Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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I (pl^?!£^ "American m Beauties" | owe much of their attractiveness to H their beautiful Eyes adorned with = long, luxuriant, silky Eyelashes j§ and perfectly formed Eyebrows — jj "those Fringed Curtains which Veil g the Eyes," and give to them that K rare charm of expression, which 1| all women prize so highly, and = which is so greatly admired by g women and men alike. If Nature jj has denied you these Beauty Aids, g| do not despair. You may now have H them if you will apply just a little M Remember the Full Name — It's Imitated ^^^^^^~ |i§ persistently for a short time. Its purpose jj is to nourish and stimulate the Eyelashes = and' Eyebrows in a natural manner thereby m promoting their growth and adding beauty to the face. Lash-Brow-Ine is a pure, delicately scented cream, guaranteed to be absolutely harmless. It has been tested and approved by the best chemists and beauty specialists of America. Thousands of women, in society, as well as stars of the stage and screen, have been delighted with the e= results obtained by its use, why not you : Two Sizes, 50c and $1 Send price and we will mail you "LASHBROW-INE," and our Maybell Beauty Booklet, "The Woman Beautiful" prepaid under plain cover. SATISFACTION ASSURED OR PRICE REFUNDED. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENTS WITH INFERIOR IMITATIONS. The wonderful success attained by "LASH-BROW-INE" has caused the name to be closely imitated. There is only one gennine "LASH-BROW-INE." Look for the picture of the Girl with the Rose, same as above, which appears on every box. You can identify the genuine with this picture. Remember the full name "LASH-BROW-INE" and insist on getting it. MAYBELL LABORATORIES, 4305-13 Grand Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL For forty years Fashion has put her stamp of approval on QQinaias FACE POWDER, All tints 50 cents (double quantity) at all toilet counters, or send 4 cents for miniature box. The Freeman Perfume Co. Dept. 100 Cincinnati, O. Buy U.S. War Savings Stamps %i THE EMPIRE STATE ENGRAVING CO. PHOTO -ENGRAVERS GOOD CUTS Half-tone and Line Work for Printing in One or More Colors for Any Purpose DESIGNING :: :: RETOUCHING 165-167 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK Health Beauty Power For Men and Women Enjoy the keen zest of living that comes with braced nerves and pulsing blood, gained through the Therapeutic. White Rays of the Sterling Lamp — a scientific adaptation of the marvelous healing properties of the sun's rays. The warm, soothing, soft, white rays penetrate aaid vitalize every cell and tissue; new cell growth is stimulated; the body refreshed and vitalized. It brings you a clear, onblemished akin, rose-tinted cheeks, bright eyes; quickens the sluggish blood, rebuilds firm, new muscle, and clear, new skin. CTERLING THERAPEUTIC LAMD *J "The Light That Heals" 1 Relieves pain without destroying vitality, no vibration, shock or pain. Rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, earache, sroitre, headache, nervous conditions, and innumerable other ailments instantly eased and relieved. Does away with use of harmful drugs. Relief results the moment you snap the electric switch. Invaluable in treatment of skin diseases. Send for Free Book Today Our free book deals with the simple, fundamental laws of health and beauty—tells of its usis; how others have benefited . Send for free copy Sterling Therapeutic Lamp Co. Dept.l6,546Garneld Ave CHICAGO, ILL. KEEP YOUR HEElS STRAIGHT "Heelstrates" inside shoes keep shoes shapely — heels even. Sample pr. 26c. Agents wanted. THE HEELSTHATES CO. NEWARK, N. J. The New Moon (Continued from page 46) When we were alone Michail Koloyar did not offer to draw me ,to him. "I have searched thru many depths for you, Marie Pavlovna," he said to me, "and when I came to the village of Saratof I joined the anarchists because I heard that Kamenoff had knowledge of you. Then I heard what that knowledge was — that you had become his mistress. I could not believe it. Knowing you, I could not believe that. Tell me, darling, you would have died rather than . . ." "I would not be alive, Michail Koloyar," I muttered next his ear, "if that which you have heard — were true." This is all for the present. I salute you. Marie Pavlovna. Across the Boundary. Little Dove: It is all over, Little Sister, for the present, for your poor, harried Marie Pavlovna and for Michail Koloyar. It was so nearly all over forever, darkly all over, with no longer any glory of the sun, any promise of the leafing in the spring. The day after Michail Koloyar found me I was arrested and taken to Kamenoff's headquarters. "You are to remain here," he told me, "until you register." "That will be forever," I replied. "The pleasure will be mine, Marie Pavlovna," he replied and clicked his heels. I stayed a fortnight. In that time I had no glimpse of Michail Koloyar. Every day Kamenoff came to my room with the blank for me to sign. Every day I refused. Then came a morning when he showed me fifty women or so herded in the courtyard below. "They are like yourself," he said, smiling and showing his teeth, "rebels from the decree." "They are martyrs," I said. "If martyrs die for the stubbornness of a mule," he answered me, "then they are martyrs. "The rebels are to be herded here daily," he went on, watching me narrowly; "I am to raise my arm, give the signal, they will be shot. On the other hand . . . you sign the decree. The chances are you go to your homes, to your husbands, to your families — unmolested." "Or?" I suggested. "Or — to the arms of a lover," he smiled. "Which is better, Marie Pavlovna?" "Death," I said promptly, "oblivion, sleep . . . peace . . ." Kamenoff turned darkly red. He strode over to the window and flung up his arms. There was the shattering sound of shots, then a voice crying, "Nadia Kamenoff was in the crowd. Theo Kamenoff, you have killed your little sister. Pig, you have slaughtered your own !" Michail Koloyar's voice called loudest of .all. The mob tasted the unlawful blood and ran riot. There were more shots. Kamenoff swayed where he stood, and as I fled from the room I saw him fall with the dark blood rushing from his twisted mouth. Michail Koloyar and I are across the border. Tonight we go to a little wayside chapel and a priest will make us one. I am very tired. Love is a calming, a content ... a balm like your balm of Gilead . . . Some day, Little White Dove, we shall come to your country, where peace and plenty smile like little new moons on the milk-full breast of an abundant sky. Your weary Marie Pavlovna. 10 Afi£ * r t