Motion Picture (Aug 1919-Jan 1920)

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qatiszsssx J\ Unique dl) $19? Gift Pair Mahogany ^SS^pCandle Sticks, 4% inches high, ^•^ containing Genuine Bayberry Candles. Mailed attractively with Hand Colored Gift Card. Pin a dollar bill to your request for catalog. Money back if requested. We've collected hundreds of distinctive gifts, rich In charm and sentiment, and pictured them in a Beautiful Catalog from which you can choose your gifts. There's something for everybody. Your list of names and our Big Free Gift Book is all you need Its a Great Big Help. THE HOLMES CO. ttdElmwood Providence, R.I OMEHTWs" Banks are employing1 hundreds of women in every department of Dank work, even up to cashier. Clean, pleasant work, with men's Day. You can learn by mailSend for free book. "How to Become a Banker,* by Edgar G. Alcorn, Pres, American School of Banking SMcLeneBldg. • • Columbus. O. These tables show what your height should be at your weight. Stature depends on HEALTH. And a college professor has shown how bothcan be corrected, by a unique machine. The PANMCULATOR. Helps evolution store. Corrects crooked spineB, hmba. Revives nervous Bystem. Builds up the body by practical, mechanical means. Physician a, use and endorse it for adults and children. 82-page book FREE. ■ Tbe PandJculator Co., 2O2Mvanc0BMg.fciBwiand, o. jmimi iJL WHITING-ADAMS BRUSHES Demanded by Master Workmen. Advertised by All Users as the Best. Methods of Construction Rend Failure Impossible. Send for Illustrated Literature JOHN L. WHITING-J. J. ADAMS CO., Boston, U. S. A. Brush Manufacturers for Over 109 Years and the Largest in the World \ '" 1 1 1 1 n i M r A Culinary Chat 'With Wanda (Continued from page 61) "Salmon a la Wanda !" gaily announced the little cook. "Salmon a la Wonder !" paraphrased Burton. "You wonder what's in it." "Everything but the gas range," returned Wanda. "But if you really want to know how to make it " She turned to me. After one satisfying mouthful I intimated that I did. "You take a can of salmon," she reciped while I snatched at a scrap of paper, "and you make a cream sauce for it, then you cut up olives and mushrooms, a little onion if you like it; a bit of parsley helps out, too — you mix it all together and put it in casseroles. Then you grate cheese over the top and put the casseroles in the oven to get thoroly heated thru, and you serve it hot or cold," 'Say, what is this, an interview, or a cooking school?" demanded Friend Husband who had finished his Wanda salmon, and was waiting for the next course. "Well, we cant talk shop all the time !" Wanda reprimanded him, as she cleared the table for the next course, a juicy steak with trimmin's, and an assortment of vegetables, all piping hot and appetizingly arranged. "What do you want to know?" she asked me, as we commenced on the succulent T-bone. "Oh, the usual thing," I told her, "what pictures you like best, how you got into the movies — and have you any more recipes as good as the one you gave me?" "Indeed I have," she assured me, answering, woman-like, the last question and disregarding the others. "Let me tell you how to make noodles a. la Hawley — " "Wanda, dear," her better half broke in gently, "pictures are more important than noodles." She smiled and dimpled — the two go together in Wanda's case, and then she looked thoughtful for a moment. "Why, Emmy, you know as much about my career as I do — you know I went thru grammar school and high school just like everyone does, and that I went to New York to study voice and piano — and got married on the way " This last with a fond look at Burton, which was returned in kind. "And you know how hard I studied to make a success in music, and how I accompanied for Albert Spaulding, and then how, just on the eve of my vocal debut I had laryngitis. That sort of discouraged me for going on with music, tho I could have been a concert pianiste, but Norma Talmadge took me to the Fox studio in New York, and they liked my fare, and gave me a leading part off the bat — it was in 'The Derelict,' supporting Stuart Holmes." "And your name used to be Selma Pittack," I interpolated, "and you changed it " "In the usual matrimonial way." she finished. "But I took the name 'Wanda' at Douglas Fairbanks' request when I was his leading lady in 'Mr. Fixit,' and I've kept it ever since. "Do have some more steak!" she urged me, and I graciously complied. "Now about those noodles " "Tell her about 'Peg o' My Heart','* Burton broke in hastily, and Wanda stuck out her tongue at him. "Well, what about it?" she demanded. "I took the lead— that's all. Oh, but 1 did love that picture !" she beamed at me, (Continued on page 114) 110