Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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rfTiMpT\OH piCTURF (Inei I MAGAZINE L *1852l , ';■?/ *'«£ ... W.L.DOUGLAS .PEGGING SHOES^ '\ AT SEVEM i YEARS OF AGE JU y/M WH EN age "t: SHOES" WH EEL MATER ROW. A ELEVEN Y HE BOY W FR EGU EN LEATH ER ALS FROM DISTANC E WO M 1 LES EARS HOP EGGED ^ TLY H.P AN D OTH ER TOWN 1 N A DAROF ABOUT W.L. DOUGLAS NAME AND THE 'RETAIL 'PRICE IS PLAINLY •fsTAMPEDON THESOLESOFEVERY f'pPilR OFSHOESBEFORETHEY LEAVE THE FACTORY. THIS PROTECTS THE ^WEAR ER AGAINSTHIGH PRICES AND UNREASONABLE PROFITS MANUFACTURING WL410TOLAS "THE sffl§EWJ!mT HOLDS ITS SHAPE " $r.oo $8.oo ^$9oo&$10oo SHOES BOYS' SHOES $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 W. L. Douglas shoes are sold through 107 of our own stores direct to the wearer at one profit. All middlemen's and manufacturing profits are eliminated. W. L. Douglas $9.00 and $10.00 shoes are absolutely the best shoe values for the money in this country. W.L.Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees the best shoes in style, comfort and service that can be produced for the price. Q tamping the price on every pair of >-5 snoes as a protection against high prices and unreasonable profits is only one example of the constant endeavor of W. L. Douglas to protect his customers. W. L. Douglas name on shoes is his pledge that they are the best in materials, workmanship and style possible to produce at the price. Into every pair go the results of sixty-seven years experience in making shoes, dating back to the time when W. L. Douglas was a lad of seven, pegging shoes. The quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the fashion centers of America. They are made in a wellequipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. W. Li. Douglas shoes are for sale by over 9000 shoe dealers besides our own stores. If your local dealer cannot supply you, take no other make. Order direct from the factory. Send for booklet telling how to order shoes by mail, postage free. CAUTION. — Insist upon having W. L. Douglas snoes. The name and price is plainly stamped on the sole. If it has been changed , or mutilated, BEWARE OF FRAUD. President W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE COMPANY, 132 SPARK STREET, 'BROCKTON MASS. <B 1A How to Obtain Beautiful, Rich, Long, Eyelashes and Brows! EVERY WOMAN should be the rightful owner of beautiful eyes, the essentials of which are, First: Long, rich eyelashes; and Seoond: Well-cared-for eyebrows. No matter what color your eyes may be, — gray, brown or blue, — if they are shaded by thick, silky lashes, and wellshaped brows, their charm is greatly accentuated. Nowadays, no one needs to be the dissatisfied possessor of short, thin, uneven brows and lashes; you can greatly assist Nature by simply applying a little of M. T.'s Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier at night. This scientific preparation nourishes the eyebrows and eyelashes, causing them to become gradually thick and lustrous, imparting sparkling expression to the eyes, and added charm to the face. M. T.'s Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier, which has been successfully used by thousands, is guaranteed absolutely harmless; it is not a greasy, sticky salve, but a clean, nicely-perfumed liquid, in a cut glass bottle with glass stopper and applicator. The cut represents actual size of bottle. The active principle of this valuable article is a rare and expensive organic concentration which is unequalled for the purpose of stimulating and strengthening the particular follicles which produce rich, dark eyelashes. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY Upon receipt of 75c in stamps, coin or Money Order, I will send you postpaid, in plain wrapper, a bottle of M. T.'s Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier together with my copyrighted booklet on Beauty Hints. The following preparations are of highest standard and well recommended: M. T.'s Nature's Beauty Cream, a wrinkle eradicator $ .75 M. T.'s A. B. A. Lotion, for Pimples and Blackheads $ .75 M. T.'s Depilatory to remove superfluous hair $ .50 M. T.'s Freckle Cream, for stubborn freckles and tan SI. 00 M. T.'s Minerated Quinol, "The Incomparable Vanishing Cream"...? .75 IV!. TRILETY, SSL* Dept. 30, Binghamton, N. Y. The 1920 Fame and Fortune Contest Opens (Continued from page 41) submitting pictures which are artistic and also truthful. A false photograph may cause 3-ou to be called before the judges, only to be rejected when you appear in person. And, also, we cannot enter tinted photographs, as we wish to know how you look in tones of black and white — which is the way one appears upon the screen. Furthermore, We could not reproduce a tinted picture in the honor roll. "Do not be discouraged if your first picture did not win recognition. It may not have been so good after all. You are at liberty to submit as many pictures as you may desire. And, most important, do not forget that the coupon must be pasted on the back of the photograph. Again we find it necessary to emphasize the fact that we cannot answer any letters in regard to the contest. All information regarding rules and regulations will be found in the announcements in our magazines. Furthermore, there will be no need in writing to ask if we received your portrait. If you packed it properly, directed it correctly and placed your return address upon it, there is little danger that it went astray. So many letters of this nature would be received that it would be impossible to answer them and we have found it necessary to make this ruling. Keep in mind the prizes we are offering. First — an opportunity to win recognition on the screen as a player in one of the big productions of the year. This consideration alone is invaluable. Many beginners have worked for years before meeting with such an opportunity, and have found the path far from pleasant. Secondly, to the winners we guarantee a contract and two years' publicity in our magazines. This is advertising which cannot, be bought at any price and includes cover portraits, pictures in the gallery and special interviews and articles by wellknown writers. By this means the winners will be brought to the attention of the moving picture world and they will be able to cover at a single bound, so to speak, the many unessential steps on the road to popularity and fame. Entering the contest thru your local theater has remarkable opportunities and it would be well to notify your theater manager of these contests if he is not yet cognizant of them. Meet him half way, by giving him your interest, and give some beautiful or talented member of your community a chance to participate in the great campaign of camera history. We promise that the part we play in the contest and the big feature which we are producing in connection with it will cause you to feel your efforts well rewarded. We have printed this month photographs of the first four beauties whom the judges have selected for the honor roll. They are as follows : Helen DeWitt, of Bellerose, New York. Miss DeWitt is a violinist of world-wide fame, known on the concert stage as Helen DeWitt Jacobs. We have found it possible to make some screen tests of her and the opinion prevails that she photographs well. She is a blonde type with golden hair, weighs 97 pounds and is four feet ten and one-half inches tall. Ada Victor, of 145 East Palmer Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Miss Victor is a brunette with brown eyes. She is 94