Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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«°^!c.TEURi I — | — , — _ . — — — .. ■ .■ 1 DETROIT CITIGAS SAXOPHONE BAND ' Gxtra Pleasure and Profit ' Arthur Prior America's Eminent Band Master and Trombone Virtuoso usee mid endorses the Conn Ltd. Band InBtrumeDts. He says: "I attribute much of my success and pleasure in music to the remarkable uualitiea possessed by ihc famous Conn Ltd. hstruments. They are used in my Band by my leading Artists. I runnot recommend t hem too highly." .^- The Darling Saxophone Four A quartet of talented and charming young ladies who appear in hich class vaudeville and concert with four of the latest Conn Ltd. Saxophones of which they are justly proud. Four Conn Trumpets in the Minneapolis Symphony This aed in ha* created • pecial comment in all large ntie* of the U. S. and Canada. The members comprise William Thieck. John Har . (lad Bo**-enro?h a"d Albert Kohler. They axe strong in their prabe of the Conn SIXTY to two hundred dollars a month in their spare time is what any number of amateurs are getting out of their Conn Instruments. You can get this, too, for as soon as you take up a Conn Instrument you will be surrounded with opportunities to play in a band. With elections coming on ten times as many bands will be organized as have been organized in any year of American history. You'd be surprised to know how quickly you can learn to play a Conn Instrument. For instance, in one week's time you can master a Conn Saxophone to your entire satisfaction. We will gladly give full information. Conn Features Easiest blowing instrument manufactured Perfect intonation and tone quality Artistic design and finish Best and latest improvements Built with best instrument-building facilities Each instrument accompanied by a guarantee bond Taper branches expanded by hydraulic pressure — a patented and exclusive feature which makes the tubing smooth as glass inside insuring perfect intonation and easy carriage of sound waves. Free Trial — Easy Payments The fact that Conn Instruments are used exclusively by the majority of the world's greatest artists is proof of Conn Superiority. Get a Conn on six days' free trial. Pay for it on our easy payment plan. ^free Book Mention the instrument in which you are interested and we will send a special booklet and beautiful photo of it, free.