Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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CM°K21Siew How You Can Have a Charming Personality To Women! Dear Friends of my Sex : — Truly. I have good reason to be one of the happiest women in the world. For every mail brings me so many letters of appreciation. If you were in my place, you would be delighted to know that you were a real help to so many, to feel that you could be a sort of fairy godmother to someone in need of just the kind of knowledge you had stored up and just the kind of sympathy you have in your heart. Oh. the letters: How I love them all. They fairly breathe appreciation ami friendship for the good things they attribute to me and my work. Here is one from a little woman in Allentown. I remember the first time she wrote me. Such a pathetic little letter it was. a sigh from beginning to end. mingling with a s^rt of forlorn hope that I. Juliette Fara. might be able to help her. to help her. To show her how 6he might attain success, how she might throw aside the mantle of a gray, uninteresting and even repellant personality and be just what the Creator intended her to be. a glorious, magnetic little woman radiating charm and personality, captivating hearts of men and omen alike with a new found power 6parkling with the attraction that draws friends like a magnet, compels admiration, respect and all the other things in i th having. That's what my little friend wanted and that is what all of us want. Xow she writes and te"s me that she has i the desire of her heart, and that to me — think of it. to me — she owes the credit of her success. Can you blame me for being elated and happy ? But hers is not a new story to me. I have ' dedicated my life to helping women overcome their imperfections, my whole being is wrapped up in a desire to enable you, dear Reader, as well as others of my sex. to attain the success that comes to those who will acquire the exquisite and charming ways which are so necessary if we women arc to achieve the feminine suc ■ dear to our hearts. Perhaps you know that I spent years of my life in Paris, watching, studying, : alyzing the captivating v the French woman, she whose fame has spread to every land, she who hi her hand the destiny of her country and her men, she to whom th. is an art and a science to be cull • as one would learn to the piano or sing. What secrets on revealed to mt! What amazing thin?« I havc_ found in the French treasure box of personality! CONSTANCE TALMADGE THIS esteemable young lady has won a place in the hearts of millions. Study her picture well; it will make you think. What man. woman or child has not been charmed by her superb acting, her magnetic personality, even as she has captivated you. Note the tilt of her head, the sweet, quiet unassuming dignity in her easy, graceful pose. Remember — you have never heard her utter a word. She has no opportunity of portraying her thoughts and emotions in vivid, eloquent speech. By pose, motion and facial expression, she holds your attention, thrilling you, amusing you, leaving you with a lingering memory of hei charming mannerisms. All that Juliette Fara teacnes, Miss Talmadge employs to her direct personal advantage, so much so that a prominent director said: "Mentally and physically she is able to adopt any attitude with the greatest ease and to express any emotion or shade of feeling. That is why she attained such nation-wide popularity." Miss Talmadge has heartily indorsed the instructive knowledge which Juliette Fara imparts to women, and what Miss Talmadge indorses you should know. "How" you also can use the secrets which she uses to such advantage is explained to you in the free book "How" which the Gentlewoman Institute will send for the asking. the can winsome charm that all women have, once they know the secrets. woman s instance, :" the most fascinating little bits of Femininity I ever knew. Beautiful? Dear n o ! Mademoiselle was p o s i t i -. feature. But people raved over her. But M moiselle Polaire had personality, she ui I r v things that I ■• like to teach to who are far from i. — in Girl — equi| n o other girl in the Juliette Fara v. irld is equipped, to cultivate a charming personality, to use the secrets I am ready to impart to you so that you can be just the lerful, admiration-compelling woman you would like t H " often have you wished you could reach 'Ur arms and di to your heart the the luxuries of life, the tender love that ; enjoying! How often havi DVied the woman wh ly happy in thi of a wonderful home and perfect love, the woman with admirers at In r another with an enviabli why. gifted to no particular degree with either fai form '1 with but ordinary intclli •ion — why n attain their di ~ily. 1 ■.ill answer you. They h • ality, Xow. dear Reader, I do not waul to seem the least bit mysterious, but you who wish to acquire a winning personality should know the secrets which I have found out. These 1 would like to whisper in your ear. to tell you confidentially, woman to woman, how I have achieved my success, and how I have helped so many of my sisters achieve theirs. How many women there are who in some way or other find it desirable and even necessary to use every bit of honest persuasion they can summon to control the love and hold the interest of the men of their hearts! Sometimes they win over the thoughtless, indifferent or erring ones by weeping or arguments. But more often do they tail when they do not understand the true secret of winning personality for women. Yes, if they only knew. If they would but work with head and heart instead of only the latter, using the knowledge, the secrets which would make the task so easy, the results so wonderful and everlasting. How I have longed to go to these women and say: "Let me teach you," instead of which I must stand aside and await the time they must realize that I have what they want. Of course, there are all types of women in the world. Among those who have yet to attain a charming personality is the loud, aggressive, rather forward girl. Then there's the uuman who is too shy and retiring. If you are either of these types, or if some other imperfection stands between you and your desires, I am sure I can help you. As the beautiful butterfly issues! from the homely cocoon so should you emerge from the darkness and obscurity with a new found power at your command, with the alluringly beautiful personality of a woman whose hand is firmly on the throttle of her own destiny. I want to make you sought after by both men and women. I want you to be the real center around which revolves every social function you attend. I want you to rise in business and make yourself so independent that you can choose your own pathway through life, gain and hold the love of the man of your heart, dispelling your troubles like fog before the bright sunshine. So I want you to learn what I have learned, to share with me the secrets of a winsome manner. *" But this is not all I have to tell you. I would like to know you better and have you know me better. So first I Suggest thai you write for a little book into .vhich I have written some of the wonderful secrets 1 know. FREE-"H0W," a Book of Secrets-FREE ause it t< you may start upon the right road to a career of con'' ar.d t This little book. "How," is published and given free by the Gentlewoman Institute. I know you will be surprised and delighted when it comes to you — in plain wrapper, of course. GENTLEWOMAN INSTITUTE 615 WEST 43d STREET 103-K NEW YORK. N. Y. GENTLEWOMAN INSTITUTE 615 West 43d Street, 103-K, New York, N. Y. I postpaid, free, of cmt and without .IiiIm ttO Fara'a little booh entltli 't ' I 105 P«6 U ^1_