Motion Picture (Aug 1919-Jan 1920)

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RVJrvJ" Utf^3^ \^*jFM.K> JTS-OSff* Easter Lily. — It's this way, Easter Sunday is the Sunday following the fourteenth day of the calendar moon that falls on or next after March 21st. Yes, Tom Forman is in Los Angeles, playing regularly. You think I am young and good-looking. You flatter me. Frank D. — Delightful wit, yours was. Write me some more. _ Dot. — I appreciate the poem, but oh, boy — the questions you ask! Molly King is with the American Cinema Corporation, 220 W. 42d Street, New York City. "Jacques of_ the Silver North" is Mitchel Lewis' last picture. Yes, it is possible to be a real society lady without having one's picture taken with a dog. Anita's Anxious Adorer. — Thanks for the Thrift Stamp. Lily C. — Richard Barthelmess was Everett in "Boots." He was just interviewed — watch out for it. He is in New York now with Griffith. Janie G. — ■ Your card was charming, indeed. Thanks. Peggy 21. — Thanks for what you say. Yes, I use a typewriter — it happens to be a Monarch. You say you are light-fingered. So? When you come to see me I'll lock up my watch. So you want more of Jack Holt. But how pleasant it is to observe some people happy with little, when the majority of us are utterly miserable with much less. Anna K. — So you think I am a jolly old chap. Sometimes not so jolly, tho. They say I have a snapping way about me when I get mad. Wanda Hawley was Sophy in the prolog of "Old Wives for New." Nado. — You can perhaps obtain the photos of the foreign players you mention from Underwood & Underwood, New York City. Madame Marie. — Just a tribute of thanks for "there are three things hard ,to find : a white blackbird, a redhot chunk of ice and a dissatisfied subscriber to Motion Picture Magazine." Of course the movies will be popular ten years from now. Why shouldn't they? They're getting more so every day, and so are I — I mean we. Connie Lover. — You're a White Sox fan, are you? We'll I'm a Dodger fan. Grace Cunard is in Los Angeles. I cant tell you why some young men smoke cigarets thru a cigaret holder about ten inches in length, unless their mothers told them to keep away from tobacco. Brown Eyes. — Hot? Well, I should say so! The worst thing on the screen I know of is the fly. (Isn't that great?) Houdini was Quenton and Margaret Marsh was Eva in "Houdini, the Master Mystery." C. W. C. — Yours was some letter. Lillian Walker is in Los Angeles just now. I believe Lillian Gish has no brothers. You say you have often heard that death by electricity is an easy death, but I have never heard it from any one with experience. Send along the photo, for I am sure it wont have that effect. That's some poem, never heard it before. Your letter was a corker. Answer Man Admirer. — My thanks. No, I dont borrow or lend. A money-lender serves you in the present tense, lends you in the conditional mood, keeps you in the subjunctive and ruins you in the future. My, but this is tense ! I'm no joker, fair one. L. M. B. — Norma Phillips and' J. W. Johnston had the leads in "Runaway June." Norma was called "The Mutual Girl." Fred B. — No, I have never been a newspaper writer. The oldest newspaper in the United States is the Capital and Maryland Gazette, published at Annapolis, Maryland, established in 1727. William Sheer in "Sealed Envelope." Charlie Chaplin is English. I can smoke any kind of cigars, and what I cant smoke, a chum of mine chews. Jean M. — William Hart was born in Newburgh, N. Y. He expects to remain in pictures for at least another year. Dont quite get you. J. f Stuart Blackton has engaged the services of Fanny Rice to support Sylvia Breamer and Robert Gordon. The Vamp. — But opposition is the surest persua < sion. Alan Forrest and Ann Little have agreed to disagree. Ethel Clayton in Japan at this writing. Yes, I like some earrings. They have been worn from the very earliest times. Persians, Babylonians and Greeks always wore them. • Ethel L. A. — They dont come perfect. But dont marry a man with only one fault. It is all he has to go on. By subtle processes it becomes his only failing, his great peculiarity, his strong individuality. By that time it is almost a halo, and with his irreproachable character it makes a dazzling combination beside which mere woman is verily dust. 'Nuf said ! Mere stuff. Dorothy Green is with World. Just Etta. — Time, my child, give me time. Time makes all things even. It levels the roughest natures and smooths the ugliest dispositions. Dorothy Kelly has married and left pictures. At present Rubye de Remer is with World. Corinne Griffith Admirer. — Address her at Vitagraph. Now that Wilson is out for light wines and beer, the film companies can continue to produce scenes with cabaret and beer-garden scenes with (or without) empty glasses on the table. Wilson, that's all. Ina Claire is playing in a Universal picture. W. J. C, New Haven. — Welcome ! Hardly think Caruso will make any more pictures. He and his fair bride have left for Italy, where they will visit his son. No, Earle Williams is not Italian. NC-4 means Navy Curtis 4. As I understand it, the "blimp" is the prima donna of the aircraft. It is hard to get them down to earth. Emma T. — Dont know how I can help you. C. D. L. — As I sit here pullingthe ends of my bow tie, I have discovered that you neglected to sign your name. You want to see more about Elmo Lincoln. I like John Kendrick Bangs for humor. Humorous paragraphers are the sunflowers of American literature. Israel M. ; Janet G. ; H. R. Admirer ; Lois P. ; Madam Butterfly; Harry C. K. ; Lucretia; Wagner S. D.; W. F. R; Cady B.; H. J.; Betty D. ; Eleanor P. ; Mary N. ; Marjorie D. ; Augustus M. ; Cutie ; R. M. K. ; Old Blue ; Andrew P. ; Edward A. S. ; Ally M. C. ; Hilda P. ; Mildred D. ; Mabel D. ; Dorothy B. P. ; Rhonda H. ; Gracie ; Vivian E. ; Catherine O'K ; E. M. M. ; L. A. W. ; and Helen D. ■ — See elsewhere for yours. Alas, alack ! you have joined the also-rans. 1. M. Willing. — Are you ? You say you have twenty scenarios written, but dont know where to sell them. Oh, it's easy enough to write them. Pearl White has written a book entitled "My Struggle for Fame," but I believe it has not been published yet. . Hazel. — Yes, in Massachusetts and. Maine cousins are allowed to marry, and I dont know why they cant anywhere. No, I cant read character from handwriting, but I can from the words. Marguerite Clayton at the Paragon studio. Fort Lee, N. J. Gladden James is back with Vitagraph, playing with Harry Morey. Harry is very playful. Queen Anna. — So you are going to call me Bill. Some call me Rip Van Winkle, some call me — well, I just dont want to be called a woman, see? Anything but that ! An old woman ! Zounds ! Yes, Kipling has been in America. Did you ever read his "American Notes"? Amy Betty. — Haven't Mr. Davis' address._ No to your second, and the Lee children live with their parents. Yes, why didn't you stop him? Is it any wonder that coal is so high when we know that creosote, pitch, oils, carbolic acid, antiseptics and high explosives are all hidden away in a lump of coal? Did you ever see the men shoot it — into the bin? Sir Isaac Newton. — Enjoyed yours very much. You will find among Coleridge's collection of essays, "The Friend." There are few better specimens of genuine English prose employed to do honor to a genuine English character. Hedda Nova, the European actress, is with Universal now. {Continued on page 112) 8W