Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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ON piCTURF AGAZINE L ;ffl|l^||KlHM|t^l^llllllftlimailHI^IM Exquisite Daintiness is necessary to every woman who wears the georgette and organdie blouses or the sleeve dancing frocks decreed by Fashion. She must remove the hair from her arm-pits to be modest or well groomed. X-Bazin provides the simple, comfortable, womanly way of eliminating hair from the lip, arms or armpits, in five minutes — just as soap and water dissolve and remove soot, leaving the skin smooth, soft and white. 50c and $1 .00 at drug and department stores, or we will mail it direct on receipt of price in U. S. A. HALL & RUCKEL, Inc. 219 Washington Street New York "SfiftSIf ICTft FarSfus French wii.i;,'ii'-'ilh ^■b-A^--t\^,\it-»;A&?)X^-Km-m\\\mKmi:«-\ ti ■■■Willi DIAMONDS Costs You Nothing Send for our FREE 80 page Catalog No. 37B. Contains over 2,000 unusual Bargains in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. Anything you want will be sent for your Free Examination You pav nothing in advance —Not One Cent until after you see the article. If not entirely satisfied, return at our expense. Only after you are convinced LYON values cannot he duplicated elsewhere, do you pay on Terms as Low as $2 Monthly You do not miss the money. You pay at the late of only a few cents a day You invest into something: worth while. There is no ' 'red tape" or annoyance to you in buying; Lyon Blue-White Diamonds See the BARGAIN CLUSTERS shown. They are perfectly matched and blue-white. Only the BESTprrade is handled by the "House of Lyon . ' ' These values cannot be duplicated elsewhere for the same money. Thousands of persons who wear our Diamonds are pleased because of our UNUSUAL VALUES. S% Yearly Dividend Offer A BindingGuarantee is furnished with every diamond. You are protected for the value and quality. You are guaranteed 8% yearly increase on all exchangees. You can also earn a5S BONUS. This is explained in our 80 Page Bargain Catalog Send for it TODAY, before you forget. IT'S FREE. Let us help you build a solid foundation for the future. Write NOW to Dept. S7B. J.M.LY0NxCo.,S%r K Business for over 75 Years Free Book Containing complete Btory of the origin and history of that wonderful instrument—the Easy to Play Easy to Pay SUPERFLUOUS HAIR; LETEJECTHAIRdestroyyoursFOREVER. NO PAIN, NO HARM, cannot fail. Cheapest and only guaranteed Treatment of its kind. Different to others which only remove the hair over-nieht. Send 15c for a sample. MANAGERESS, 997 Goff Ave., St. Paul, Minn. LATEST SONG HITS Get the latest song hits now being sung on Broadway. Send for our bulletin No. 4 giving latest songs published by Leading New York Song Publishers. By ordering from our bulletins you get the latest songs weeks before they are sung or sold in your town. And at Lower Prices Simply send us your name and address and we will mail bulletin. Mercury Music Co., 145 West 45th St., New York City SAXOPHONE This book tells you when to use Saxophone — singly, in quartettes, in sextettes, or in regular band; how to transpose from orchestral parts and many other things you would like to know. . You can learn to play the scale Sn one hour'i practice, and soon be playing popular airs. Yc _ can double your income, your pleasure, and your popularity. Easy to pay by our easy payment plan. MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT' Send for free Saxophone book and catalog of TrueTone Band Instruments. E2IHT^f*UFI} BAND INSTRUMENT CO. »w b0VllEin 2G7 Jackson Street. Elkhart, Ind SHE EARNS • • • $15.*SA\VEI:K IN HER SPARE TIME CjHECKS for $25, $50 and $100 come to her in an unending I stream. Those for $500 and $600 are by no means infrequent. This little Massachusetts girl sells her IDEAS for photoplays and stories. IDEAS pay for her bountiful supply of clothes. IDEAS furnish her with unlimited "pin money." You can do what she has done with the aid of the Reading Course and Service of the American Authors' Association. No previous education or training is needed. If extra money, prestige among your friends, and the cultivation of personal culture interest you, write for Booklet A. To Writers — Recognized and unrecognized authors are invited to use the facilities of our Advisory Board. Constructive criticisms, revisions and sales advice for vioderate fees . Sales on a commission oasis. For particulars address the Advisory Board — Desk A. AMERICAN AUTHORS ASSOCIATION 2.1} VE5T 4Z*"> ST. • • • NEW yORKCITy,N.y Stories Wanted for Publication and Photoplays. Free Examination A fine opportunity fur beginners. Booklet on request. New York Literary Bureau, 143 W. 36 St., New York City There's Only One Way to secure a satin skin: Apply Satin skin cream, then Satin skin powder. Ask your druggist for free samples. A California Scandinavian (Continued from page 31) black hat there curved a red feather fancy, thin and long, that brushed her shoulder. She was the most stared-at person in the place, but you would not have guessed the fact from her bearing. That was one of the signs by which you would have known her for an actress and a good one. But to, return to my interview. (I left it, you remember, just as we were entering Juanita Hansen's home.) The house is a model of luxury set on the top of a high hill from which you can see for miles around. It is within ten minutes of Broadway, but you get the effect of isolation. Looking directly west, the vista is one of mountains, foothills and, on clear days, the ocean twenty miles away. Here, Juanita lives with her mother and their pets : a beautiful yellow cat named "Pinky" and a bowl of goldfish. "Thanks to my mother," said Juanita, "I have been left free to work out my life as I wish, and so, I have learnt to rely upon myself — " which brings us around to the way in which Juanita happened to get back into • comedy under Mack Sennett and then out of it again. Juanita Hansen started in dramatic work without any thought of ever entering comedy at all. This was when Oliver Morosco and L. Frank Baum advertised for small girls for the Oz Moving Picture Company. Her first part was that of a page. She was a little girl then, and when she had to appear in tights she thought it was perfectly shocking. "I consoled myself by thinking that perhaps all actresses had to do such things," she said, "so I decided to wear them and be a martyr to my art." Her next director was Lois Weber. And then came a time when she was offered two contracts at once. "Everything would have gone well," she said, "if it hadn't been that a man, high in the film world, decided to give me a demonstration of his power. I decided that my career in dramatic work ended right there. The only thing left for me was comedy. I had been with Mack Sennett in a couple of pictures, and he was very good to me, but I didn't see any future in 'just standing around and looking pretty,' and so had left the company. At the time, Mr. Sennett had said that if I ever needed work I could come back, and I did need work. I called Mr. Sennett up and told him that I wanted to come home ; that studio always seemed like home to me. " 'I dont believe you want to come home,' he answered with uncanny perception; 'you'll come and stay just long enough to tide yourself over, and then you will flit.' So I gave him my word that I'd stay for a year, and he took me in. Nine months of the year was up and I had a good chance to return to dramatic work. _ Mr. Sennett was in New York. I wired him about it, and he released me from my promise rather than stand in . the way of -my splendid opportunity. You can see from this what a wonderful man he is." Now, Juanita Hansen has left comedies. Forever, she says. She has just finished a picture with Fox called "The Romance of Cow Hollow," in which Tom Mix was the star, and before that she was W. S. Hart's leading lady in "The Poppy Girl's Husband." Her next picture will be a serial made for Colonel Selig; she has made several serials, "The Secret of the Submarine" being the one that comes most readily to mind. r t v£M