Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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fiT-MOT ION PICT UR-\ Whel I MAGAZINE. M maybe they can answer you. You ask for" close-ups of Annette Kellerman. Berxick P. — Both players you speak of have made a graceful exit from the screen. Frances Nelson in "The Stolen Voice." Nance O'Xeil is playing in "The Passion Flower" on the stage. Battlinv. Elmer. — Thanks for the sympathy. I need it. Mollie King with American Cinema : Mary Miles Minter, Realart, and Wanda Hawley with Paramount. Send along another artistic effort, the last was a masterpiece. Bushranger. — Well, it's this way. Thinking is to the mind what digestion is to the body. Yes, I liked Wallace Reid in 'The Lottery .Man." Marjorie Daw in that. Hope you succeed in getting that raise for me. Elsie H. — Top of the morning, EUie! Haven't heard of the player you mention. Of course I read a lot. Good books are not only a nourishment to the mind, but they enlighten and expand it. Elsie Ferguson's stage play is "Sacred and Profane Love." Quite a combination. Marie. — Sessue Hayakawa a butler — I should say not — leading man or rather star. Yola Yale is in Los Angeles. No, I'm not a Methodist. As I understand it the term, Methodist, was applied to Charles Wesley, and it was applied as a term of ridicule. He must have been a stickler for method, for he was always using the word and thus gained him the nickname "Methodist." Sure write again. M. H. T. — Constance Talmadge never played in a picture with Robert Harron. Harrison Ford in "The Temperamental Wife." Oh. I cant kick, Pm happy. Living is well worth the present high cost if you make it so. Nancy Lee. — Great guns ! You want a list of the players with addresses who will send their photos. There aint no such list. Of course. I want you to write often. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. George C. C. — Hello, George ! \ on say there are no more wooden shoes used in Denmark than there are in New York City. No, and did you know that chop suey is not eaten in China or Japan ? Fear not, my boy, I'll never die of wood alcohol. George Walsh is starring in "Find the Woman." How can you find her when she never has been lo-t ? You cant lose them. Clown Prince — What a nom-de-plume to take for yourself. No, Charlie Chaplin is not being paid by Essanay and Exhibitors' Mutual. They are old rele Your joke is good, but mighty ancient Why is a bankrupt like a clock? Because he must either «top or go on tick. Mickey Z. — Why, yes. the Suez Canal built by De L^s-eps in 1869. The money was secured by Egyptians who put about 185,000,000 into it. but the money came from England and the majorithe stock was sold to England. Burton Holmes is showing a series of tnr of Beleium. No. I haven't seen them a~ yet. Expert to, tho. Marion Davie-. 72 Seventh Ave., New York City. Junior Jess.— Yes, Peggy Hyland is English, quite English you know. G — No, I didn't. Texas Hailf.r. hail from the Lone St. You havi me on some of those old stage questions. You know I've never followed the In fact, I've only followed the pictures but never caught up yet. Why dont you get in touch with the Dramatic Mirror/ 1 lurk, old chap. Lulu W. W. — No, I try not to be stingy, but you know it soon becomes a confirmed habit and increases with our years. Your letter was a jewel, and you Complete Musical Outfits On Trial YOU mtiy have your choice of instruments and a complete musical outfit for a week's free trial in your own home. Outfit includes, music rack, all accessories, instruction book. etc. at factory prices. A tremendous saving;. Convenient Monthly Payments After trial return outfit at our expense if vou wish. I f ynu decide to buy you may pay the low direct price in small monthly amounts. Wurlitzer for 60 years has meant highest quality. Send this Coupon We'll send you freo and without obligation the Wur litzer lcu-paye illustrated catalog. Mail tbo coupon. The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Dept. IM3 E. 4th St., Cincinnati-S. Wabasb Ave.. Chicago / WURUTZER . U. S. Pat. Office "" > y The Rudolph Wurhizer Co. j. Dept 1543 r 117 E. 4th St. .Cincinnati, Ohio / 829 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, HI. Send free your 160-paKe catalog with full details of complete musical outfit * on easy terms. "7 ' Name ... _....„ #• Instrument I am Specially Interested lit..... ...hum* VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME Taught in simplest English durlog sparetime. Diploma eranted. Cost within reach of all. Satisfaction guaranteed. Havebeenteaching by correspondence twenty years. Graduatesassistedinmany ways. Every person interested in Stock should take it. Write for C3talopTie and full WT D F E? particulars • m ■» & » London Veterinary Corres. School Dept. 11 London, Ontario, Can DEAFNESS IS MISERY I know because I'was Deaf ana* had Head Noises for over 30 years. My invisible Antiseptic Ear Drums restored my hearing and stopped Head Noises, and will do it for you. They arc Tiny Megaphones. Cannot be seen when worn. 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