Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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CM OTION PICTUR MAGAZINE ft Irene Returns to the Cinema Fold tlinued from page 68) "I came into the picture field with no experience whatever — that is, of a theatrical nature." "She used to pose in hats for the fashion ines." quoth the P. \. "That was when I was in a seminary at -he explained in answer to my look of inquiry. "Two or three of us would pose in tlie latest imports from Paris. It was quite a thrill for us when we saw our picture in the magazine even tho there was no name under it. In fact if it hadn't been for the hats it is quite likely that I should never have gone into the movies. One time when I was in Xew Y »rk — home from school on some .•.cation — some one who watched me posing in the hats suggested that I go up to the old Hiograph studios and see if I couldn't get a part. I went and their comedy leading lady had left without letin? them know and excitement reigned. They told me to come hack in the afternoon— that they would think it over— and when I finally went back with wobbly knees, bated breath and in a generally incoherent state of being, they told me to make up and get ready for the scene. So e I never was an extra girl." "It was with Kalem that Miss Boyle won most of her following," explained the press agent. "And now are you going to stay in pictures— now that you have come out of your retirement ?" "Yes," she answered. "I'm hoping to start on another production in just a short time." "There are two very fine offers pending." he interposed. "We think one is just a little better than the other, tho." But . . . "I am always inclined to choose the most pleasant thing without giving the preference to the most financially attractive." she went on, "and while one's happier doing that sort of thing it isn't just the sensible thing to do, I'm told." She is the S'>rt who would choose the most pleasant thing. There is a softness to her — not in the disparaging sense of the word at all — it is rather an all-enveloping femininity. She is not the clinging vine, nor is she flagrantly independent. She has led a sheltered life, if one mav judge from some of her attributes — from her little manner of wistfulness and shyShe is different from every other pcr. ery one is who is a distinct nality — but she i not different thru any temperamental affectation, thru any intenseness, thru any radicalism-. Irene was born with a personality — it was never ne r her to adopt one. We didn't talk about anything else— but had I met her in some softly shaded tearoom I'll wager we would have chatted living it a roseate the late- ry, of clothes perhaps, and certainly of something gossipy. And there would have been ridiculous concoctions of an indigestible nature with a waiter standing impatiently by waiting our order while we talked on, oblivious of his presence — it would have all been different, feminine, and maybe just frothy, for there would have been agent ever mindful of keeping the talk :• ped interview chai Still— he was a nice press agent — and if it hadn't been for his motive— not ulterior, ■urse — I should never have known the magazine offk For You, Also Teeth that glisten— safer teeth All statements approved by high denial authorities You see glistening teeth wherever you look today. Perhaps you wonder how the owners get them. Ask and they will tell you. Millions are now using a new method of teeth cleaning. This is to urge you to try it — without cost — and see what it does for your teeth. Why teeth discolor Your teeth are coated by a viscous film. You can feel it with your tongue. It dims the teeth, and modern science traces most tooth troubles to it. Film clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. The ordinary tooth paste does not dissolve it, so the tooth brush fails to end it. As a result, few people have escaped tooth troubles, despite the daily brushing. It is the film-coat that discolors — not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. So all these troubles have been constantly increasing. Now they remove it Dental science, after years of searching, has found a film combatant. Able authorities have amply proved its efficiency. Millions of people have watched its results. The method is embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. And this tooth paste is made to in every way meet modern dental requirements. Active pepsin now applied The film is albuminous matter. So Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin. The object is to dissolve the film, then to day by day combat it. This method long seemed impossible. Pepsin must be activated, and the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth. But science has found a harmless activating method. Now active pepsin can be daily applied, and forced wherever the film goes. Two other new-day methods an_ combined with this. Thus Pepsodent: in three ways shows unique efficiency. Watch the results for yourself. Send the coupon for a lu Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth f°el after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how the teeth whiten as the film-coat disappears. This test will be a revelation. It will bring to you and yours, we think, a new teeth cleaning era. Cut out the coupon so you won't forget. -City The New-Day Dentifrice A scientific film combatant combined with two other modern requisites. Now advised by leading dentists everywhere and supplied by all druggists in large tubes. 10-Day Tube Free THE PEPSODENT COMPANY. 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