Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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The Hanima den to Lily-White Hands BEAUTIFUL HANDS are the first thing observed in a woman. If they are well kept, soft and white, they indicate Purity, Neatness, Charm and Beauty Use LILA, and make your hands beautiful, white, velvety TODAY. The effect of LILA is marvelous and instantaneous. LILA is the preparation for beautifying and whitening the Hands, Arms and Neck. No manicure complete without LILA for the entire hand. 50c. Sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Made only by LASHBROW LABORATORIES COMPANY Preston Place, St Louis, Mo. {Makers of genuine LASHBRO W) L E A It IN Movie Acting! A fascinating profession that pays big. Would you like to know if you are adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour TalentTester or Key to Movie Acting Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. A novel, instructive and valuable work. Send clime or stamps today. A large, interesting, illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREE! FILM INFORMATION BUREAU.Sta. W., Jackson, Mich. GET WELL-BE YOUNG-GROW TALL discovery \s the most Important health invention of the century It remakes and rejuvenates the Human Body. It produces normal spines It frees impinged and irritated nerves, corrects contracted muscles, shortened ligaments, eliminates congestion, Improves circulation and drainage of the body. It will increase the body's length. THE PANDICULATOR CO., 1516 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, O Print Yolir °wn cards, circulars, labels, tags, menus book, paper. Press $6. Larger $20. Job Press $85 up. CUTS EXPENSES IN HALF. " SMALL OUTLAY. Pays for itself in short time. Will last for years. Easy to use, printed rules sent. Print for others, BIG PROFIT. Write factory TODAY for press catalog, TYPE, cards, paper.envelopes. THE PRESS CO,, 0-44, Meriden, Conn. ^FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of 'Irf feeling ashamed of your freckles, as ■'/. Othine — double strength— is guaranteed / to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounco of % OTHINE — double strength — from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce 13 needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine, as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. The Hour Is at Hand — (Continued from page S3) arms ... a way she has which seems to signify the embracing of the world she is so eager of . . . "I feel that I am ready," she went on, in her voice which has a deep, peculiar, and very rich resonance; "I've had the long experience in western stock, in vaudeville, in the pictures. I've had the hard knocks, the disappointments, the waitings. It isn't just a question of working now. If it were only that, I might be working all the time — but now I want the Big Thing— the One Thing. I feel that the time has come for me to choose. "It is an odd thing, but before I was born my mother wanted me, if I were a girl, to be an actress. She held that thought. She spent a great deal of her time reading the lives of great actresses, the careers of Duse, of Bernhardt, the annals of histrionic art of every country. It was her wish for me. It is in my very veins. It is the thing I was born for. The thing that has grown with my growth. It is essentially me. There is no other possibility for me, no other aim. It isn't, it couldn't be called what I live for, it's just a part of my life." A little wistfulness tempered the glow of her faith; "oh, I hope it comes!" she said, more softly. . . . "By my own efforts," is her slogan, "I'm going to get there — by my own efforts!" And, "The thing I am proudest of," she affirms, "is my character. I've been able to keep that, to make it, I've been able to hold my head high." When will this young star rise? What is holding her back? She has gifts in her hands, in her heart. She has been compared, favorably, to the tragedy of Nazimova. Gifts to give . . where are the given-tot. When will her hour strike ? From Typing to Terpsichore • (Continued from page 64) "Yes, of course the dancing," she responded, "but I wasn't thinking of that. The four dances in it are all symbolical and all original, and they are very difficult, but I was thinking of the strenuous part of the picture — where I had to fight the strange white man who came upon the island. It was a real fight, too !" she assured me, and pushed back her sleeve to show a jagged scar running from wrist to elbow. "That was made with a stone knife," she went on, calmly. "There are other scars that — well, that — I cant show you — and they were all made in that one scene. We didn't have any rehearsal, the director gave us our business and the camera-man our footage, and we went to it. I told my leading man, Jay Morley, he'd have to use all his strength to defend himself when I rushed at him — and he sure had to !" "And the other exercise?" I asked. "Cooking," she replied, promptly. "We made the most of the picture on 'location,' and we were miles from anywhere, so we had a cook along to get the meals But he wasn't a success, so I said I'd cook for the bunch — and I did." "And do you ever intend to go back to dancing?" I inquired. "Certainly," she smiled back. "I went into it on an impulse and into pictures the same way, but there's one thing I am very positive about, and that is, I'll never go "back " "To Spain?" I put in. "No — to typing," answered Doraldina. IAMOND* . VVATCHE5 W onGPEDIT SEND FOR FREE CATALOG There are over 2000 illustrationsjof Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, etc. Whatever you select will be sent, all shipping charges prepaid. You see and examine the article right in your own hands. If satisfied, pay one-fifth of purchase price and keep it; balance divided into eight equal amounts, payable monthly. LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED Watches Our Catalog illustrates and describes all standard world-renowned Watches — solid gold and gold filled cases, Splendid bargains in 25year guaranteedWatches on credit terms as low as $2.50 a Month Special Bargains Diamond La Val lieres • $10 up t,oftis7-Diamond Solitaire Cluster Scarf Pins$75 up Diamond-Set Birth Month Rings • 8 op Diamond Brooches 7 up Diamond Ear Screws 25 up Diamond Studs lO up Diamond Cuff Links 5 up Wrist Watches 20 up Watches, Gold Filled 15 up EEN IN BUSINESS OVER 60 YEARS The National Credit Jewelers Oeptt B 615 108 N. State St. ■ BRos&co.;rs3 Diamond Rings Beautiful Genuine Diamond Rings, any style 14-K solid gold mounting, wonderful valuesat$25t $50, $75, S100 and up. EASY CREDIT TERMS I0FTIS CHICAGO, ILL. STORES IN LEADING CITIES TU YOU 5K STORY IDEAS INTO MONEY YOU can learn at home to develop your story Ideas into salable short stories and photoplays. Jack London said so. He and other great writers have endorsed our home study course. Personal instructiou. Manuscripts edited and sold. WrltB TOr Pr66 BOOK details of oil™ Limited Introductory Offer. Don't lose this opportunity. Write today. Hoosier Institute, S. S. Oept. I54Y, Ft. Wayne, Ind. MUSIC TAUGHT FREE IN YOUR OWN HOME «• ±L m ^S m H oo cam KtaA ttUui* Wtetti* quitMj?. Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced players. One lesson weekly. Illustrations make everything plain. Only expense about 2c per day to cover cost of postage and music used. Write for Free booklet which explains everything in full. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC. 69 Lakeside Bldg.. CHICAGO ^POPULARITY "FOLLOWS THEft If yon play quaint, dreamy Hawaiian music or latest songs on the Ukulele you will be wanted everywhere. We teach by mail 20 simple lessons; grive you free a genuine Hawaiian Uku« lele, music, everything— no extras. Ask as to send the story of Hawaiian music. You will love it. No obligation-absolutely free. The Hawaiian Institute of Music f 400 Broadway, Suite 607. New York Write the Words for a Song'! Write the words for a song. We revise song-poems, compose music for them, and guarantee to secure publication on a royalty basis by a New York music publisher. Our Lyric Editor and Chief Composer is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Mail your song-poem on love, peace, victory or any other subject to us today. Poems submitted are examined free. BROADWAY COMPOSING STUDIOS 105F Fitzgerald Building Broadway at Times Sq. NEW YORK, N.Y. Kill The Hair Root My method is the only way to prevent the hair from growing again. Easy, painless, harmless. No scars. Booklet free. Write today, enclosing 3 stamps. We teach beauty culture. D.J. MAHLER, 887-X, Mahler Park, PROVIDENCE. R. I. 100 lAfifi