Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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ttlffflBP* The Answer Man ■ (Continued from page 96) I Mary Anna D. — Write to our circulation manager, 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lizabeth C. — New lists of manufacturers are now out. Send a stamped envelope for them. Send for a list of the correspondence clubs. You define vacuum as the top story of a snob. Quite right. Elsie Ferguson and Eugene O'Brien in "Under the Greenwood Tree." Yes, Winifred Greenwood was the waitress in "Too Many Millions." Arthur N. — I have no use for barbers. I soured on them years ago when I jokingly remarked to one as I entered his shop, "Did you ever shave a monkey?" whereupon he replied, "No, but if you will please sit down I'll try." In "The Whip" Irving Cummings and Alma Hanlon had the leads. A great meller-drammer, but "Sporting Life" is even better. Joseph Singleton played in "Brewster's Millions." Bluebird. — Hope you are recovered. Ralph Kellard is playing on the stage. Your letter was a corker, and I hope you write soon again. Pollyanna. — Harry Carey was Cheyenne and Neva Gerber was Lola in "Three Mounted Men." Marshall Neilan directed "Three Men and a Girl" with Marguerite Clark and Richard Barthelmess. Monroe Salisbury was the lead. That's right, the wise traveler stops occasionally to see where he is going. Most of us dont know where we are going, and only know that we are on the way. H. L. S. — You say it was love at first sight when you saw me. You had better take another look. Is your eyesight good? I fear you need specs. Love me little, but love me long. No, he is not engaged. No, I dont think it worth your while to try to get your four-year old cousin in the pictures. I advise that you wait about twelve years. Pauline Frederick Forever; Eric O. ; Toodles ; Virginia B. ; George Walsh Admirer ; Violet S. ; Avis B. ; Velma R. P. — Enid Bennett Forever. See above for your answers, and excuse me from further comments than — thank you ! Maxine. — Thanks for the book. You sure must have lots of time on your hands. Ormi Hawley is no relation to Wanda. Maxine Elliott Hicks is no relation to Maxine Elliott. Neither is George Washington Jones any relation to George Washington. Marguerite and Mae's sister. Little Mary was not cast. Billie Jacobs isn't playing now. No to your 6th. Edna May is not the same as Edna Mayo ; what do you suppose that "o" is for? Didn't know Katherine Williams had a son. Eight, nine, ten, you're out. Next bout in fifteen minutes. Herbert D. T. — Vera Lewis in "The Weaver of Dreams." Well, Jean Valjean is a beautiful character, anyway. Theodore E. O. — You say you are 84 and have just finished your first photoplay. Never too old. You've got me beaten by a few years. I haven't Mrs. McDonald's present address. Wish you could stop in and we would talk over olden times when you and I were young, Maggie. Cecilia. — Well, if this is your first time, oh, there's a first time for everything, so I'll try to be painless. Yes, Syd Chaplin is Charlie's brother and Charlie is Syd's brother also. Oh, the reason I am so good is because it is too expensive to be otherwise. Surprise me some more. Barry, Phila. — So you have started a club for boys. Something new. The Douglas Fairbanks Club. Have you any members? Good idea. Lila Lee in "The Secret Garden." Wallace Reid in "The Dub" with Ann Little. J. C. H. — From cowboy to matinee idol ! It's beyond me, Jack. _ Me, 18. — Well, you came very near getting in_ the alsorans. Theda Bara in "The Light." It was taken in New Orleans and the character is supposed to portray the wickedest woman in Paris. And such a past as Theda had even before she saw "The Light." Frankie. — Goldwyn are taking in Los Angeles, and Pauline Frederick is there now. Willard Mack is in New York. Well, Carl Laemmle, head of the Universal, says that the most interesting plots are still to be written. Let 'em come, says I. Niles Welch Forever. — Niles Welch is with Paramount. You say it isn't the man who takes things as they come who succeeds, but the man who snatches them as they go. Some philosophy for a child. Wakayama is a city in Japan, and in 1900 its population was given as 63,667 — rather a sizable place, eh, wot? Zlata. — To begin with, dont think Kitty Gordon has a child of 15 ; Theda Bara is 29 years old; Lila Lee is her correct name ; Marion Davies is not married ; I dont know what kind of perfume she uses ; and the Dolly Sisters are dancing in New York. You're welcome. Hollte V. S — Yes, but I dont remember what you said in your last letter. You ask, "What effect would honey have on ants?" Wait a minute until I get an ant and try it. Write to Edison. B. G, U. S. A.— No, Bill Hart is not married. Likewise May Allison. Why not enter our Fame and Fortune Contest? No, you dont talk too much. I know what you mean. People with narrow souls are like narrow-necked bottles — the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring it out. J. Lisbeth G. — Stay at school a little longer. You wont regret it later on. I. N. A. — J. W. Johnston; he was with Paramount. No, indeed, I am not married, only wedded to my art. Herbert H. D. — Greetings ! Send me a wire, why not? The Morse system of telegraphy invented by S. B. Morse, an American artist, was adopted in almost every part of the world. The first message, "What hath God wrought?" was sent from Washington to Baltimore, in 1844. I dont think Gladys Brockwell ever played with Bill Hart. So you would really die of grief or something if you thought I wasn't a man. Well, I assure you you are going to live. S. R. P. L. M. — American stamps are not used in Naples, neither did Cleopatra speak English. Why not join one of the correspondence clubs? But Hymen comes when he is called, and Love when he pleases. George C. T. — The way you Australians appreciate the Americans is beautiful. You say we are a cheery, whole-hearted nation. We're always full of cheers, even if we're not always cheery. Harry B. — Leah Baird is with Pathe. I dont know whether you will see "Thais" in New Zealand or not. It ought to. Mary Miles Minter in "Wives and Other Wives." She is quite grown up in that. English Maid. — No cast for that play. Rosemary Theby is with Metro. You should always read the preface to a book. Romaine Fielding was in Chicago for a time, but he got the flu and left the city. Rachel V. — You ask a good way to keep flies off gilt picture frames. I would suggest framing the pictures in oak or keeping them in the ice-box. Geo Ridgely isn't playing in pictures. Yes, I love the sea. I dote upon it— from the beach. Ida Neil, Montevideo, Uruguay. — Well, how do you do? Hands across the equator ! Earle Foxe played opposite Norma Talmadge in "Panthea." Austral, Melbourne. — How is it down there? Well, I'm kinda glad you dont want to know what kind of boot-polish Wallace Reid uses, or how many times a week Mary Pickford manicures her nails, or whether I leave my whiskers on at night, butyour letter was just full of pep, and I enjoyed every word of it. Write me again. Curiosity. — Julian Eltinge was born in Boston in 1883. Ennui is a French word for an English malady and means white glooms. O. Frenchy; Mrs. E. de B. ; Me; Miss Liberty; Flo, Chicago; Marguerite B. ; Inquirer; Lewis R. ; G. Whizz (that's what I say); E. M. G. ; and Admirer: — Sorry I cant answer you this time. Robert Gordon Fan. — Beg your pardon. Robert Gordon is married. He. is about as old as Jack Pickford. Yes, I like him, dont you? But a woman loves a man for what he is, and a man loves a woman for what he thinks she is, and they both usually get fooled. Bessie H. — None of the players you mention are married. All right, here's three of each off-hand : three great dramatists, Moliere, Shaw and Ibsen; three English writers, Bacon, Tennyson and Chaucer ; three historians, Plutarch, Herodotus and Macaulay ; three inventors, Edison, Marconi and Fulton ; three journalists, Franklin, Greeley and Dana; three musicians, Beethoven, Mozart and Mendelssohn ; three novelists, Balzac, Cooper and Fliot ; three orators, Demosthenes, Cicero and Webster ; three painters, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Sargent, not forgetting our own Editor. How do they compare with yours? Handus Coldfacts. — Some of them have been warmed over. Nance O'Neil is Mrs. Alfred Hickman. Henrietta D. — The Anita Stewart mentioned is not the famous Vitagraph beauty. Aussie. — Please dont call me ancient, I am quite modern. Constance Talmadge is not engaged to Norman Kerry. Charles Chaplin did marry Mildred Harris, hence the latter is now billed as "Mrs. Charlie Chaplin," and therefore worth a bigger salary. Brownie. — Enjoyed yours very much. That's right, speak but little and well i£ you would be esteemed as a man of merit, and when you write be doubly careful. George Beban in "Hearts of Men" — State Right picture. Brunnette. — Yes, indeed. Lewis Cody will be interviewed soon. Lillian Gish is not married. Bah ! Dorothy Gish is not married to Robert Harron. That's just movie talk, and it moves fast when it starts. You say Lewis Cody's acting in "Borrowed Clothes" was unaffected and sincere. Kismet 16. — Enjoyed listening to your household duties. Let me hear from you when you vacuum the place again. Alice Joyce, Corinne Griffith, Gladys Leslie and Harry Morey will be in Los Angeles next winter. Essex. — Suff 'ren slippers ! There are fifteen or twenty of the same film made, and Boston should get some of the big pictures. Speak to the manager. Ill PAfi P 1