Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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AGENTS WANTED Agent S40-S100 a week. Free Samples. Gold Sign Letter? any one can put on store windows Big demand. Literal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431 F. X. Clark St.. Chicago In.->de Tire' inner armor for automobile s; prevent punctures and blowouts: double mileage. Liberal profits. Details free. American Accessories Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. Dept. 119. Agent-: Biir Return-., fast Office Sellers; particulars and samples free. One Dip Pen Company. 10 Daily Record. Baltimore, Sid. The Police Key is as serviceable as a whole bunch of ordinary keys; opens almost everything; every house owner should have one. postpaid on receipt of 20c: three for 50c. Safety Key Holder free with every key. Sharpe Mfg. Co., Paterson. X. J. Mexican Diamonds Flash Like Genuine: fool experts; stand tests, yet sell for 1-S0th the Few live agents wanted to sell from handsome sample case. Rig profits, pleasant Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., Box CA, Las Cruces. N, Mex. $6-$18 a Doz. decorating pillow tops at home: experience unnecessary; particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 103 LaGrange, Ind. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES \\ . "Man You in Business, furnishing everything: men and women. $30.00 to $100.00 weekly operating our "New System Specialty . andy Factories" anywhere. Opportunity lifetime: booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Drawer 91, East Orange, N. J. COINS, STAMPS, ETC. Sever Sell Old (oins until you see our copyrighted 6x9 Illustrated Coin Value Book (New .a i — showing high prices we pay, $100.00 paid for ISM dime, S Mint. Send 10c for your copy today. You may have valuable coins. Interaational Coin Co., Box 151, Philadelphia. Pa. We Buy Old Money. Hundreds of dates worth *2 to J500 each. Keep all old money, vou may have valuable coins. We pay cash. • 1 10c for new illustrated buy ng Price List, size 4x6. Guaranteed prices. "Varke Coin Co., Box 99, Le Roy. N. Y. Mil Coins. Large Spring Coin Catalog of -oins for sale free. Catalog quoting prices 'or coins, ten cents. William Hesslein, Dept. B. 101 Tremont St.. Boston, Mass. Genuine Old ( <>in and large 42-page iilusi Coin Catalog for ten cents. Just a acquainted" offer. Send NOW. B. Max Mehl. Coin Dealer. Mehl Bldg., Dept. M, Fort Worth, Texas. THEATRICALS Are You Contemplating a Theatrical Career? ot enter your chosen profession uninformed. Authentic, reliable information upon York Theatrical Advisory Bu ~S0 Broadway, New Y'ork City. FARM LANDS 1 1 ree Book of I loridn I a. t*. Own your own orange grove in beautiful Fruitland Park. A ents a day you now waste will buy it tor you. A few dollars a month may provide with a life income. Schnitzler sold his ly-acre grove here for $40,000 — two thou He saw the same opportunity |s offered you and planted a prove. Re -he reaped a small fortune. Y'ou have Isame chance but you must act now. TODAY for Free Book of Actual Photo s, Florida Facts and the interesting of a Fruitland Park Farm. Learn of that help you buy it. Address today. inty Land Owners' Association, 31" Fruitland Park, Florida. 'FEMALE HELP WANTED omen Wanted to operate Beauty Parlors; ake Jfion-tiooo monthly. We instruct all ranches Dermal lair Removal. Hi by electricity. Full line Toilet Prepara E. K. St., St. Louis, Mo. FEMALE HELP WANTED Women: Become Fashionable Dress Designers. Earn $125 month or open your own parlors. Fascinating work. Sample lessons free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. N865, Rochester, N. Y*. Wanted — 5 bright, capable ladies for 1920, to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 60, Omaha, Neb. Women, Girls. 18 up. Wanted by U. S. Government. Census and Railway Mail Office positions. Commence $1140-$1300 year. Common education. Write immediately for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. N137, Rochester, New Y'ork. FILMS DEVELOPED Mail us 1.5c with any size film for development and six velvet prints. Or send six negatives, any size, and 15c for six prints. Or send 35c for one SxlO mounted enlargement Prompt, perfect service. Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., 206 Bell Ave.. Roanoke, Va. The Practical Exposure Disc. Simple, accurate, complete. The only satisfactory exposure calculator for daylight saving time. Price SI. 00. At your dealer's, or write for full information. American Photography, 467 Pope Building, Boston, Mass. GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENTS Plays. Vaudeville Acts, Monologs, Dialogs, Recitations. Pageants, Musical Readings, Special Entertainments, Tableaux, Drills, Minstrel Jokes, Make-up Goods; Large Catalog Free. T. S. Denison & Co., Dept. 7, Chicago. HELP WANTED Artists in Great Demand. Big salaries paid for full or part time. Learn quickly at home in spare time. Commercial Art, Cartooning, Illustrating, Designing. Outfit free to new students. Send .for handsome Free Book. Write Now. Washington School of Art, Inc., 1451 H St. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Be a Detective — Excellent opportunity; good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 556 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Railway Traffic Inspectors: Splendid pay and expenses; travel if desired; unlimited advancement. No age limit. Three months home study. Situation arranged. Prepare for permanent position. Write for booklet CM-59, Standard Business Training Institute. Buffalo, N. Y. Detectives Earn Big Money. Great demand vhere. Excellent opportunity. Travel. Experience unnecessary. We train you. Particulars free. Write American Detective System, 196S Broadway. New York. Government Positions Pay S!)00-S1,800 a Year. Write for free book giving list of positions and how to secure one. Just write postal to ■son Civil Service School, Box 1408, Rochester, x. Y. Attention. Citizens! Tour Government needs many kinds of workers over 18, pays higher salaries for shorter hours and offers grei ad^'a^ ".n't miss your real opportun ity by jailing to Investigate, Just send name for free list RS-20T9. Earl Hopkins, WashD. C. Be i DdectiM — Earn big pa work; demand everywhi chance for I; we show vou; write for particulars. Wagi i ofk. Dept F. b, Government now needs hundreds, men Permanent posl ant work. (1200-11300 first year. Quick ■ rt hours. Paid vacation, f'ommon education sufficient. Writ'' Immediately for ist positions now obtainable Franklin institute. Dept. Xll'.. Rochester, N. Y'. .Men. 18 up. Wanted. Goi • rnnvnt Railway Its. Begin $1300. List positions Franklin Institute. Dept. Nil".. ItochesY WEDDING INVITATIONS Wedding Invitations, Announcements, etc., 100 in Script lettering, including inside and outside envelopes, :?:!.50; 100 Visiting Cards, 75c. Write for samples. M. Ott Engraving Co., 1009 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. JEWELRY Mail Direct to the Refiners any Old Gold, silver, magnetic points, old watches, platinum, old or broken jewelry, diamonds, false teeth, gold or silver ores or nuggets, war bonds and stamps. Send them to us today. Highest prices paid In cash by return mail. Goods returned in 10 davs if vou're not satisfied. The Ohio Smelting & Refining Co., 240 Lennox Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Diamonds, Bonds, Old Gold, Crowns, Platinum. Square deal. Cash at once. Goods returned at oilir expense if our olfer is refused. Send now, mail or express. I. N. Cohen, 1229 12th St., Washington, D. C. MAGAZINES Back Issues of Motion Picture Classic. Motion Picture Magazine, Photoplay and r 11 publications for sale by Boston Magazine Exchange, 109 Mountfort St. MANUSCRIPTS Y'our Manuscripts Are Very Valuable, and I properly handled mean MONEY TO YOl!| Write us before submitting them to any one Send for reading matter. Correspondence solicited. The Union Music Co., 432 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. We Professionally Put in Form and Type scenarios, manuscripts, etc. Thomson Literary Bureau, Sta. F., Box 120, New Y"ork. Flab Correction Service offers the best correcj tion criticism and revision for MS. Indivi ual constructive advice each time, which ables you to sell your own and elimii agents. 15c per 100 words. Send MS. or v for detailed information. 822 Buena .. Chicago. MISCELLANEOUS You Write Worels For a Song. We write I music, publish and secure a copyright. St mit poems on any subject. The Metropoli Studios. 914 So. Michigan Ave., Dept. 1 Chicago, 111. Write the Words for a Song. We re\ poems, write music and guarantee to sec publication. Submit poems on any subj Broadway Studios, 105M Fitzgerald Build) New Y'ork. MUSIC Al I'iantadosi Co., Music Publishers, 23' 46th St., N. Y. c. for popularizing punu offer their latest Waltz Song "Eg\ie Nights." KOc seller and eleven other Chi song hits, postpaid for $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violins Deep, Mellow, .Soulful -on Credit, 1 e terms foi wonderful Instrument. Get detal today. Gustav Hennlng, 229 11th St., Miam" Ida. ->n MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS: S35.00 Profit Nightly. Small capital starts y No experience needed. Our machines are a and endorsed by government Instlti . Catalog free. Atlas Musing Picturi < •< my part, Morton Bldg., Chlca o »hy»ical NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Earn 125 Weekly, spare time, wrihnt, newspapers, magazines. Experience unne nary: details free. press Syndicate, 560 , Mo , — » (Continued on page 14) 11 ' Pfl6 li