Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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SNPnON piCTUSF 101 I MMU1INC L at 4-4 ? Forty-four years is the average span cf man's life in America. The great insurance companies each year write millions of dollars worth of insurance based upon that proven fact. Most men wear out or break clown before their time because of preventable disease — because they neglect the warnings of Nature that their Vital Machine is out of order. Constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, weakness, headaches, dizzy spells, inability to remember or concentrate, hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, high blood pressure, etc., are S. 0. S. calls, which MUST be heeded, if you don't want to land in the seraph cap of broken-down humanity before you even reach the prime of life. Act NOWbefore it is too late Don't go through life/, weak, sickly, impotent, unable to' enjoy it or benefit by ■ONGFORT the ability with which Nature ^erfect Man has endowed you — always in tirt or misery, always the underdog — with a rtainty of either slipping into the great -_#? the uselessly unfit or of dying before, your DON'T DO IT— it isn't necessary. You can rid of your handicapping ailments or bad s and put your human machine in A-l running , just as thousands of other weak, sickly, disced men have done. 't try to get life out of dead dope .-feeders never become red-blooded, virile Quack "remedies" are manufactured for \oney they bring their makers. A little temrelief or stimulation — then the inevitable re-and yooi are worse off than before. Millions lars are wasted and thousands of lives cut *ach year, through the worthless promises of ■medicine fakers. 's only one safe, sane, sure way back to £ strength and energy, and that is Nature's ^ou have within you the greatest health and restoring, revitalizing power the world has Jown, in the tremendous forces Nature her.rts toward upbuilding the human organism, \ce yooi understand her methods and observe fs. ■rinciples of Strongfortism are based upon k-ivery — that internal muscular activity gov ptlth. Strength and Dife itself. Most forms fa are caused from the muscles losing their ir rapid contraction. As these muscles are e for holding the internal organs in posi P'n they are relaxed, the organs gradually Jef their place and rest upon other organs, their functioning and causing almost every _ !X>rm of disease. Strongfortism gives con p^wer to these muscles and quickly makes r clLH and so draws the sagging organs back i Pubition. rV»li *ife nas ^ecn sPent hi studying out and ^Oiliis Science of Strongfortism. My pupils Catl *n every civilized country of the world. t-. will do for YOU what I already have Profem. a1 &>nd for my FREE book SJotion and Conservation of Health, Strength rita! Energy" will tell you all about Strong -what it has done for others and what it ttdly will do for YOU. It never fails. ANTEE to improve your condition 100 PER ilT you will follow my directions for a few ■^ No interference with your regular work ation. You can practice Strongfortism in 1 acy of your own bedroom and get all the **'rom ;.t. Fifteen to twenty minutes a day V;.rk a wonderful improvement m a few r.time. t for the book today — NOW. Don't put it *il "tomorrow. IT'S FREE, but you gladly .send me a good-sized check for it, if you what it contains. Fill out the coupon and with three 2c stamps for packing and postage I will send you with the book a special letter he subject on which you are most interested. *«EL STRONGFQRT ^Jical and Health Specialist ^F igf ort Institute, Newark, N. J. yCjJT AND MAIL THIS COUPON ""■ * *rongfort, Newark, N. J. NORT.ort: — Please send me your book, "Prc loiJ serration of Health, Strength and Men I a tor postage of which I enclose three 2c ea^er mailing expenses. I have marked (X) am interested. (1149) . .Weaknesses ^.lbject in which . .Insomnia .Short Wind ..Flat Feet . .Stomach Disorders . .Constipation . .Biliousness ..Torpid Liver . .Indigestion . .Nervousness ..Poor Memory . . Rheumatism . .Bad Habits . .Gastritis . . Heartweakness . .Poor Circulation ..Skin Disorders . .Despondency ..Round Shoulders . .Lung Troubles ..Increased Height . .Stoop Shoulders . . Muscular Development .\OCCTJP ATION. \OC Letters to the Editor A word in behalf of the often criticized serial: Dear Editor — I am an ardent reader of the Motion Picture Magazine and Classic and I take great interest in your department, having read it for two years. Every one seems to have certain stars whom they either praise or criticise without any regard for the stars' feelings. I have just received the May magazine in which I see that Mr. Thomas Finnerty again visits your columns and I dont agree with him about the deadly epidemic of serial thrillers one bit — in fact, we, in South America, cannot get enough serial plays and want more and more of them. I have many favorites, but the star I select for praise is Marie Walcamp— truly, she is an actress the movie world can be proud of. The way hi which she plays with her life is marvellous. I dont see how any one could see her in such plays as "The Red Ace," and "The Lion's Claw," in all of her moods and then not have a feeling of admiration and sympathy for her. I, for one, hope Marie Walcamp will make many more serials and that Pearl White and Ruth Roland will do the same, for we know them very well here. I wish every future success to the movie stars, one and all, and also to the publisher of The Motion Picture Magazine and Classic Sincerely, Grace Edwardes. Valparaiso, Chile. Here is a prayer for relief from the custom-made movie plot: Editor : — With more or "less" interest I have digested some of the letters to the Editor; Mr. Finnerty in his epistle about "Bolshevism on Trial" is telling us only his impression. While to six readers he may be correct in his criticism, half a dozen will be just as sincere in the praise of the picture in question. One has his favorites, his likes and dislikes. But honestly, can you point out one screen picture, may it be tragedy, drama, comedy, slapstick, Charlie Chaplinese or "Fatty" Arbuckling, which does not always end where one finds the heroine fading out in the respective star's arms? Seems to me the so-called movie writer-authors should put on skid chains, get out of the rut, go into "high" gear and strike the highway of entertainment as well as education. It can be done ; if I remember correctly, it has been done once or twice. This everlasting falling in love at first sight, fighting overwhelming odds, and coming out on top — it's not done nowadays. Take Harry Morey in "Beauty Proof." Can you, even under the influence of 2.75% beverages, imagine a N. W. mounted policeman following a female — no matter how beautiful — "up north" without his coat and gauntlets? Silly. Good luck and success. Sincerely, Richard Harden. 14 Southern Ave., Dorchester Centre, Mass. Maurice Tourneur's "Woman" unfair? Then why not another production showing the many good points of woman, writes an Australian correspondent. Dear Editor : — Some time ago I went to see Maurice Tourneur's "Woman," — I thought it very fine and one of the best Make your lashes and eyebrows the envy of your friends Long silky lashes and beautifully formed eyebrows enhance the depth and charm of your eyes. Use SILKENLASH, a harmless treatment. It is sold on the unreserved guarantee, satisfaction assured or your money back. It consists of a sable pencil, eyebrow brush, lash cream, eyebrow cream; leaflet, "What the Eyes and Brows Signify," and complete directions. Just pin a dollar bill, stamp? or money order to this ad, mail to us and this wonderful treatment will be sent you in plain wrapper, prepaid. Bryn Mawr Laboratories, 2710 Wells St., Chicago. t Ukulele, Hawaiian Guitar, Violin, 1 Mandoiin, Guitar, Gornet or Banjo Wonderful new system of teaching note music by mail. To first pnpils In each locality, we give a $20 enperb Violin, Mandolin, Ukulele, Guitar. Hawaiin Guitar, Cornet, Tenor Banjo or Banjo absolutely free. Very small charge for lessons only. We guarantee success or no charge. Complete outfit free. Write now. No> obligation. SLINGERUN0 SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Inc. Dept.52 CHICAGO, ILL. S?B&FP DIAMOND EraWSLBm RINGOFFER Joot to advertise oar famous Hawaiian im. diamonds— tho greatest discovery the world has ever known. We will send ab... solutely free this 14k gold £. ring, set crith a l-2b Hawaiian im. diamond— in beauriIir ring box postatre paid. Pay postmaster e ' . 3i> C. O. D. charges to cover-postage, boxing*, advertising", handling, etc. If you can tell It from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10.000 given away. Send no money Answer quick. Send size of fingez. KRAUTH & REED. Oept.^i MASONIC TEMPLE CHICAGO You can cure yourself. Practice the simple, sensible exercises a former fellow-sufferer has prepared for you. Save costly school tuition. Write for valuable circular today. KUEHN BROS. & CO. BOX 597 BALTIMORE. MD. IfnnAIf PRS How would you like to get a I^V/UAIVEiIxJ 9x11 enlargement of your best negatives free? Drop us a card now asking about it. Films developed* 10c per roll. Prints 3, 4, and 5c each. FORD'S F0T0 STUDIO, Ellensburg, Washington HOW TO MOTION Tells your ability for screen work. Who to ask for position, where to go with long list of Film Com. panies names STUDIO CO. A BECOME PICTURE and addresses, Studio terms, etc. lOcts. and 2c postage. Norwalk, Conn. WRITE A SONG Love, Mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compose Music and guarantee publication. Send Words Today. THOMAS MERLIN, 231 Reaper Block, Chicago SEXUALKNOWLEDGE 320 Pages ILLUSTRATED By Winfield Scott Hall, M.D., Cloth Ph.D. SEX FACTS MADE PLAIN What every young man and Every young woman should know What every young husband and Every ycung wife should know What every parent should know plain wraprvr Table contents & commendations onrequeai American Pub. Co., 261 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia "$1.00 Postpaid Mailed in