now, as # Gentlemen : this offer may never ap # Send me your Course pear again. t "Strengthening the Eyes," f which I will return in 5 PHYSICAL CULTURE / days or send you $5 in payPUBLISHING CO. / ment for the CourSe" t f Name » Address Dept. 3106 119 W. 40th St. New York City IfA