Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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« OT ION pICTURPw MAGAZINE "J The Greatest Living Authority Says: You Can Learn K. I. Shorthand in 5 Evenings! fa w Here is an authority conversant with every noteworthyshorthand system in existence — a man whose long and honorable record puts his word above impeachment. He says you can learn K. I. Shorthand in five evenings. He says that, knowing better than any other man that old-fashioned stenography could not possibly be mastered in anything like that period. But he knows, too, that K. I. Shorthand is incomparably different — a simpler, easier system, designed so you can learn it as easily as we say. We give you a positive guarantee that you can learn or no cost to you. Why put in months of grinding study at some difficult old-fashioned system? Save time! Save money! Learn K. I. Shorthand, the new, easy as A-B-C method of speed-writing and prepare yourself for a position in weeks as compared to months by the old systems. Send for free lessons — also convincing proof that this is the simplest, most practical, lowest-cost course in stenography by personal correspondence instruction! The Only Living Pupil of Sir Isaac Pitman The most eminent living authority upon stenography in the whole world is Walter Norton, B. A., F. R. G. S. He is a graduate pupil of Sir Isaac Pitman ; earned the title of "First Queen Prizeman" for scholarship ; for nearly thirty-three years was stenographic reporter in the British House of Parliament and High Courts of Justice and Assemblies of Australia and New Zealand , thereafter acted chiefly as supervisor of tuition in and lecturer upon stenography, having given over 10,000 demonstrations in colleges and schools. Inventor of touch and blind-finger typewriting methods. A vigorous man of eighty-two, whose indorsement of K. I. Shorthand should convince you it is the ideal system for you. For Ambitious Men and Women in all Occupations Read what Walter Norton says about J£ J* Shorthand Upon a careful examination of K. I. Shorthand System, I am convinced that any intelligent person, even a child that can read and write, should learn the course within Ave hours — or better say within ten fairly separated half-hours. Then speed is to be attained by practice, which in K. I. Shorthand should be very easy because there is probably not one-twentieth of the mental friction required in this system that is needed in acquiring similar speed capability by other systems. The practical difference between K. I. Shorthand and older systems is, that by the complicated methods, a speed is attainable which enables the high-tensioned expert to take court testimony or a rapidly spoken speech as fast as an excited person sometimes talks, while K. I. Shorthand is adapted to the ordinary requirements of the professions, or of business, or of one's personal life and Is amply sufficient for either the stenographer to any careful thinking man, or for that man himself. And K. I. Shorthand should be a delightful pastime study. The principles and simplicity and practicability of K. I. Shorthand constitute its greatest value and charm. I believe it is the coming popular speed-writing system of the world. This endorsement is given by me voluntarily and gladly in this, my eighty-second year, after sixty years , of experience, and I consider that I am doing a great and lasting benefit in adding my words to those of other experts who have found the K. I. Shorthand System, worthy of their conscientiously given endorsements. For the good of all, "Ml gJU-Vl^ /Icnrfovi**' If you are ambitious, if you want to get ahead at once and advance yourself rapidly, there is no better road open to you than K. I. Shorthand. You can learn this marvelous system of stenography in five evenings during spare time, quickly gain speed and qualify for a position as a stenographer or secretary in weeks as compared to months by any of the old-fashioned systems. Enjoy higher salary, better conditions, unexcelled opportunities for advancement, interesting, congenial and refined work. K. I. Shorthand is for MEN AND WOMEN of all ages and occupations. Constantly it is depended upon for making important memoranda, taking messages verbatim, jotting down business-getting ideas, etc. — by business executives, industrial engineers, salesmen, advertising men, writers, lawyers, teachers, farmers and numerous others. It gives stenographers a great advantage over those using other systems, since K. I. Shorthand is written without strain and read as easily as long-hand. It is so legible that employers prefer K. I. Shorthand writers because their notes can be transcribed with absolute reliability. It dispenses with all rules of light and heavy shadings, special positions on, above or below the line, and eliminates thousands of memory-burdening word signs — all of which makes old-fashioned stenography hard to learn. Many who could not grasp the old systems are today expert practical writers of K. I. Shorthand — which proves its simplicity and learn-ability. It Is used in Government Civil Service positions, in courts, _ in Army and Navy, and in public and private business institutions — which proves its capacity to meet every demand of every-day service. Pr»cfc a TViflo Wh' not try and ac<}uh'e v^usta <X 1I11IC this valuable accomplishment? Learn at home at convenient odd moments. The lessons are quickly learned, easily remembered. You will receive all the help needed to make you proficient in stenography without taking an hour more than necessary. Cost cannot stand In the way. You can learn K. I. Shorthand at the merest fraction of the usual charge for a course in stenography. When your proficiency is established, wa give you a certificate attesting that fact. You will consider this the biggest little investment you ever made, regardless whether you learn K. I. Shorthand in order to earn money by stenography, or to increase your personal efficiency. Mail the Coupon Go ahead! I am getting it in K. 1. Shorthand" 2 FREE LESSONS K. I. Shorthand is not merely a text book, but a complete correspondence course of tuition. We award you a certificate of Proficiency when merited. Send at once for the free lessons. You assume no obligation. Then, should you wish to master the full course, we will send it to you on thirty davs' approval. Learn at our risk. We give you a positive guarantee that if you do not learn you won't be out a penny. Mail the coupon or write to the nearer office, mentioning "Motion Picture Magazine." Address "Taikat/astaiyouiae. ytXTr" IMOTITITTT 154 E.32ndSt.,EL-181,NewYork,N.Y. lTifm3or%l7'in JVlINU UNO 1 1 1 U 1 L or8S.WabashAv.,EL-181,Chicago,HL KING INSTITUTE 154 E. 32d St.. New York, N. Y.. or 8 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Please send me the first two lessons in K. I. Shorthand. FREE, also full information. Name Address EL-1S1 113 pas