Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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(JBMrafiEHG i <Zf£e STER7L/TED PtfWDER PUFF finest, Qua/tit/ Lamb'sWopI Six ' Popular Sixes •I0«.l5«.20*25',.35e.50« At All Best Dealers' ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET showing i the making oFHYGIENOL, POWDER PUFFS Sent on request! fWURl.CET.EVY. I5W.JB "Street . New York GtH U3TFa TWTK, — LAMBS FACf In CJftCLf— On AO HYCNSNOL E-WopM Fashion says the use of is necessary so lon& as sleeveless feowns and sheer fabrics for sleeves are worn. It assists freedom of movement, unhampered ferace, modest elegance and correct style. That is why "they all use Delatone** Delatone is an old and well known scientific preparation for the quick, safe and certain removal of hairy growths, no matter how thick or stubborn. After application the skin is clear, firm and hairless, with no pain or discoloration. Beauty specialists recommend Delatone for removal of objectionable hair from face, neck or arms. Druggists soil Delatone; or an original 1 oz. jar will be mailed to any address on receipt of SI by The Sheffield pharmacal Co. Dept. HX, 339 S.Wabash Ave., Chicago. 111. <3a HOTEL BINGHAMPhiladelphia IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING targe well lighted and comfortable rooms. Hot and cold running water in every room. Only hotel having direct Subway and Elevated connection with all railroad stations, ferries and department stores. Koof Garden. Club Breakfast. Special Luncheons. Rooms without bath, $1.50; with bath, $2.00 up. FRANK KIMBLE, Manager. Rest assured t-M ^^***~^^^^SINCEI88I ^1 Pajamas and Night Shirts 'The NIGHTwear of a Nation! " Exceeds Expectations 'at 11,886 dealers E.Rosenteld&Co. baito e-newkibr Q The Real Pearl White (Continued from page 34) the Liberty Loan Drives and the War Work Campaign, Miss White risked her life many times to do stunts to help out the cause. She rode down Fifth Avenue on an elephant in several parades and even invaded the sacred precincts of the Union League Club during this drive._ It is a tradition of this historical organization that no woman shall ever enter their club house. Pearl climbed in thru a window one day and shocked all of the oldest members, while the younger members, and finally the old-timers, too, pinned five and ten dollar bills on her uniform to the amount of $500. Then, literally clothed in money, she was taken back to the Lambs by the members of this organization whom she was assisting, and altho this is another "No Women" Club, the members were compelled to take the star inside to remove the bills from her clothing. • Her personal popularity often brings requests which many stars would either ignore or gracefully sidestep. Recently the American Cadets, an organization of boys similar to the Boy Scouts, elected her their honorary president. They ask Miss White frequently to address one of their meetings in some out-of-the-way spot in Brooklyn or the Bronx, and she always cancels any social engagement she may have to oblige the boys. I do not know of any other Queen of the Screen who would do this. There is one sure-fire method of ascertaining the sort of person a star is. I have always found that the real acid test is the opinion of the roughnecks around the studio, the mechanics and stage hands. So one day I sought out the toughestlooking bird I could find in the gang at the Pathe Studio where Miss White makes her serials. "Joe," I said, "what kind of a girl is Miss White, anyway? Is she regular?" Joe shifted his wad of Battle Axe and looked pugnacious. "What do you mean?" he said. "Has anybody been knockin' Pearl round here? Because if they have, there's a gang of guys in this studio would take pleasure in knockin' his block off. All of us here are strong for Pearl. She's the best little girl in pictures, and we would all go to hell for her." I hastened to agree. Such is the real Pearl White, and I wish to assure her, as well as the readers of this article, that this is the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me George Washington. Earle Williams enjoys telling this story. It seemed that when Rastus and Sam died they took different routes ; so when the latter got to Heaven, he called Rastus on the phone. "Rastus," he said, "how yo' like it down thar?" "Oh, boy! Dis here am some place," replied Rastus. "All we has ter do is to wear a red suit wid horns, an' ebery now an' den shovel some coal on de fire. We dont work no more dan two hours out ob de twenty-four down here. But tell me, Sam, how is it with you up yander?" "Mali goodness ! We has to git up at fo' in de marnin' an' gathar in de stars ; den we has to haul in de moon and hang out de sun. Den we has ter roll de clouds aroun' all day long." "But Sam, how come it y' has to work so hard?" "Well, to tell de truf, Rastus, we's kin' o' short on help up here." Wde^wnCatwel Fishing and Canoeing — fine sport especially when the canoe is an "Old Town." Canoeing gives you the kind of healthy, vigorous alertness that our soldiersused to outdoor life— showed in war. "Old Towns" are sturdy, speedy, buoyant, trim -lined and entirely safe. Send for catalog. ^^ OLD TOWN CANOE CO.Jp£? 807 Fourth St. Old Town, Maine ^P\ """ 2S YEARS THE STAHDARD TRAIN/NO SCHOOL FOR THEATRE ARTS ALVTE1VE SCHOOL DRAMAfffe ARTS FOUR SCHOOLS INOrCPRACTlCALSTAGE TRAINING. THE SCHOOL'S STUDENT'S 5TOCK«"°' -THEATRE AfFORD PUBLIC STAGE APPEARANCES Write for catalog mentioning study desired to Secretary ALVIENE SCHOOLS, Suite 3 22S West 57th Street, New York City faWeek] \! Send no i\ ">, Money Don't buy an ordinary bicycle. Get the Black Beauty —factory direct; wholesale price. Magnificent wheel. Strongest, raciest in all J cycledom. 5-yr. Buar. 18 EXCLUSIVE FEATURES! See the wheel before paying a cent. Get our Catalog; select your model. 20 styles. We ship at our own risk. Keep or return. No waiting to save up. Months to pay — small amount on acceptance, then $1 a week. S._J_-«. Get our factory] undries prices first Lowest in the country. Tires* lamps, horns, etc. Everything for * cyclists. Free Sundries Catalog'. ERFORDCYCLECO. ept. M 63, Philadelphia Shlp'd on Approval Freight Prepaid Beautiful New CatalOQ in colors miiiiminHuiiunimiiiHuummurg HALT/ Bepreparedforthe responsibilities of Married Life. Know how to meet the problems of Sex that confront you — secure happiness and permanent love, insuring perfect, healthy children. This is only possible by reading Dr. E. B. Lowry's books "Himself" and "Herself." Everybody should have them. Himself — Tallis ic i th lllldcll men a b o u t selves. Things women themselves. Things men should know before mar should know before marriage; things mothers riage; things fa titers should tell their daughters; should tell their sons; medical knowledge a wife medical knowledge a husshould have. band should have. Either book, illustrated, postpaid $1.10, in plain wrapper. Send us your order today and ask for descriptive matter of other books and free catalog of wonderful bargain offers on magazines. WELLER SERVICE, Dept. K., BINGHAMTON, N. Y BBS Herself" Qjnzzzzxnxz sxmx th i iii 1 1| Ty I "Finer Than a Diamond i 1 R. H. G. of Carlisle Pa., writes: "I like my Lachnitering better every time I look at it. 1 think it ia finer than a genuine diamond. " ShAfifl 1\Ia IVf nn«*v Just send your name and finger OCIIU 1W ITlUllC^ sizei we.)i aenda Lachnite ring. Bet In solid gold, prepaid, to your home; when it cornea deposit $4.75 with the postman, and wearthe ringr 10 full days. If you, or any of your friends can tell it from a diamond, send it back. If you return the ring In ten days we will return your deposit. If you decide to keep it, send $2. 50 a month until $1S. 75 is paid. Writ P TndflV Send your name now. Tell oa which J Jt . uu™y of the solid gold rings you wiHh [ladies or men's]. Be sure to send your finger size. HaroldLacfaman Co., 12 N. Michigan Av., Dept. B154, Quago J 102