Motion Picture (Aug 1919-Jan 1920)

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C%«J information of general interest only. Those who desire W inquiry must contair ^sh^Vear^tVdesirVg immediate replies" oV information -requiring, research shouW enclose additional stamp or other small fee; all inquiries must await their turn. Read all answers and file them-this is the only .tm0^"S,cl°t pledia in existence. If the answer is to appear in the Classic, write Classic at top of letter. !^ l^OP of the morning! Here 33 we are once more, after a red-hot summer, ready to buckle to asking about our favorites and keeping in the swing with all kinds of news about movieland alid things general. The curtain goes up and zee are about to begin. A little soft music here, professor. Thu Jays. — Nothing doing. I haven't even an em in Shadowland. But you are going to have a much more interesting department. Remember the old Photoplay Philosopher — well, that's his department in Shadowland, and he's called "The Sage." We old fellows hobnob together once in a while. Bessie M. — Yes, thank you. The money was received and the flowers were sent to Mrs. Beverly Bushman, which, no doubt, she will acknowledge. Drop in again some time. C. K. Y. Admirer. — So you dont think Clara Young gets enough publicity. Yes, I agree with you that some of the players you mention are in love with themselves. So much so that when they get married they will run a chance of being arrested for bigamy. 2 0 2. — 'Why, there were about 90 ships seized from the Germans. The Kaiser Wilhelm II was named the Agamemnon. Yes, the George Washington was a, German ship by that name. David Butte was the French soldier. Juanita Hansen opposite William Hart in "The Poppy Girl." Ada Gleason in "That Devil." You mean Winifred Kingston in "Light of the Western Stars." Anna Little and Wallace Reid in "The Firefly of France." Keep the change. Alma D. F. — Yes, indeed, I am something of a farmer and often do a little hoeing in the back yard. I raise blisters mostly. Try Western Vitagraph. Yes, I'm old, but not quite "old as the hills." Yes-No. — Interview with Harrison Ford in December 1918 Classic. Nancy. — Beg your pardon, Nancy. I'll try not to snap your head off this time. But, my dear, I have always been poor and have never ridden in a carriage — except the one my mother pushed. John Bowers with World, Eugene O'Brien with Selznick. No, indeed. Edward da M. — Francois du Barry is not playing just now. So you think I am a rara avis. By "rare" do you mean not well done? The Opera Ghost. — Cant tell you what the "S" stands for in William S. Hart's name. So it stands for Secret. It's one of the seven wonders of the world. Alice Brady played "Forever After" in New York just 344 times. She is now on tour with the show. Francis R. — No, I dont know whether Mary Pickford is Catholic and whether she is true to her religion and observes feasts and fasts. What difference does it make? Why bring religion in? Yes, James M. Lackaye died on June 8th. He was with Vitagraph for some time a few short years ago. I used to see him frequently at Horton's, corner Duffield and Ful sp: ton, eating ice-cream by the quart. He was very corpulent. Jersey Mosquito. — Get thee behind me, Satan. You ask where is Pauline Bush, Vivian Rich, Jessalyn Van Trump and Barbara Tennant. I dont know. Them was the good old times, all right. Wallace Reid in "You're Fired." Wanda Hawley opposite him. Yes, that was Guy Oliver of the old Selig. Sheila.— So you think I am about 30 and just raised my wisdom teeth. No, I dont look like the chap in Herbert Tareyton cigaret ads, and am glad I dont. Montagu Love in "Thru the Toils." Shuley. — Dont know what I can do for you. Sorry. Silver Spurs. — Greetings! Where have you been? Some suggestion, I'll say. Certainly. I speak French quite fluently. When I was in Paris I had no trouble at all with my French — it was the natives' French that bothered me. Edith J. — Why, Helen Holmes is about 26 years. Norma Talmadge in "The Natural Desire." Little Ben Alexander was in "Tangled Threads." Your O. — Dont believe all thee see, and onry half thee read. As I understand it, the Y. M. C. A. w-as founded in London, England, in 1845, and seven years later branches were established in the U. S. ; the Y. W. C. A. founded in London in 1855, the Salvation Arm)' in London in 1865 and the Boy Scouts in England in 1908. The Red Cross had their origin in Switzerland. You can reach Marie Prevost, Sennett Comedies, Los Angeles, Cal. Jean. — It's this way, Jean : it's what a man doesn't know about a girl that causes him to fall in love with her. He sees, and imagination and curiosity do the rest. Write to Richard Barthelmess. I saw "Three Faces East." Pretty good. Perfect 36. — Yes, it is too sad to contemplate. All this'fall and winter we will be blowing foam off our .soda-water just out of mere habit. So you think I should have gone with the peace delegates to Paris. Yes, I have thought of that a lot since the Fourth. I'm not much of a prophet, but I did predict, away back in the middle of June, this : Monday, June 30, very wet, day and night, followed by a long dry spell. Wanda D. C. — Elaine Hammerstein is with Selznick. Just Virginia. — "Squared" was the last Sidney Drew comedy. Have all I can do to keep track of the live ones, girlie. Peggy Wood is with Goldwyn now. Illinois Movie Fan. — Yes, indeed, I. am a Son of the Revolution (not a daughter, remember), because my grandfather fell at Bunker Hill. (Now dont ask me whether it was ice or a banana peel.) Last I heard of Edwin August he was going in vaudeville. W. A. S. — Whow ! Good-night ! You want to know of a player who has a finger off — you have written a scenario that calls for a finger off. Nobody home. Btit dont let that bother you — any player would do that much for you, for what's one finger more or less? M. M. M. — No present whereabouts of David Herbin. David, step forward — you're paged. Tag! You're it! l ? 87 } PAfill