Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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[Cj%fc? ZTSfoswer* 'J&fioiTi Lottie D. T. — And yon, too, where have you been? As per the above, Olga is still 17. It gives me a thrill of joy to hear from my old friends like you and Olga. Lois Wilson was Warren Kerrigan's leading woman in "Come Again, Smith." Marjorie Daw in "Arizona." Pray let me hear from you again. Wandering Gloogoos. — Rejected, and wondering! Pretty tough. You remember the old saying, hasty marriages usually begin with a march and end with the divorce courts. Prenez garde! Wonder what has become of Mary Fuller? Give it up, but I hear she got rich in Wall Street and retired. John Bowers opposite Mabel Normand in "Sis Hopkins." Clifford Bruce in "Woman, Woman." Crawford Kent in "Inn of the Blue Moon." Cant give you the cast for "Undine" here. Curtain, please. The Key. — I'm sorry and all that, but you no doubt refer to Winnifred Allen in "Sapho." She also played in "The Long Trail." The Fame and Fortune Contest will close July 1, and the winner will be announced some time later. Sis P. — Well, perhaps he pulls with the press — that's fame. Shame on you ! Dont you know that Lake Superior is the largest body of fresh water in the world? I knew that 70 years ago. Lila is no relation to Jane. Langhalot. — Send 25c here for that picture. Address all the players in care of their company. Always at your service. Our office-boy says service means doing what the boss wants before he has time to ask why you haven't. Alias Norma. — Nazimova's latest is "The Red Lantern," (Metro). Blanche Bates in "The Border Legion," released thru Metro ; Hobart Bosworth opposite her. Write our Circulation Department here. Ike N. Fixit. — Who said I was broke? You say you have just been told that I am 79, wear a long beard and drink buttermilk. Your informant was an unusually intelligent and well-informed man. Fritz Leiber was Caesar, Albert Roscoe was Pharon, Thurston Hall was Anthony and Art Acord was Kephren in "Cleopatra." Go ahead, and let me see it. Bluebird. — But when a wish has been gratified, other wishes crowd in to take its place. We are never done wishing and hoping. Ethel Clayton was married to the late Joseph Kaufman. So you think I am an everlasting flower. Oou la, la ! Like a flower, I'm always in bed early and close my petals about 10 p. m. Le Marchant Road. — Bolsheviki in Russian means majority. It was first used in Russian in 1903. Thanks for the compliment. Shirley Mason and Robert Warwick in "Secret Service." No, no, my dear ; you have it all wrong. It's not the man, but the "Girl Who Stayed at Home," (Griffith). Men never stay home. Irish. — Why dont you get The Classic? Deliver me, I do not wear tortoise-shell glasses, said he, peevishly. You think I "pull down thirty bones a week." I dont get you, nor do I get the thirty. Juanita Hansen is to play opposite Tom Mix for Fox. Harold Lockwood's last picture was "A Man of Honor," (Metro). Poor, dear Harold. Irene E. D. — Again thanks. Yes, but men flatter because they know women are strong believers in reciprocity. Stuart Holmes was the captain in "East Lynne." Hazel Daly in "Brown of Harvard." Ormi Hawley is playing. D. I. T. — Yes, indeed, I remember Warren Kerrigan and Pauline Bush. Them was the good old days ! Bertram Grassby in "Hoop-La." Mignon Anderson was with Metro last and Marguerite Courtot is still playing. I. No U. — I really cant say whether Walter Edwards ever was in a Pittsburgh stock company. The Lubin plant is closed. Josephine D. — Glad you liked the pictures. Lotus Dieted. — The growing evil has not caused me to philosophize on drinks for women. Wonder what the temperance lecturers will lecture about after the first? And how about all the drink plays? You write a clever letter, and I really dont know what to prescribe for laziness. Helen M. P.— Thanks for the thrift stamp. But a woman is not necessarily in love with a man because she is jealous of him. "Love levels all ranks," sings the poet — same way with a slippery sidewalk or a banana peel. C. Ray. — Yes, William Desmond is married to Mary Mclvor, his former leading woman. Well, you see it's this way: just before pay-day, when the ghost walks, I usually lose about lO pounds, so my weight fluctuates. _ John Collins was Viola Dana's husband. Write again, Ray. Kute Kewpie Kid. — Thanks for sending me the pressed flowers from New Zealand. Nice bit of sentiment which I much appreciate. Reminds me of sweetheart days. No, I use a typewriter. Touch system, too. Some system! And that's the only kind of touching I do. You see, it's this way: calves' brains one day and ox-tail soup the next, and I usually make both ends meet. Mrs. F. G. L. — Guess you are right. Arthur Johnson and Florence Lawrence were a splendid team. The former is dead and the latter retired. Nazimova Fan. — Well, when I went thru Vassar College — one afternoon with a friend of mine — I learnt that peroxide of hydrogen was first discovered by a chemist, (Thenard), in the year 1818. It is chiefly used as an antiseptic and germicide, and helpful for artists to renovate old paintings. (Now, dont imagine from this that I am a woman!) Natalie Talmadge isn't in pictures. Thank you. Annabella. — Full name hereafter, please. Send for a list of manufacturers. The players usually stop at the various hotels when they come to New York — the Astor, Knickerbocker, Claridge, Plaza, Commodore, Biltmore, Pennsylvania, Waldorf, etc. The Commodore is the last word in hotels, but the Pennsylvania is the largest in the world, I am told. Miss Chu Chin Chow. — Glad to hear from you, and thanks for the snap. Your looks belie your name. June Caprice and Creighton Hale are playing in "Oh, Boy," produced by Capellani, released thru Pathe. Kitty Gordon can be reached at the United Pictures, 1600 Broadway, New York City. Movie Fan. — Owen Moore is back in pictures. Naomi Childers is playing opposite Hale Hamilton in "After His Own Heart." Billie Rhodes in "The Lamb and the Lion," (National). Mae Murray is married to Robert Leonard. No joshing. She expects to go on the stage. Makes no difference whether you're married or not, write to me. K. H. L. — Yours in defense of Alice Brady was good and wish we could publish it. But she needs no defense. Neither of the Gish girls are married, and I dont know whv. The pictures will stay forever. Why not? The Parson's Son. — May Allison was born in the South. So you have to pay 36c for our magazines in New Zealand. But aren't they worth it? Better move to New York. Maude 180.— Belle Bennett in "A Soul in Trust." Surely you dont expect me to send you one of my photos. Begone ! Kangaroo. — Oh my, yes ; we have about 15,000 readers in Australia. Movie Lover. — Daniel DeFoe, the great English writer, died a poor man at 70. That's something I wont do, die at 70, but I'm sure of the other. Theda Bara did not play in "Cabiria." Anita Stewart in "A Million Bid." Yes, write Harry Morey. He's very nice that way, likes all his friends. Lonely Yankee Girl. — Famous Players-Lasky have formed an arrangement with the International Film Service to release all Cosmopolitan productions. Yes, Hearst. Dustin Farnum is with United. Oh yes, I am sympathetic. June is the month of matrimony, also bugs. Mary L. — Sorry, but I dont know the name of the cemetery that Harold Lockwood was buried in. Eddie. — Two dimes and a nickel make 25 cents, and that is equal to a shilling, or in East Side slang, two bits. (Continued on page 92) _, \