Motion Picture (Aug 1919-Jan 1920)

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(prc ION piCTURp MAGAZINE . Li DIAMONDS J.M.IY0N&C0 K Business for over75Ye2>YS Costs You Nothing Send for our FREE 80 page Catalog No. 37E. Contains over 2,000 unusual Bargains in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. Anything you want will be sent for your Free Examination You pay nothing in advance — Not One Cent until after you see the article. If not entirely satisfied, return at our expense. Only after you are convinced LYON values cannot lie duplicated elsewhere, do you pay nn Terms as Low as $2 Monthly You do not miss the money. You pay at the rate of only a few cents a day. You Invest into something: worth while. There is no "red tape" or annoyance to you in buying _. Lyon Blue-White Diamonds Pee the PARGAIN CLUSTERS shown. They are perfectly matched snd blue-white. Only the BEST prrade is handled by the "House of Lyon." These values cannot be duplicated elsewhere for the same money Thousands of persons who wear our Diamonds are pleappd hecauseof our UNUSUAL VALUES. 6% Yearly Dividend Offer A Binding Guarantee is furnished with every diamond. You are firotected for the value and qualty. You are guaranteed 8% vearlv increase on all exchanges. You can also earn a 5% BONUS. This is explained in our 80 Page Bargain Catalog Send for it TODAY, before you forget. IT'S FREE. Let us help you build a solid foundation for the future. Write NOW to Dept. 37E. 1 MAIDEN LANE NEW YORK help i for J a week The world's most magnifi |tnt bicycle— Black Beauty! Built In pfrown bigfactory.of the finest materials jbtainable and with 18 Exclusive Feaures. Yet costs no more than an ordinary wheel — we ship direct at wholesale price. No middlemen's profits 1 Absolute 5-yr. guarantee and free accident insurance. WRITE TODAY for Catalog (in colors) FREE. 20 Styles. Tell us model you want. Send no money — we ship at our own risk. No waiting. Keep wheel or return afour'e: pense. If accepted pay small deposit, then $1 rlinj •-. Get our factory prices. Lowestinthe OUnarieS country. TIRES, lamps, horns, etc. — everything for cyclists. Free Sundries Catalog, HAVERFORD CYCLE CO.t Pep M7I, Philadelphia fTfffTfr DIAMOND ■ HtC RING OFFER Joat to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds— the greatest discovery the world has ever known. We will aend abeolutely free., this 14k Bold £. riner, set •'itb.a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond— in beaatiE?\>fl'??/\b9? postage paid. Pay postmaster • *jc o. u. U. charges to coverpostage. boxing. Bdyertiaine. handling, etc. If you can tell It troma real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money Answer quick. Send eize of fin-set, KRAUTH & REED. Dept. 31 MASONIC TEMPLE CHICAGO El-Rado Sanitary Liquid Hair Remover L.,SL The "Womanly" Way to Remove Hair EI-Rado is a sanitary lotion that simply washes the hair off by dissolving it — leaving the underarms soft, smooth and dainty. You can wear chiffon sleeves without any dress shields and enjoy a delightful sensation of comfort and cleanliness after removing the hair with El-Rado. Entirely harmless. Users of powdered hair removers and blades will find an occasional use of El-Rado liquid is good for the skin. Ask for "El-Rado" hair remover at any toilet goods counter. Two sizes, 60c and $1.00. Money-back guarantee. Orders fitted direct on receipt of stamps if dealer cannot supply you PILGRIM MFG. CO., Dept. N, 112 E. 19th St., New York (~\ Canadian Address. The Arthur Sales Co., Dept. N, 61 Adelaide St. E„ Toronto Jll2 The Wolf {Continued from page 85) to a more benevolent God than he had ever known before, with George Huntley to fill in for him, with relish, the details of his omissions. "Baptiste fired the real shot," Jules said, as the white twilight began to drop her patterned veil. "Baptiste . . . you are avenged ..." After they had supped that night, by a cascade which poured itself to a rocky destruction at their feet, Jules drew Hilda to his heart. "It is the first time," she whispered, "that I have ever heard the beating of a heart. It is the first time," she added, as he kist her, "that I have ever felt a . . . kiss." "Then tell me," whispered Jules, "here, before the good priest up the bend here makes us one, tell me . . . what is love?" The girl lifted her shy eyes. "A sacrament," she said, "blessed by the blessed saints . . . and you, beloved. Love is von." Our Animated Monthly of Movie News and Views (Continued from page 96) made over the "Captain's Table," which occupies a niche at one end of the ship. The Pig'n Whistle, affectionately called The Pig by the movie colony, is now being visited in Los Angeles after the show. There are ice-cream debauches such as this town has never expected to see. At this home of sweets the paintings are wonderful, most of the prize pictures from the Panama-Pacific Exposition having been bought by the owners and transferred to the beautifully decorated walls of The Pig. One of the handsomest and most interesting men in the motion picture field is Al Reith, location man for Brunton at present, but an Angeleno with French parents, which accounts for his speaking five languages fluently. Mr. Reith is an actor, writer and great traveler, but is determined to learn the motion picture business in every one of its departments, so is serving apprenticeships in the cutting room, on location, with the art directors, scenario department and so on. He was imprisoned in Germany for six months as a possible spy. He was one of a small part} which crossed into Algiers during the thick of the war. when he had been solemnly warned that he took his life into his ten well-manicured fingers by so doing. He is an artist who had a successful atelier in France, a musician who has enjoyed every advantage of living abroad, and best of all, girls, he's single and about thirty years old — ooh, la la ! He says there's not enough in acting, writing or directing to tempt him, that he wants to be a producer and so is keeping away from the screen at present and attending to business detail solely. The Thursday night dances at Ho* Hollywood, Los Angeles, attract manyJ our fillum folk. Recently, Nazimova, 'Yw liam Farnum, Charles Bryant, PaiJ Curley, Rex Ingraham, Jack Webster^ Wanda Hawley were on the floor — quiV a bewildering lot of notables to watcq don't you think? *>' Betweenwhiles, the men go to Otalina to fish. Bessie Barriscale and Hayard Hickman are spending a goodish \S tion there, both having suffered nervol (Continued on page 119) Be a Real Man! LOOK LIKE ONE AND FEEL LIKE ONE! BROADEN YOUR SHOULDERS, DEEPEN YOUR CHEST, ENLARGE YOUR ARMS, AND GET A DEVELOPMENT THAT WILL ATTRACT ATTENTION. FILL YOURSELF FULL OF ENERGY AND BE POWERFUL What's the use of merely existing, when you can improve yourself to such an extent that life will become a pleasure? Tou don't know what life is .unless you are an athlete. If you are weak, run down, mentally and physically, if you lack ambition or feel discouraged, if you have suffered from youthful errors, or dissipations of later years, if you are bothered with indigestion, constipation, worry, kidney trouble, or any like ailment, hrace up, and START IN ANEW, AND MAKE THE MOST OF YOURSELF. I can do for you what others cannot attempt to begin to do, because my methods are original with me. I BEGIN WHERE OTHERS LEAVE OFF. EARLE LIEDERMAN The Acme of Physical Perfection I have trained some of the world's strongest men. If you will let me train you. I can give you a wonderful muscular development and great strength as all my pupils have. I PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH. By my own original methods I developed myself. I keep myself fit. To make others fit. an instructor should first be fit himself. If an instructor* cannot keep himself fit, what good are Iris methods of training? HAVE YOU RECEIVED A COPY OF MY NEW BOOK "MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT"? If you have not as yet read this interesting book, by all means send for a copy. It is handsomely illustrated with 20 full page photographs of myself and some of the finest developed athletes whom I have trained. This book describes my system and you will find it intensely interesting. Send me 10c. stamps or coin, and I will mail you a copy promptly. Simply tear off the coupon below and mail to me witli 10c. Do this right now, at once, before you forget it. j o .1. ^.. ^ toge boy stunts or musical comedy. c>*i* ild not picture him doing the Charles ff characterizations at all. He is boyish, thoughtful, studious, but a born sportsman, attending the Vernon boxing matches each Tuesday night. He loves baseball, is an ultra-ultra yachting host, a seaside resort catch, a the-dansant charmer, tactful, easy to meet, yet betraying that half-shy manner of the Rays which betrays discrimination in forming intimacies. Those bluisb-gray eyes and \the sleekly brushed yellow hair belong /to a city juvenile, not in bucolic comedies. Any other characterization would be hard to believe of Albert Ray. r*i m