Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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CeM |OTlON PICTUR MAGAZINE ft AMAZING value. This offer breaks all bargain records. In each piece the high* est type of color harmony and exquisite design has been attained. The entire set is in the popular Colonial shape, decorated with that emblem of happiness, the Bluebird, whose varied hues blend won* derfully with the perfectly natural colorings of the flowers in pink, green and lavender. Has lovely blue bordering on each piece. Each piece is fired in the plaze and guaranteed not to chack or erase. Then, too, that splendid Old English finish Is spplie.i to the clay even before it is fired. Thla finish permeates and irlves to the piece the indestructible glaze of rich snowflake white. This wonderf a! dinner set can be yours for only II .00 down and t? 73 monthly. Price, in all, $29.95. Complete satis. action guaranteed. Complete Service1 1 0 Pieces Tbli op'endfd eat consists of 12 dinner platas. • Inches; Ubrsekfsst plsttt. V 1-2 Inch s; 12 eouno so ins. 7 1-2 inches; 12 fruit saucers. 6 l-2inchss: 12 curs, 12sa'icor-i: 12 oatmeal dishes, 6 in.; 12 bread and butter platea. Sin.; 1 platter, 11 1-2 Inches; 1 platter. 12 3-4 Inches: 1 covered vea-etable dish (2 pieces); 1 oral open vcaetnble dish. 9 1-2 Inches; 1 round vegetable dish. 6 1-2 Inches; 1 arrarr Doat; 1 ffravv boat stand: 1 bowl, 1 pint: 1 snpnr bowl and cover (a pieces); 1 cream pitcher: 1 pickle dish; I butter dlsb. 7 1-2 l-ches. This sell* ons that will odd tone and beauty to anr dlnlnx room. W lib ordlnsrr Cars It Will last a It retime. Weight, shipped, about 100 pounds. Order by No.G5979A. Send $1 .00 with order. $2.70 monthly. Price of 110 pieces, 929.95. No CO. D. No discount for cash. Open an account with us. We trust honest people no matter where you live. Send for this wonderful bargain ehown above or choose from our big catalog. One price to all, cash or credit. No discount for cash. Not one penny extra for credit. Do not ask for a special cash price. We cannot efftr any discount from these sensational prices. No C. O. O* 30 Days' Trial! Our guarantee protects you. If not perfectly satis Bed, return the article at our expense within thirty days and get your money back — also any freight you paid. Could any offer be fairer 1 Free Bargain Catalog Send for it. Shows thousands of bargains in furniture, Jowclry, carpets, rugs, curtains, silverware, stoves, women's, men's and children's wearing apparel. Don't delay. Send the coupon today NQWI Send the Coupon along with $1.00 to us now. Have this 110-Piece Dinner Set shipped on 30 days' trial. We will also send our big Bargain Catalog listing thousands of amazing bargains. Only a small first payment and balance in monthly payments for anything you want. Send the coupon today— right nouil Dept. 1544— Weit 35th St., CHICAGO, ILL. Straus & Schram Dept. 1544 -West 35th Street. Chicago, III. Enclosed find SI. UO. Ship special advertised 110 piece Bluebird Dinner Set. I am to have 30 days' free trial. If 1 keep the set. I will pay yon 12.70 monthly. If not satisfied, I ant to return the set within SO dsys and you are to refund my money and any freight or express charges I paid. a llOPieco Bluebird Dinner Set No.G5979A. $29.95. Name — . Street, R. F. D. or Box No Shipping Point Post Office. ..State w** — — — — w— ..— If you mnty want (no catalog, pat X in th» proper box D Farnirare. Rugs, Stoves and Jewelry Q Men's. Women'i. end Children's Clothing. 99 ■' pagU