Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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£Sj& s^ aOBPfe C25&? C^ns^er '"TkTottt u Wally Rkid Fan. — Alma Hanlon and Leo Delaney had the leads in "Pride and the Devils." Ruth Roland is about 23 years. Oh, I dont mind the cold weather, my whiskers are as good as any white fox scarf. But I say, the automobile is the rich man's wine and the poor man's chaser.' Marjorie A. — You want to know about Earle Williams' pets. I should imagine his wife is his best. You say, "Tell ine about Charlie Chaplin." Well, that gives me plenty of latitude, so I'll say a lot. He's it! Merrii. Le V. — Douglas Fairbanks is in Los Angeles now. Marie B. — You say that blacksmiths are the most wicked of persons because they forge and steel daily. Say, when you are going" to spring anything' Mike this, give me notice, please — it is a terrible shock on my system. Yes, I think it is wrong. ' Run in.-again. • An Italian Star. — I would advise, by all means, that you read Dr. Henry Van Dyke's "Little Rivers" and "Fisherman's Luck," also read Patent Office record of an invention of a stretchable-rubber-fish ; warranted to fit any fish story. You refer to Marguerite Snow. Iris I.— You are wrong when you surmise that I attend masquerade balls. I dont. You say that I ought to attend, because I wont have to wear a mask. Kind madam, I thank you. I really dont know to whom to refer you, perhaps you mean Eugene O'Brieft. R. L. W. — My dear friend : I appreciate you alright, but your terminal facilities are sadly in need of repair. If you cant express your sentiments send them by freight. Sessue Hayak-awa is 30 years of age, also W. J. Kerrigan. M. E. Gisborne. — Have mailed the letters you sent me to the various players, but I do wish you would e?iclose sufficient stamps, hereafter. Also, please do your own licking. A. W. B. — You are right about the Moore boys. They are in New York now. Mary Moore was their sister. Irving Cummin'gs, you mean. Marin Sals is back in pictures. James Kirkwood is directing. Billy Quirk doesn't seem to be playing, just now. Yours was a peach. Crichtom. — Elsie Ferguson has no children. Omar.— Send along another copy. That's good stuff. You say that my wit and humor is clever, but all of it is not original. It is a wise joke that knows its own father. You refer to Mae Marsh in "Spotlight Sadie." Dintty. — No, I dont mind doing a good turn for anyone, as long as it is appreciated. Gratitude is the music of the heart, when its choids are swept by the breezes of kindness. Marshall Neilan was Jimmie and Mahion Hamilton was Jarvis. West .Virginia. — It was at Fori Sumter, where the first sounds of the cannon's thunder were heard in the Civil War. I remember well. Enid Bennett and Niles Welch in "Stepping Out." I dont know from where. Your stuff was great. Write me again. Betty James. — Hello, Betsy. Well, it's like this, I am too honest to steal, too proud to beg, so I get trusted. It takes me just two montha to save up to buy one shoe. Madge Kennedy in "Strictly Confidential." Pickled Olive. — You say you find real pleasure in writing to me. I am glad I can afford you that little pleasure. Yes, to the Alice Brady _ question. You're right, most pretty men are married. Poor dears. Gladys Brockwell in "Thieves." Norma Talmadge Admirer. — I am surprised at you. You say, "I am a constant reader of the Motion Picture Magazine, but it is only about three months since I started to read your department. 1 just hate to admit the fact, that I've always left it out. until one day I didn't have anything on hand to read, so I took up that month's issue and turned to your department, saying to myself, that 1 would see what you have to say, when lo and behold. I found it so interesting" that I read it all and just craved for some more." Now, just think of all you have missed. Norma is married, Constance and Natalie are not. fi Mooney — Olive Thomas was Tessa and Robert Ellis was Billy in "The Spite Bride" (Selznick). Maude Adams has never been in pictures. Her real name was Maude Kisdadden. Tildy Winks.— Why dont you write to me? Gloria C. — There's no telling. Lorena M— I certainly did laugh, when I read yours. Bluebird was a wife-killing tyrant in a nursery story. So you have got me wrong. Anna Little, Tom Forman, Wanda Hawley and Robert Warwick in "Told in the Hills." June Rose.— But dont you know that in teaching others, you learn yourself? I think you ought to be more brief and explicit. Simplicity is an exact medium, between too little and too much. Please dont ask me, if you should marry such and such a chap I am not afortune teller, and from the looks of my bank account, not even a fortune hunter. Romantic' Rir \. — Every time t read your letters, they make me think I need quinine. Jack Pickford is playing for Goldwyn. Mary has no children. Well, some players make up for the street— Madame Petrova uses make-up on the street, whereas Lillian Gish does not. Pink Chink. — Diet and exercise, my child. Obesity is simply Nature's unnatural padding, and while some look on it as comedy, many who are thus afflicted look on it as tragedy. What was the name of the film, please? Richard Barthelmess was born in New York City, 1895. He has dark hair and brown eyes. I dont _ think .Douglas Fairbanks ever played in the same picture with George Walsh. Luna Tick.— You say you have never written me before, and are going to make up for lost time, now. That's right. Miss Tick, lay on. Oh, yes, I know Blanche McG_arity, Virginia Brown and Anetha Getwell, very well. 1 saw all the beauties, 'when they were here. J. M. L., Chicago. — Your theory about the mosquito is that he _ has humanity stung, going and coming. Aren't you a trifle late with this alleged joke? You want more information about Carlyle Blackwell, , do. -you? . Cleopatra's needles • were not erected . by her, neither do they . commemorate any event in her history. They were set up by Rameses the Great. Mary L.— You ask, if it would be wise for you to enter the movies. It might be otherwise. Why, ; Kitty Gordon was born in -England. This doesn't appear on my card index, but if you will try hot sharp vinegar, it will remove paint from window glass. You're welcome. Any little thing like that you want to know, I'm right there. Earle Williams Admirer. — Yes, he is East There is an Egyptian obelisk in Central Park, -New York, that was dedicated to the sun god, as most Egyptian gods were identified with the sun. Kenneth Harlan played in "The Trembling Hour." Los Terremotos. — You bet, I'm always glad to hear from the Spanish girls. Quarantine signifies 40 days. It was once applied to the period which persons coming from infected countries were obliged to wait on board ship before they were allowed to land. J'. W. Johnston played in "Twin Pawns" with Mae Murray. Ruth, the Glad Girl. — Yes, Harry Poland is married to Marguerite Fisher, and they are happily married. But dont search these columns for jokes. I dont believe in them. Besides, the chestnut season has passed. Mark Twain says that there are onty thirteen original jokes, and I used them up long ago. Spooner. — Yours was some letter, but dont . break a lady's heart just for practice. Some people are good because it comes high to be otherwise. You refer to Mabel Normand as being pigeon-toed. Anna R. — Certainly, I take baths and I believe in them. Everybody should take a bath, at least once a year, oftener if convenient. There is no danger, whatever. Some people fear baths because, since we are made of dust, they are afraid they will turn to mud. Paul Panzer played with Edith Taliaferro in "Who's Your Brother?". (Continued on page 92) | v 9 I SW IAG£