Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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1 CI B 4 5 5 1 3 7 Romantic Madrid with its unfulfilled dreams — its bull-fights — its crumbling castle walls — this was the birthplace of Spanish Tony, otherwise Antonio Garrido Monteagudo Moreno. Born into an old and aristocratic family dusky Tony was to have been educated for the priesthood, but he felt he would make a better actor than priest and came to America, receiving his education at Northampton. After a short time on the stage, he joined the Yitagraph, where he has remained almost constantly ever since. Lately he has appeared in serials — but whether it's serial or feature play Tony is sure to be pleasing and vivid in his characterization. Gallery of Players 19 r»~_. :».. _f T.-...1 : AT T^» u r* 11 -W-f t\__:_ t^ t.i t,t_:— i nr.i 'ortraits of Katherine^ MacDonald, Carroll McComas, Doris Pawn, Thomas Meighan, Wal Me: Gladys Hall 30 Maude S. Cheatham 33 lace Reid, Beatrice Dominguez, Una Trevelyn, Alice Elliott and Charlotte Merriam An Orchid Speaks A word portrait of Elsie Ferguson To Corsica with "Dusty" A vachting expedition with Dustin Farnum The Beautiful Elaine 35 That Stonehouse Youngster Betsy Bruce 36 "Ruthie" Stonehouse is discovered up a tree America and the Foreign Photoplay James Frederick 38 A resume of cinema conditions Bebe, the Beautiful 40 Pegeen Janet Reid 41 A novelette of Bessie Love's latest production According to St. John Doris Delvignc 45 • An interview with Al. St. John From Camera to Screen in Six Hours Laura M. Gretsch 47 An interesting story of the News Reel Alias Marshal Foch 50 Artists of the Desert 51 The Camaraderie of Edith Adele Whitely Fletcher 52 A chat with Edith Hallor Eugene of Erin 54 Richard Barthelmess — An Impression Hazel Simpson Nay lor 56 Depicting the real Barthelmess Kathlyn of the Golden West Doris Dclvigne 58 An afternoon call with Kathlyn Williams An Erstwhile Vampire Adele Whitely Fletcher 60 Frankie Mann talks Piccadilly Jim Alexander Lowell 61 The latest Owen Moore production Actionized The Girl With the Hoe 66 That's Out Tamer Lane 67 As the Army Moved Overseas Lillian May 68 Mabel Heikes Justice kept open house for boys in service The Beach Comber Norman Bruce 69 A novelization of the new Universal feature Tea for Three Lillian Mont any e 73 Over the teacups with Marguerite Courtot A Dark Star 75 Across the Silversheet Hazel Simpson Naylor 76 The latest offerings in review Jack the Giant Killer and Miss E. Lectric Fan 78 A Dialogue Imaginary Our Movie Monthly of News and Views Sally Roberts 80 Bits of gossip from the Pacific Movie Colony The Answer Man 88 Wherein that venerable person reigns supreme WATCH FOR