Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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CcM0 iimmiitnimmniiimnifitiiiiiniiiii nminininnmminnnnni iniiiiiiiiiii ifiiinii inn inn in A Money Maker for Drug Stores, Confectioneries, Theatres, Dept. Stores, Billiard Halls, Fairs, etc. PAYS LIKE ^ A LITTLE ' GOLD MINE Pays 4 Ways 1 — Motion makes people stop and look. 2 — Coaxing fragrance makes them buy. 3 — Toasty flavor brings trade for blocks. A — Stimulates all store sales or theatre attendance. The famous machine that manufactures Butter Kist Pop Corn and sells Roasted and Salted Peanuts. Look for this machine in the high grade stores and theatres everywhere. Eat its toasty treats — they're delicious. Hundreds of Dollars From a Little Space 26 x32 Inches Just imagine it — an extra cash income of $600 to $3,120 a year from a little space 26x32 inches ! That's what the BntterKist Machine means to you. Mr. Money-Maker. Yes, we mean what we say — $600 to $3,120 a year clear net profits' We ran prove to you in black and white that the Butter-Kist Machine pays this much. We have hundreds of Inters from storekeepers to show you — letters that will positively amaze you. We want to send" these letters to you, with other sensational facts. We want you to see for yourself the big money that is right within your grasp. Draws New Trade Besides the Butter-Kist profits it pays you, the machine draws come for blocks to get pop corn with the famous Butter-Kist flavor. is patented. The machine will be a veritable magnet in your store, stimulate your entire business. Write for the proof. *Z~7 new trade to your store. People No other corn like it — the process It will help all your other sales, <***S Com and Peanut Machine Just a Few of the Hundreds of Letters We Receive "We have taken in as high as 5128 in one day," writes cafe ownet in Su. Dakota. "We have been taking in on an average of $'s.j pel day, while tli on Saturdays run upwards of $50," writes confection erj owner in Glens Falls, N. Y. "We have averaged over (90 a I heal 1 1! lAvnel in Heat Virginia. "My sales are inerea-inc every in I 1 am very much plea ed with my profits of $50 weekly." mer ol n li Lnb parloc in Mi 1| if We sell it on easy payments. A small amount down puts the machine in your store. Pa) the balance out of the machine's earnings. Write for particulars of our easy payment plan and details as to the 130 per cent profit you male r-KisI sale. t Mail the Coupon Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co., 526 Van Buren Street, Indianapolis, Ind. I ■ ail the n will be astonished to see all that the Butter : Machine means to t Without obligation, send me your fre< Buttci Kist Book— "America's New Industry" — with photi records and > how much I can m HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO 526 Van Buren Street, Indianapolis, Ind. 97 Pfl6