Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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(praises . I This QeauiM$599 W [(&/ . of Delicious Chocolates Get this beautiful $5.00 de luxe box of "Happy Hour" Chocolates FREE by organizing a"WeekEnd Candy Club" among your friends., ^appy ^Jiour Chocolates Deliriously blended, rare flavored chocolatesof supreme quality andre fined elegance. Finest grade made. Send Today Your friends will be jrlad to join a "WeekEnd Candy Club". Send for particulars today. Write Dept. £ D. AUERBACH & SONS llthAve., 46th to 47th Sts. New York City lou cwi e&rn from k\.\ok*L aji hour in qour spare time. writing s+iow cwds; quickly &nd e&silij learned MO CAMVASING we teawch you how and SELL YOUR WORK '""sAnERKAN SHOW CARD SCHOOL FUUB*RTICUL»QSJ 207 .IWIIE MM ISSkl TOROIITO.CAflAM Copy this Sketch and let me see what you can do with i t. Many newspaper artists earning $30.00 to $125.00or more per week were trained by my course of personal individual lessons by mail. PICTURE CHARTS make original drawing easy to learn. Send sketch of Uncle Sam with 6c in stamps • for sample Picture Chart, list " of successful students, examples of their work and evidence of what YOU Can accomplish. Please stale your age. cCAe Landon School of CARTOONING and ILLUSTRATING /«>. 1202 Schofield Bldg. Cleveland. Ohio P 90 Lag*. Mary Pickford and William S. Hart Head Contest Votes in Greatest of Popularity Contests Arrive in Avalanches Little did we know what we were starting when we announced this contest in which the readers would decide for themselves which were the most popular players of filmdom. We expected a great interest, but nothing to compare with the enthusiasm and consistency with which the hundreds of votes have come in — arriving in daily batches resembling avalanches. No part of the world is silent in proclaiming its favorite — votes come from Japan, South America, England and Australia and from every town and hamlet in America. This proves that our readers are more than movie fans — rather photoplay students, cognizant of who is who and more, the why and wherefore of things as well. And so the contest with the twofold interest rushes on. If you haven't sent in any votes for your favorite do so now. Not only do our readers have the opportunity of boosting the player who pleases them the most on the screen, but an opportunity of winning one of the beautiful prizes depicted and described on a nearby page as well. Here are the last-minute results at the time of going to press : Mary Pickford 20,450 Pearl White 11,456 Norma Talmadge 9.S75 Alia Nazimova 5,607 Constance Talmadge 4,850 Viola Dana 3,100 Lillian Gish 1,650 Shirley Mason 1,612 Mary M. Minter 1,551 Elsie Ferguson 1,411 Ruth Roland 1,411 Dorothy Gish 1,252 Marguerite Clark 1,200 Theda Bara 1,051 Anita Stewart 954 May Allison 954 Ethel Clayton 851 Baby Marie Osborn 802 Marie Walcamp 754 Geraldine Farrar 703 Vivian Martin 603 Alice Lake 603 Olive Thomas 603 Irene Castle 556 Gloria Swanson 556 Priscilla Dean 556 Pauline Frederick 556 Marguerite Fisher 556 Bebe Daniels 488 Mae Murray 488 Marion Davies 488 Dorothy Dalton 450 Marie Prevost 450 Mme. Petrova 403 Ann Little 403 Marj orie Daw 403 Alice Joyce 350 Wanda Hawley 350 Jane Novak 301 Katherine McDonald 250 Betty Compson 250 Juanita Hansen 250 Tune Caprice 250 Mae Marsh 203 Mildred Reardon 203 Clara K. Young 148 Carmel Myers 148 Virginia Lee Corbin 148 Enid Bennett 100 Kathlyn Williams 100 Mary Thurman 100 Fannie Ward; 100 Lina Cavalieri 52 Bessie Love 52 Mary Garden 52 Ruth Stonehouse 52 Blanche Sweet 50 Dorothy Phillips 50 Louise Lovely 50 Marguerite de la Motte 50 Catherine Calvert 50 William S. Hart 8,200 Wallace Reid 6,902 Richard Barthelmess 6,700 Douglas Fairbanks 5,950 Eugene O'Brien 5,700 William Farnum 5,452 Charles Ray 4,803 Antonio Moreno 4,451 Douglas MacLean 3,901 J. Warren Kerrigan 3,550 Tom Mix..... 3,352 Charles Chaplin 3,052 Elliot Dexter 2,451 Thomas Meighan 2,350 Ben Alexander 1,854 Tom Moore 1,552 Rod La Rocque 1,300 William Russell 1,151 Kenneth Harlan 952 George Walsh 952 Harrison Ford 848 John Barrymore 848 William Duncan 802 Bert Lytell 802 Ralph Graves 700 Tom Forman 651 Harry Northrup 548 Robert Warwick 548 Conway Tearle 500 Louis Bennison 500 Francis McDonald 451 Cullen Landis 352 Monte Blue 300 Robert Gordon 300 Sessue Hayakawa 249 Charles Meredith 200 Jack Pickford 200 Earle Williams 200 Eddie Polo 152 Eddie Lyons 152 King Baggot 98 Mahlon Hamilton 98 Frank Keenan 51 Monroe Salisbury 51 Roscoe Arbuckle 51 Francis X. Bushman 51 Jack Dempsey 51 Jack Holt 49 Bryant Washburn 49 Will Rogers 49 Emery Johnson 48 Percy Marmont 48 Joe Ryan 48 Lee Moran 48