Motion Picture (Aug 1919-Jan 1920)

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CSfe Zfiteswer" 'JMbtti Chu Chin Chow.— No, there's nothing new under the sun, but there are new ways of expressing it. You liked Nazimova in "The Red Lantern." You say your husband never gets cross. Maybe he loses his temper when he is about to use it. Enid Bennett's last "The Haunted Bedroom." Calico Nabs. — Jack Mulhall is to play in Peggy Hyland's next picture, "The Merry-Go-Round." Arthur Ashley is in New York. Do I think Petrova can "come back"? Certainly. Why not? Wai.tkk B„ Jr. — Thank you. good sir. I owe you one. Dont believe all you hear. Mary Fuller has deserted the screen. You will find the right one some day. What man seeks in love is woman, but what woman seeks in man is love. The right one will come along. Pkccy L. — You say you have been presented with a black ostrich fan, and that a fan is indispensable to a woman who can no longer blush. A fan to a fan ! Peggy, I have me doots ! Address Mary Pickkford, Los Angeles, Cal. Everybody's Fan. — Oh, yes, I have kist many a lady's fair hand, but it is like looking into a confectioner's window. Our Fame and Fortune Contest went over BIG. But wc were all fooled on some of the photos sent in. All is not gold that glitters, we found. Some of the "Tearing Beauties" turned out to be nothing but paint and powder, beautifully arranged by the photographers. When these supposed beauties appeared in real life, many of them were not even good-looking. However, we managed to find a half-dozen real good ones, as you will see later. Marikson, — From what I understand, cats' eyes glow in the dark because they catch and concentrate every little glimmer of light that may be about, but scientific men recently made experiments to see if there may not be some other explanation. Dorothy Davenport is not playing just now. Run in again some time. Sam Pepy's Sister. — My. how you dislike Marion Davies ! Why is this thus? Yes, indeed, there is more joy upon earth for one sin found out than for ninety and nine forsaken. William Farnum was Steele in "The Lone Star Ranger." Nasterhon. — Have handed yours to the editor. Tom Moore in "Piccadilly Jim." You say that "It was first known that hogs were good to cat when Jephet Ham. It would be a Shem not to Noah thing was good after trying it." Wonderful ! Valmar. — You ask whether the seeds of tomatoes are as harmful as the seeds in grapes. I think they arc both equally harmless and equally healthful. Harry T. Morey was Christopher, Maurice Costello was Henry and Betty Blythe was Barbara in 'The Man Who Won." Fear I cannot advise on how to get thin. Consult Roscoe Arbuckle. Borona. — Yours was fine. Right again — also write again. Anna. — All right, stop in arid beard the lion in his den. Or, lionize the beard and its pen. F. F., Tokyo. Japan. — Thanks for the p'ctures. Yes. I'd like to be out there seeing your country. Glad you like our American films. Some fillums ! Florine. — Well, if you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as of getting. Thanks for the invitation. Olive Thomas in "Prudence oil Broadway." Be happy with what you have. A contented mind is the greatest blessing a person can enjoy in this world. "Putting One Over" was George Walsh's play. Stingaree. — You refer to True Boardman. You want a list of De Wolf Hopper's wives. Wait till 1 have more space. Certainly I like music, and all kinds, too, even the German. Italian music is probably the finest because it is ground so much on the streets. (Isn't that clever?) Bkss. — Blonde hair, of course, for Mary P'ckford By the way. wait till you see Blanche McGarrity! Silver Spurs.-Hello, there, fair one! Nile" Welch, von say, looked older in "The Law of Men." Well, he was older. Yes. that player is like but oh! bow different. *" l" «■'.' n»'H J. Iirivt, iMtTll. LW (MIUlll /' ■ i Lev in Brooklyn, but they have abolished the free lur Claire Whitney in "Mothers of Men." with Luri Hopeful.— So you are going to California to act. May good luck go with you. You've chosen a good name for yourself — alwavs keep it and you will win. Dessie. Ha, ha, poor child! "Fatty" Arbuckle's wife is professional. You say you picture me as wearing good clothes and taking my lunch at the cafes. In my time I have been to about >'!1 the cafes inches. -umsden Hare. Lola. — William Duncan i ut West. You're wrong. Lola; men are sometimes the cause of women's dislike for each other. Wallace Re!d and Wanda Hawley in "You're Fired." Grace St. P — William Farnnm's children? I have no record of them. Whow ! But you are cross today. No. I dont take you for a phool— who said I did? At this writing the Fame and Fortune winners haven't been selected. Mary C. — Be not so swift to take offense. Mary. Ethel Clayton is about 5 ft. 5l/i in. high. You ask of what religion is Mary Pickford and Ethel Clayton. Democrats. I think. Margaret B. — Yes. I find it hard to get servants. They seem to require more money than I do. We call them domestics, but they are usually foreigners. Ruth Chatterton is on the stage now and not in pictures. Florence Reed in "The Woman Under Oath." No. I dont wear a hair net over my beard. When it rains, I always fold them up and tuck them in. Dont ask me to get fat — consult Dr. Sunbeam, in Shadowland, or Anita Stewart. Iowna Hudson. — Good! Iona Ford. This summer, when I was driving thru the rough roads. I was in the air more than on the ground, so I thought I would take out an aviator's license. No, I write nothing for Shadowland. The Sage got the job away from me. Now let's see if he can hold it down! Mabel R. W. — 'Yes, Ella Hall is married. Why not? So is Dot Kelley, and I guess she is still working at it. Tom Chat.erton was directing last. Dorothy Bernard is in pictures. Clarissa C. — Horrors, no ! Character is power. also influence — and it makes friends and creates funds. Yes, Theda Bara in "A Woman There Was." Daphne. — Of course I can keep a secret, not being a woman. From a confidence to an indiscretion th^re is only the distance between the ear and the tongue. Dorothy Dalton is about 5 ft. 3 in. tall. Laura F. — No, James Young and Clara Young are not brother and sister. No relation now. but they were once closely related. The man who can govern a woman can govern a nation. I have never tried either. No. never been marred. Mary MacLaren was Abby in "The Weaker Vessel." Bushman Forever. — Last I heard of him be was going abroad. No. he doesn't let us bear from h'm any more. Yes. you're right; when a pe~son dies, his frie-'ds ask, "What property has he left?" but the angels ask, "What good deeds has he sent before him." May Allison was Hortense in "The Uplifters" Ye" Metro ire c~*"ing rirdit along. Middy.— Doris Kenyon is working on a scries of productions for the new Dietrich-Beck combination, Shi is e<t present working in the Lathe studio on "The Band Box." Of course I like animals. Lonely Pearl. Great Falls. — Whoopee! So you herd cattle for a wealthy stockman in Montana, and onlv get to town once a month to get the niagas'iiie and go to a picture show. Poor child, you mmhl to be happy with your lambs. The e-!if<>r i goin? t publish your letter. Briotit Eyes. Hope you're feeling better. Write me some more. Pieretti ■'..— All I can tell you i». jtidcc not of men or things at first sight. Escamelo Fernandez Mas Pierre in "Heart of the Wild." Thanks for your illustrated letter. But the sun never -cc the dark side of anything, 5o cheer up, i £U» __