Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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rtTVMOTlON PICTURf\ V|nC1 I MAGAZINE "J The Screen Time-Table For the benefit of our readers, and by way of a screen review and critique, every mouth we will give, in this department, a composite opinion of our editorial which may be read at a glance. When a play strikes twelve, it means that it is a masterpiece and should be seen by everybody. When it is rated below six it contains but little merit. The ratingare based on the general entertainment value, but include the story, plot, acting. photography and direction. Underneath our own list, we will print a similar time-table compiled by our readers. Let every reader critic send in a post-card, from time to time, containing an abbreviated criticism of one or more plays. We will print the composite results here, but only when there are five or more critiques on the same play so that, in all fairness, a general opinion will be presented. Address the Timetable Editor, 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn. X. Y. D Drama C Comedv 1 Farce E Educational SD Society Drama WD Western Drama MD Melodrama CD Comedy Drama SI' Spectacular Production Mipernne Medium Verv Poor. 12 6 1 Editorial Staff Critique A Fool and His Moxf.y — MD-6. Eugene O'Brien — Select. Alarm Clock Andy — CD-S. Charles Ray — Paramount. Atontmext — D-7. Grace Davison — Pioneer. P.anprox, Thf. — D-6. ris Kenyon — De Luxe. Bk(^;ar Prixce. The — D-6. Sessue Hayakawa — Havvorth. Beloved Cheater, The — D-6. Lew Cody — Robertson-Cole. Below the Surface — MD-6. Hobart Bosworth — Paramount. Bill Hexry— D-8. Charles Ray — Paramount. Black Is White — D-7. 1 '"rothy Dalton — paramount. Blind Husbands— D10. Eric Von Stroheim Prod. — Universal. The— M D-8. Nazi mo va — Metro. Brokex Blossoms — D-12. Griffith Prod. — Gish and Barthclmcss. Brokex Butterfly, The — I Tourneur Prod. — All Star. ClR( 'M ST A XI F.S — D-7. Edmund Breese — Hallmark. :<. Lehr— ■ Hallmark. Cinema Murder, The — MD-7. Marion Davie* — Cosmopolitan. rhead — D-8. Lionel Barry more — Paramount. . The— D Violet Heming — Paramount. Country ( 1 be D-7. Elaine Hammer stein — Select. MD-8. Mary Roberts Rinehart — Goldwyrr. Daughter of Two Worlds — D-5. Norma Tain -,t National. Dawn— 1 Breamer-Gordon — Blackton Prod. IJoxt Ever Marry Marjorie Daw — First National. ile Speed Q Wallace Reid — Paramount. ntinued on pan, 128; (( Tonight Vm going Decollete, thanks to Electric Massage! DOES your figure permit you to wear the prettiest of evening frocks ? Then resolve that ibis embarrassing condition is going to be changed! In the privacy of your own boudoir soothing electric massage brings back the roses of youth into your cheeks, keeps your hair and scalp in fine, healthy condition and develops your figure into one of graceful lines and girlish contour. The woman of fastidious tastes, young or old, realizes that beauty is but a natural reflection of health. Wrinkles, ''crow's feet," eyes that have lost their youthful sparkle, obesity and other unwelcome facial blemishes arc, to a greal extent at least, brought on bv what we term "the strenuous life." Muscles are sure to become weary and congested unless they get relaxation. And complexions are certain to suffer unless properly taken care of. Home electric massage is recognized as the building-up process nearest to Nature's. The Star Vibrator should be your "beauty parlor." Used and endorsed by stage and screen celebrities for beauty helps, and fatigue, nervous headaches, insomnia. Ideal after motoring, golfing or bathing. Keeps your skin at its best! On sale and demonstrated free of charge at most drug, department and electrical stores. Or direct from us. Fitzgerald Mfg. Co., Dept. 21 6, Torrington, Conn. (Canadian Trice, $7.50.) Qhc C* T A TJ TT Clcrtric Massage b 1 AIv Vibrator ii.r Wrinkles, "Crow's Feet" and Dull, Colorless Complexions!