Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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Give Your ZAfai/s the Beauty and Charm that Qomes With the Use of GRAF'S HYGLO Manicure Preparations 'TpHEY are so easy and pleasant to ■*■ use — just a few minutes twice a week — and your nails will always be in perfect condition — and the cost is very little. A complete outfit that gives you at least fifty perfect manicures costs but $ 1 .00 and includes a handsome box with the following preparations : HYGLO Cuticle Remover and Nail Bleach, keeps the cuticle smooth and removes all stains and discolorations. HYGLO Nail Polish, in cake form, tints and polishes the nails and gives them a lasting lustre. This polish, in powder form, also comes separately. HYGLO Nail Polish Paste (Pink), a jar of fine rouge that gives a pink polish to the nails. HYGLO Nail White, in a handy jar, for whitening under the nails. This complete HYGLO Outfit also contains a flexible nail file, emery board, orange stick and cotton. Sold by leading drug and department stores . Any of the articles can be bought separately for 25 cents. Trial Hyglo Outfit for 10 cents A trial outfit of Hyglo Nail Polish (Powder) and Hyglo Cuticle Remover and Nail Bleach including emery board, orange stick and cotton, will be mailed upon receipt of id cents in stamps or coin. GRAF BROS., Inc, Eslabliihed 1873 123 West 24th New York Thru the Looking-Glass of Films {Continued from page 51) we started a hunt for Art, and I'm here to say, as the doughboys put_ it, that we've made a good job of making ourselves comfortable. Our conveniences, our inventions, our huge hotels and marvelously appointed sky-scraper dwellings are the marvel of the whole world. Likewise our business enterprise and methods. And our women. But, in the scurry, we have — that is, most of us — rather slighted the finer things of life. The French accuse us for one thing of being intellectual cowards. Of not daring, or caring, perhaps to face the truth. In our books and on our stage we insist on the "happy ending," while our reticence about facing the basic facts of life verges on the absurd. William Dean Howells once said — in reply to someone who remarked that Americans like happy endings — "Yes, but they like also to be harrowed and even slightly shocked before the ending. In other words, what the American public wants is a tragedy with a happy ending. It is like a child going to sleep in his cosy nursery after a day of bumps and tumbles. It wants to be assured that all's well with the world first. It is a good thing to reassure the child — it insures his sleeping well — but as long as he needs the reassurance, he will be only a baby." Practically the same thing applies to nations. We Americans, in spite of our resentment when anyone else says it, know that we are not quite "grown up" among the nations. We are still in a formative period, altho in some ways we are far ahead of our older brothers and sisters. It is in the fields of Art — drama, the cinema, music, literature, painting and sculpture — that we are furthest behind the others. And since the cinema is the hugest medium of art expression of a people, it is to the cinema that we must look for the greatest development. Those who have followed the advancement of the films during the last few years will not laugh at that statement. They will realize the progress already made and some of the possibilities. Men like Griffith, DeMille and Ince have already realized them, and are giving the best years of their brilliant lives to screen development. The discouraging part of it is that for one Griffith, there are a hundred directors who follow instead of lead, public taste. I ran across an article the other day in one of the French cinema magazines about the difference between American and French films, and it seemed to me that these contrasts as the author sketchily outlined them, might be made to apply to the real life of the two peoples —for it has become known that a nation is mirrored far more accurately in its films than irr books — since most films are more modern than most books, hence more indicative of character. "We French treat situations with a smiling indulgence," says the author, "which, for Americans, would amount to a veritable scandal. For us, a criminal or a sinner is a man like other men and the evil sentiments which impel him find their origin and explanation in the simple play of events. For the Americans, there is not a fault without sin ; temptation comes from Satan; evil is an entity; it ought always to meet with complete punishment or be effaced by an atonement of complete humiliation. Americans have a disproportion between the fault and its con You can TREAT YOURSELF at home with the wonderful Violet Ray, most effective healthrestoring agent known to science. At practically no cost, the great benefits of famous Violet Ray Treatment heretofore only procurable at big expense from physicians and beauty specialists, now secured in your own home Look over the list of treatments on the coupon below. Send for particulars *6 tfOME SOLD ON LIBERAL TRIAL PLAN Renulife Violet Ray High Frequency Generators U-... V:~l„i Electricity from How Violet your light D ...£i, socket is transDeneiUS formed into health and beauty-giving Violet Bay — powerfully effective, yet gentle, soothing, perfectly safe. Voltage is raised from lighting current, giving tremendous penetrative force. The irresistible, revitalizing powers of Renulife Violet Bay are carried at once to every nerve cell of body. Blood is enriched and purified by a flood of oxygen, functions restored to normal — extra supply of fresh blood quickly brought to area treated, remc/ving congestion and supplying nourishment; combines the benefits of electricity, vibration, exercise, stimulation and oxidation. P • 1 _ Science has modified electricity that rainicSS the weakest may stand its force eoffrri<»ifw wituout. fear or pain. Violet Ray cClrlCliy high frequency has no comparison with old, crude, electrical batteries and shocking current. Every jar and shock is removed. The effects are marvelously rapid. Relief can be given in one or more treatments. Often permanent improvement is accomplished in that time. To keep or restore your good looks and gain vitality, throw away medicine bottles — take this sensible scientific means. Every day's delay makes relief more difficult. Send for Booklet "Health via Violet Ray." Lowest-priced, most effective Violet Ray for home use RENULIFE ELECTRIC CO. 1407 Marquette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Canadian Renulife Electric Co. , Ltd. ,1407 Netting Bldg. , Windsor, Ontario Opportunity for live sales representatives COUPON FOR BOOK and Special Information RENULIFE ELECTRIC CO.* 1407 Marquette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 1407 Netting Bldg., Windsor, Ontario1. Please send without obligation, vour booh "Health ** explain* Inn Violet Ray treatments with Renulife Generators, also elve full particulars as to lis application for ailments checked below TREATS SUCCESSFULLY .Abscesses .Anemia .Asthma .Arteriosclerosis .Baldness .Blackheads .Brain Fag .Bronchitis .Bunions .Bruises .Catarrh .Colds .Chilblains .Dandruff .Deafness and Ear Diseases .Eczema .Enlarged Prostate ..Facial Neuralgia ..Falling Hair ..Female Complaints ..Goitre ..Gout ..Haemorrhoids . .Hay Fever ..Infantile Paraly. sis ..Insomnia . .Lameness . . 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