Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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SM°K!£URE Wonderful results ! Wrinkles and age lines banished. Yes, this new secret method works marvels. You should learn about it right now. Learn how it makes the skin as smooth, clear and beautiful aa the famous complexions of the Japanese women. (You know how soft, satiny and lovely their skins are.) No matter how long: you may have suffered from these blemishes, no matter what you have tried, set the information we will gladly send about the Princess Tukio treatment. Get the Princess Tokio Beauty Rook. It is free. It tells you how to have the perfect skin beauty that a__ women lone for. Yours for the coupon. Send ; And All Your Wrinkles Gone No Massage. No Plasters. No Masks* No Rollers. No exercises. None of these. But a simple, easy treatmentyou use in the privacy of your room. Only a few minutes required. The skin made flawlesB, fresh, young: looking'. Used and recommended by society leaders and prominent actresses everywhere. Our legal, binding money-back guarpntee goes with each treatment. If the Princess Tokio treatment should fail in your caie, taken according to our plain, simoK; directions, your money will bd willingly and cheertully refunded upon demand. Edna Hunter Famous "Movie" Star, says of the Princess Tokio Treatment : "After a hard day I just apply Princess Toki6 and every trace of faiigue, strain and roughness vanishes tike magic. I gave it to a friend whose face was becoming wrinkled and she saya it wiped the k Tinkles off in no time. I wish you all the success you ao richly deserve. ' ' Princess Tokio HUES The whole story of the Princess Tokio treatment told. The wonders it accom Rlishes. How complexions, once "hope;ss," have been restored to youthtul beauty. Hew years have been taken off women's looks. All this valuahle, private information is given in this book now ready for distribution. "Get your copy now. (Sent in plain, sealed envelope.) Learn the secret of a perfect skin. Learn how the American woman can rival-the complexion charms of the Japanese. No cost. No obligation whatever upon you. It is free for the asking. Princess Tokio Co, 159 N. State St. 1$. Dept. 613 CHICAGO « PIei=e send me, free and ™ ■withou obligation on my part. Princess Tokio Beauty Book in plain sealed envelope. Coupon -— -r f Just sign and mail the coupon, that is all. It will bving you the Princess Tokio Beaut/ Bot.k by ft return mail. Every w>man \ ought to have it. We want v you to have it. Don't put off i& sending. Put the coupon, in *$ the mail right now. Name • Addre% %l Princess Tokio Co. ^ 1S9N. State St., Play the Hawaiian Guitar Just Like the Hawaiians! Our method of teaching is so simple, plain and easy that you begin on a piece with your first lesson. In half an hour you can play it ! We have reduced the necessary motions you learn to only four — and you acquire these in a few minutes. Then it is only a matter of practice to acquire the weird fascinating tremolos, staccatos, slurs and other effects that make this instrument so delightful. The Hawaiian Guitar plays any kind of music, both the melody and the accompaniment. Your tuition fee includes a beautiful Hawaiian Guitar, all the necessary picks and steel bar and 52 complete lessons and pieces of music. Send Coupon NOW— Get Full Particulars FREE D First Hawaiian Conservatory of Music, Inc. 233 Broadway NEW YORK T am interested in the Hawaiian Guitar. Please send complete information, special price offer, etc., etc. Name Address Town M.P. Write name and address clearly Regular Fan. — Yes, I studied Latin about 50 years ago when she was more popular than she is now. Amo, amas, amat, etc. Norma Talmadge lives in New York. "Parvanimity" means littleness of mind. You refer to the rhyme about tricky words as niece and receive — "i before e, except after c, save when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh?" Get it? Cleo Madison is to play in the same company with Bert Lytell. Cupiditas Habendi. — It's all right as long as you dont call me any names. You say your heart pace increases at the mere sight of Enid Markey. She was on the stage. Theda Bara, Crane Wilbur and Francis Bushman are now on the stage. I dont know what I'd do without your letters. Cheer-io. Peggy B., Houston. — Yours reminds me of the Chinese who begin dinner with dessert and end it with soup. You can reach Richard Barthelmess at Griffith Studio, Mamaroneck, N. Y. No, I dont live between Texas and California. I'm the other way. Thanks :ust the same for the invitation. June Caprice is on the stage. Anna J. — You say Mary Pickford is your favorite and if you ever become a movie star you will follow her tracks. Mary, do you hear this? Look out for Anna J. You say you wrote to Marguerite Clark and Bebe Daniels for a photo last year and you haven't received it yet. This year's young yet — give them time. Imelda L. A. D. S. — You can reach Constance Talmadge at Talmadge Studio, 318 E. 48th Street, New York City, and Harrison Ford, Los Angeles, Cal. But there are two things you should not worry about — things you can help and things you cant help. If you can, do it ; if you cant, dont worry about them. Yes, I believe it is true that the Chaplins are having domestic difficulties. You say the big six have — Fairbanks, Griffith, the Moores, and the Chaplins. Then there are a few we haven't heard from. "I Love Alice Brady." — Well, we all heard you say it. Alice Brady was born in New York City. You are semper fidelis. 'Course, I remember you. I use perfume, but only when it is given to me. You see I cant afford to pay a week's salary for a bottle of Houbigant's Ideal, but I can always accept presents. I am very weak in that regard — I haven't the strength to say "No." Memphian. — "The Birth of a Nation" still in circulation? Yes, in very small towns, like Philadelphia. I dont know when it will reach Memphis. Harry Carey was a successful crook for Biograph about nine years ago, and now he is a reformed cowboy. Never mind, Harry, I've watched you since you were a boy. You want to know when you can see "My Lady's Garter." Naughty, naughty. I dont know when it will be released. Jackie. — Yes, George Walsh has a brother, Raoul. I nearly got a powder bath when I opened your letter. I've smelt good ever since. Send along the chocolates and the good Lord will bless you. Oh, I guess I'm about 80 now. Anxious. — Why all this anxiety about George Walsh having any brothers or sisters on the screen? See above. The swallow has a larger mouth in proportion to its size than any other bird. There are not as many as there used to be. I'm not worrying about the H. C. L. No matter how high food and clothing go, writing paper will always remain stationery. Le, Toronto. — You start off "Dear Partner.". Are we selling anything? Yes, William Farnum is married. I'm afraid the public dont want Roman plays. You want to see William Farnum in "If I Were King." fashion says the use or is necessary so lon& as sleeveless feowns and sheer fabrics for sleeves are worn. It assists freedom of movement, unhampered ferace, modest elegance and correct style. That is why "they all use Delatone" Delatone is an old and well known scientific preparation for the quick, safe and certain removal of hairy growths, no matter how thick or stubborn. After application the skin is clear, firm and hairless, with no pain or discoloration. Beauty specialists recommend Delatone for removal of objectionable hair from face, neck or arms. Druggists sell Delatone; or an original 1 oz. Jar will be mailed to any address on receipt of $1 by The Sheffield Pharmacal Co^ Dept.LW, 339 S.Wabash Ave., Chicago. 111. <3a Copy this Sketch and let me see what you can do with it. Many newspaper artists earning $30.00 to $125.00or more per week were trained by my course of personal individual lessons by mail. PICTURE CHARTS make original drawing easy to learn. Send sketch of Uncle Sam with 6c in stamps ; for sample Picture Chart, of successful students, amples of their work and evidence of what YOU Can accomplish. Please state your age. h of J } amps *S*~ l£l t, list \+^/m ^Che Landon School of CARTOONING and ILLUSTRATING 1202 Schofield Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio Gray Hair Disappears In From 4 to 8 Days Science has discovered the way for restoring hair to its natural color. It is offered to women in Mary T. Goldman's Scientific Hair Color Restorer. Jn from 4 to 6 days it will end every gray hair. Scientific Hair Color Restorer PP 1717 Send today for a trial bottle and our special ■^ XV J2/iV comb. Be sure and give the exact color of your hair. Try it on a lock of hair. Compare the results., and the pleasure of using, with the old way. You'll not have gray hairs once you have tried this scientific hair color restorer. Write now. MARX T. GOLDMAN 1665 Goldman Bldg:., St. Paul, Minn. Accept no Imitations— Sold by Druggist3 Everywhere UNION TIRES SSSMf ard in reconstructed tires. Their reinforcement of 4 extra layers of fabric reduces greatly blowout and puncture possibilities. Over 200 000 in use. To further increase mileage, wa include with every tire ordered A PUNCTURE PROOF TUBE FREE that under ordinary conditionswill last ten to 20.000 miles. Our 6,000-mile tire guarantee certificate with every tire. Prices Include Tire and Tubs 30x3 1740 32X4H $12.00 30x3H 8 60 33x«H 12.60 32x3HS.S.only910 34x4H 18.1» 31x4 10.35 35x4H 13 40 32x4 10.70 36x4H lo.§5 33x4 11.15 36x5 ...... }J.te 34x4 11.60 37x6 14.96 — r Reliner Free With Every Tire State whether yon want straight aide or clincher, plain or non-skid. Send 52 deposit for each tire ordered, balance C O.D., subject to examination, or 5 percent discount if full amount is sent with order. UNION RUBBER COMPANY Oaat. SIS Racine Ave. * 15th St, Chicago 124 Afi£