Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1919)

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'JheLLm»<vazinemO im NewWoivderful Way To Remove Wrinkles and Blemishes XooKYearj'l&uiigej* 4 m PRINCESS TOKIO presents to the women of America a new way to remove wrinkles and blemishes — THE ORIENTAL WAY! No masks, no plasters, no massage, no exercise, no .rollers. This new, scientific treatment is simply marvelous. The lovely little women of the Orient have known these secrets for hundreds of years as they have been handed down from one generation to another. The Japanese women are famous for the beauty of their complexions and these same Lovely, Soft, Velvety Skins which nature has adorned with the tints of the rose are now within the reach of any woman who will follow the simple rules which are to be found in the Princess Tokio Beauty Book, which we will send FREE to any woman who will write for it. Princess Tokio does not ask you to wait a long time for results— only A Few Days—and Lo! All Wrinkles and Blemishes are Gone You use this treatment in the privacy of your room in your home. Just a few moments at a time. The results will amaze and delight you. We ask you to send right now for the 17D1717 PRINCESS TOKIO nvHIli BEAUTY BOOK It will prove to you how quickly all wrinkles and blemishes may be removed. Under my treatment they simply vanish. You will look years younger and more charming. Don't waste a single day. Write at once, and the book will go to you in a plain, sealed wrapper. Address, PRINCESS TOKIO CO. 159N.StateSt.,Dept.735 CHICAGO ILL. 48 PHOTOS OF MOVIE STARS reproduced in half-tone. On cardboard, suitable for framing. Arbuckle, Bara, Chaplin, Pickfords, Anita Stewart, Pearl White, etc. Both male and female STARS are all here in CLASSY POSES. By mail postpaid 15 cents. Stamps or Coin. Ardee Publishing Co. Dept. 149, Stamford, Conn. Learn How, to* ^WRESTLE la Your OWnJloine BIU^ Yes.Tearn t<r 1 become tin -expert wrestler risrht in _yoor own home, bv mail, from the greatest 'wrestlers the worlii baa ever known. Be an athlete, be.atron?, be healthy. ■Learn now to throw and -handle big men with ease. Learn to> i d«tend yourself. A|l taoght in-oiir course of lessens, and illustrated -with hundred* of charto and *ctn»l photograph? by ^~-?<* ,r* Farmer Burns and Frank Gotcn Farmer Burns* **tho eran<* old-man «i the-fnat," taught Frank*] <!otch, the World's Champion, all he knew nboot wreetttner, soGotcb oaid. He will now teach.voo Scientific Wrestling-Physical Culture r — JluJltwr— SeH Dofeoa*. Every man and boy-m America, no dif I ., f cronce what ace, needs this wonderful, coarse of lessons. Write fw~ I -iodax-Tjournarae. msa an'J address on a. postcard or letter hrinpn * rou [ help pay d _ . wrestlinaand Dhv<_,. I Farmer BurnsSchoorol Wrestfag.ftlfiH ] g., Omaha t [Keeps Skin Smooth, Firm, Fresh — Youthful Looking To dispel the tell-tale lines of age, illness or worry— to overcome flabbiness and improve facial contour — there is nothing quite so good as plain Powdered SAXOLITE Effective for wrinklea, crowsfeet, enlarged pores, etc., because it "tightens" and tones the 6kin and underlying tissue. No harm to .tenderest skin. Get an ounce package, follow the simple directions — see what just. one application will do. Sold at all drug stores. Screen Debuts "Mom, Put in the windows, There's a new comedian And you are plenty big enough Gonna make his To do it. Screen debut So you may have the privilege At the Grand today, Of staying at home Can I go?" And making your own "Certainly not ! Screen debut !" I want the wire netting Harvey Peake The Great Fame and Fortune Contest (Continued Calif. Miss Dazey has played extra roles with various film companies on the coast. She has dark-brown eyes, lightbrown hair, and is 4 ft. 11 in. tall. Louise E. Kline, 620 Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Kline has been a member of Theodore Kosloff's school of dancing, and has taken part in amateur theatricals. She also is a violinist. She has greenish-brown eyes, black curly hair, and is 5 ft. 4 in. tall. "Sammy" Simpson, 211 Oakland St., San Antonio, Texas. Miss Simpson has had no stage experience. She has darkbrown eyes, light-brown hair, and is 5 ft. 314 in. tall. Marguerite Hungerford,_ 4002 Charlotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Like Miss Simpson, Miss Hungerford has had no stage experience. She has dark-brown eyes, dark-brown hair, and is 5 ft. Al/2 in. tall. Bessie Elaine Janover,_ 55 East 100th St., New York City. Miss Janover also has had no stage experience. She has bluish-green eyes, reddish-brown hair, and is 5 ft. 6 in. tall. Ruthe St. Earl, 2403 Cataldo St., Spokane, Wash. Miss St. Earl has had both a little stage and screen experience. She has hazel eyes, brown hair, and is 5 ft. A]/2 in. tall. It is important, if you have already won a place on the honor roll, that you submit at least several more pictures to be used later by the judges. In this case, contestants should write the words "honor roll" across the face of the entrance coupon which is attached to the portrait. The words should be written in red ink, to be plainly distinguished. Let us briefly outline the purpose of the contest once more : from page 69) The two magazines will give two years' guaranteed publicity to the winner. This will include cover portraits in colors, special interviews, pictures, special articles, etc. — the sort of publicity that could not be purchased at any price. The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic will secure an initial position for the winner and other opportunities, if necessary. At the end of two years The Motion Picture Magazine and The Motion Picture Classic guarantee that the winner will be known thruout the civilized world. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the rules of the Fame and Fortune Contest, we repeat : 1 — Open to any young woman, or man, in the world, except those who have ahead}' played prominent screen or stage roles. 2 — Contestants must submit a portrait, upon the back of which must be pasted a coupon from either The Motion Picture Magazine or The Motion Picture Classic, or a similar coupon of their own making. 3 — Contestants can submit any number of portraits, but upon the back of each must be pasted an entrance coupon. 4 — Contestants desiring photographs returned must attach sufficient postage to their photographs. Do not send it in a separate envelope. The Fame and Fortune Jury is as follows : Mary Pickford, Thomas Ince, Cecil de Mille, Maurice Tourneur, Commodore J. Stuart Blackton, James Montgomery Flagg, Howard Chandler Christy, Samuel Lumiere and Eugene V. Brewster. MAGAZINE ENTRANCE COUPON Contestant No (Not to be filled in by contestant) Name Address (street) (city) (state) Previous stage or screen experience in detail, if any When born Birthplace . . . Eyes (color) Hair (color) . Height Weight Complexion • • v 112 \ T»