Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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WR^SIS^ ~iiow can I succeed as a scenario wiifeif KATE C0RBAU3Y No need to tell you about the famine in photoplays— the top prices ($100 to $1000) producers are paying for acceptable plots — and how eager they are to encourage Palmertrained writers. "That's all right in its way," you say, "but what I want to know is this : How will the Palmer Plan help me? What has it done for others like me?" A natural question — and an ample answer ! The Palmer Plan is really helping men and women to put their "movie" ideas into actual, cashable form — as witness these typical examples : From an obscure clerical position to Assistant Managing Editor of one of the largest film companies at a salary beyond his dreams — this is what Vernon Hoagland has accomplished through the Palmer Plan. He says : "Words cannot express my gratitude at the benefits I have received through the Palmer Photoplay Institute. It offers the greatest possible assistance to the struggling scenario writer." Then — there's Mrs. Kate Corbaley, another of our members, who averages more than $200 monthly through the sale of photoplay plots. Mrs. Corbaley is the woman who won the $1000 scenario prize offered by "Triangle." She is a busy housewife, with four children to look after, and yet she manages to turn her spare time "movie" ideas into money. So why can't you ? And here's still another instance — but we'll let Maurice Salzman tell the story in his own words: "Shortly after enrolling as a student of your institution I wrote a story and continuity that met with approval. This story was immediately produced. The reception given the finished film was sufficient to assure me that your Plan of photoplay instruction — together with your Personal Advisory Service — will produce the desired result." Remember — no scenario institution in the country is equipped to give you the firsthand instruction, the personal "coaching" you get through our Personal Advisory Service Bureau. For this Department is' under the personal direction of Frederick Palmer — a recognized master of photoplay construction — the man who in 9 months wrote 52 scenarios for "Universal." . . And all this, mind you, is only one of the practical advantages brought home to you by the Palmer Plan of — the only plan of photoplay instruction that has received the indorsement and recognition of the motion picture industry. The Palmer Plan is NOT a mere book that gives you a few "hints" on photoplay writing and then leaves you In the lurch; nor is it a "scenario school" nor a tedious correspondence course. It is a definite, clean-cut plan that shows you how to develop your "movie" plots into actual, usable photoplay material. Today— send for your copy of our new illustrated booklet. The Secret of Successful Photoplay Writing " Explains the Palmer Plan in detail— tells about our ironclad, money-back Guarantee — shows the benefits of our Personal Advisory Service and Manuscript Sales Department—shows how you, too, can learn to turn your movie" ideas into money. Send for your cony today — it's free! Mail the couDon NOW! Palmer Photoplay Corp. 736 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Please send me, without obligation, your new booklet, "The Secret of Successful Photoplay Writing." Also, Special Supplement containing autographed letters from the leading producers, stars, directors, etc. Name St. and No. City and State. " V AT summer camp or town house, whether the water is hard or soft, careful girls agree that the most easily used and effective hair cleanser is — ■ CANTHHOX SHAMPOO which gives such massy fluffiness that the hair appears much heavier than it really is, while each strand is left with a silky brightness and softness that makes doing up the hair a pleasure. It is so easy to use and so effective that it has been for years the favorite of all who want to bring out the natural beauty of their hair. Canthrox, the hair beautifying shampoo, rapidly softens and entirely removes all dandruff, excess oil and dirt. For Sale at All Druggists' It costs about three (3) cents a shampoo. No good hair wash costs less ; none is more easily used. A few minutes is all that is needed for your complete shampoo. Free Trial Offer — To show the merits of Canthrox and to prove that it is in all ways the most effective hair wash, we send one perfect shampoo free to any address upon receipt of three cents for postage. H. S. PETERSON & CO., Dept. 299, 214 W. Kinzie St., Chicago, III. TOOI IR RF APlFR^ ^-ke Motion Picture Magazine guarantees the reliability and integ\J*JM\. n\.I-ar\I-/ M-tI\.>J rity of its advertisers. However, should there be any misrepresentation whatever, notify us promptly and either the advertiser or ourselves will refund your money. M. P. PUBLISHING COMPANY 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. EMM Terms as low as $5.00 down— $2.30 per month. Mandolin, Guitar, Tenor Banjo or Guitar Banjo sent on approval. Liberal allowance on old instruments in exchange for the "Gibson." The wonderful new Gibson violin construction has set the whole JVIandolm and Guitar world talking. Get our new FREE BOOK— 112 pages— 111 illustrations, a valuable fund of information for player and teacher. Also FREE treatise on "How to Practice." X Exclusive Features That Make Every Gibson Matchless: Stradivarius arching — scientific graduation from thickness at \ center to thinness at rim, securing strength — sensitiveness \ —free vibration of entire sounding board. Tilted neck, high bridge with extension string holder, securing increased string pressure that vibrates a larger sounding board, producing a bigness of tone never before realized. Reinforced, non warpable neck — elevated guard plate or finger rest — easy action — adjustable string-bearing at bridge overcoming sharping of heavier strings in upper positions. Make$1800to$5000orMoreaYear l •■Bretyone A 'Cibaon'-ite'* The Aeolian The Hazard Malidolin Quartet Quartet GIBSON TENOR BANJOS Most popular member of banjo family. Powerful, sweet tone, lively, "banjoistic" but musi cal; obtained by exclusive Gib aon features. Great for dance playing or home. Play from any piano score - melody or chords— "straight" or "jazz Companion instrument: Gibson Guitar Banjo -— fingerboard, stringing and tuning same as guitar. TEACHING AND SELLING THE GIBSON GIBSON MANDOLINGUITAR CO., 427 Parsons St., Become a teacher. Splendid opportunities for either sex in every locality # m-,iI*T m--u n'o * for private and class instruction and the sale of Gibsons. Gibson instru ■ Raiamazoo, m icn., u. 5». a, ments have "made" many a teacher professionally and fi: have a permanent teaching and business opportunity n> either sex. Other positions pending. WRITE PROMPTLY open for § pending. WRITE PKOMr"A'LY. A. C. * nlof ■ r»«*«»„~ "*-_"*^«.#,*«„, Brockmeyer. St. Louis, Mo.. Teacher and Director, writes: "Will do f f,Le*fnw„Icif "„ rh^t-Vhiw™* ,.,« nnn £ _* = ,fc,„_ j;j 17 nnft e_ 1Qlfl >> fr & T«««i*™»n W also information about theWm. :ially. Wei for A. C. Gentlemen; Without obligation, send me free book com $10,000 business in 1917; did $7,000 in 1916." C A. Templeman, T>i"rtV" teacher, Sioux City, la., writes: "$4,500 gross business for the I I}™?11 Vftia±°fcenn year" Wm. Place. Jr., America's Greatest Mandolin Virtuoso. Star I checked.If teacher check here Q ' fn» Uirtni Tallrinor Mnohlno r.n. I IMftl i Al IF! ETYI V FFJnnQ. * Soloist for Victor Talking Machine Co., UNQUALIFIEDLY ENDOR ! SES THE GIBSON. # DO BUSINESS ON OUR CAPITAL. / Stock fur-' Name Become our agent. We help sell. Territory protected. nished. We pay the advertising. You make the profit. You pay f for goods when sold; return goods not sold. Try our "Still Hunt." » FREE to those interested, our new $1.00 book "The Organiza • tion, Direction and Maintenance of the Mandolin Orchestra," f by America's most successful director, Wm. Place, Jr. Write * now for Catalog, treatise ' ' How to Practice . Psychologically Ex # Address plained, ' ' all free. Don't wait: ACT NOW. Fill in the coupon. j GIBSON MANDOLIN-GUITAR CO., 427 Parsons St., Kalamazoo, Mich., U. S. A. , menl3ur< [ ]Mandolin. [] Mando-basa. [ ] Mandola. [ ] Guitar. []Mando-cello. []Harp Guitar. []Tenor Banjo. []Guitar Banjo you have checked instru* 9* PA6 !