Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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"You've Gone Way Past Me, Jim!" "Today good old Wright came to my office. All day the boys had been dropping in to congratulate me on my promotion. But with Wright it was different. ''When I had to give up school to go to work I came to the plant seeking any kind of job— I was just a young fellow without much thought about responsibility. They put me on the payroll and turned me over to Wright, an assistant foreman then as now. He took a kindly interest in me from the first. 'Do well the job that's given you, lad,' he said, 'and in time you'll win out.' '"Well, I did my best at my routine work, but I soon realized that if ever I was going to get ahead I must not only do my work well, but prepare for something better. So I wrote to Scranton and found I could get exactly the course I needed to learn our business. I took it up and began studying an hour or two each evening. ''Why, in just a little while my work took on a whole new meaning. Wright began giving me the most particular jobs — and asking my advice. And there came, also, an increase in pay. Next thing I knew I was made assistant foreman of a new department. I kept right on studying because I could see results and each day I was applying what I learned. Then there was a change and I was promoted to foreman — at good money, too. "And now the first big goal is reached — I am superintendent, with an income that means independence, comforts and enjoyments at home — all those things that make life worth living. . "Wright is still at the same job, an example of the tragedy of lack | of training. What a truth he spoke when he said today, 'You've gone I Explain, without obliging • T' JJ TJJ ii»> ' tlon, or In the subject, be/or way past me, Jim, — and you deserve to. Heads win — every time! a q electrical bngikbfu Yes. it's simply a question of training. Your hands can't earn the | money you need, but your head can if you'll give it a chance. The International Correspondence Schools have helped more than I two million men and women to win promotion, to earn more money, | to know the joy of getting ahead in business and in life. Isn't it about time to find out what they can do for you? I You, too, can have the position you want in the work of your choice, ' with an income that will make possible money in the bank, a home of | your own, the comforts and luxuries you would like to provide your | Ffb2t„. family. No matter what your age, your occupation, your education, j C Jj^mivi or your means — you can do it ! All we ask is the chance to prove it — without obligation on your | Namc pan or a penny of cost. That's fair, isn't it? Then mark and mail o£t£ this coupon. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 6601, SCRANTON, PA. ailng me, how I can qualify for the pott* before which I mark X. _ SALESMANSHIP Electric LtKhtinR and Rail wayj Electric Wiring Telegraph Engineer Telephone Work M[ mumi u. r Sfi INFER Mechanical Draftsman Machine Shop Practice Toolmaker Gas Engine Operating civil BMG1HBBB Surveying and Mapping MINK FOKF.MAN OK F.NfilNEER STATIONiKT fM.IM.Mt Marine Engineer Ship Draftsman ARCHITECT Contractor and 3'illdcr Architectural Draftsman Concrete Builder Structural Engineer HIM. AMI HF.ATIN9 Metal Worker versccr or Supt. mis r Navigation ADVERTISING Window Trimmer Show Card Writer Sign Painter Railroad Trainman ILLUSTRATING Cartooning III MNFhS MANAGEMENT Private Secretary BOOKKEEPER Stenographer and Typlat Cert. Puhlic Accountant TRAFFIC MANAGER Railway Accountant Commercial Law GOOD ENGLISH Teacher Common School Subject* BMathemattca CIVIL SERVICE "Railway Mail Clerk AlTOMOMLE OPFRATIHO Atito Ktpelrlni, |CHpinUh A filth I 1,11 IH n\J Fr«nfh Poultry lUUInc I J I'*"*" Street and No.. i City. 93 PA6