Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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qfTeiTissrfr Favored by the Stars BOSCILLA Beautifier is a constant dcliglM use. The skin responds immediately to ! treatment. Blackheads vanish — the complexion and satiny. Corinne Griffit\ Boncilla Beautifi< Prepared from Mme. Boneilla's famous for' CLEARS THE COMPLEXION REMOVES BLACKHEADS LIFTS OUT THE LINES CLOSES ENLARGED P Gives the skin a velvety softness and texture. You can now take these treatments yov a simple application of this wonderful prr In a few minutes after applied you) soothing, lifting sensation that assures^ work of youthful restoration. It lifts' *_ Boncilla Beautifier is more ihn-.. « le muscles a*5 '"^ truth. Seller exceiieS ilT Lire1 Olacfc art. Came a day when the master and all his pupils, Burton Holmes included, went to witness the first public performance of Willy Selig; (it did me good to hear the venerable Colonel referred to thus). But an accident happened. Selig was about to produce a bowl of goldfish from under a silk handkerchief. But when he drew said handkerchief from an inner pocket of his dress suit, he whisked the rubber cover off the bowl of fish concealed there. I wont go into details about what followed. Suffice it to say that he covered himself with water, if not with glory But the effect on Burton Holmes was decisive, he chose travel as the less perilous enterprise. Having found out all there was to find out. my interview was ended and I took leave. I stood again in the little foyer that leads to the temple which is Burton Holmes' abode. The little place was furnished in Indian style, and Mr. Holmes started to explain the different curios . . . "and those beaten brass panels on the wall are from a temple in Benares." . . . Temple in Benares? What did this suggest to my moving-picture-trained mind? Of course I knew the entire story, for wasn't I a graduate of a thousand thrillers? Those brass plaques were stolen, and the Hindu priest had tracked them to New York, and to this very apartment. He was even now haunting the Holmes threshold, trying to gain admittance in the guise of a butler, an itinerant pedler. or . . . But Mr. Holmes simply said: "Well, they haunted me at first — but they stopped it, as soon as the bill was paid." Oh, shattered romance ! But my reply was cut short, for just then the elevator came. REHEARSING MAKES PERFECT The director was Speaking of the many matrimonial adventure; of me of the stars. "Every time she gets divorced, she lands ler husband," he remarked. rding to that," replied his friend, "her life is one retake after another." special training. The Schools will do wonders for you — I know, we've got several I. C. S. boys right here in the bank.' "That very night Billy wrote to Scranton and a few days later started studying at home. Why, in a few months he had doubled hissalary I Next thing I knew he was put in charge of his department, and two months ago they made him Manager. And he's makingreal money. Ownshisown home, has quite a little property beside, and he's a regular at that window every month. It just shows what a man can do in a little spare time." Employers are begging for men with ambition, men who really want to get along in the world and are willing to prove it by training themselves m spare time to do some oDe thing well. Prove that you are that kind of a man! The International Correspondence Schools are ready and anxious to help you prepare for something better if you'll simply givethem thechance. More than two million men and women in the last 28 years have taken the I. C. S route to more money. Over 100,000 others are getting ready in the same way right now. Is there any reason why you should let others climb over you when you have the same chance they have? Surely the least you can do is to find out just what there is in this proposition for you. Here is all we ask: Without cost, without obligating yourself in any way, simply mark and mail this coupon. mmmwm — _ _ vrsn duthcik ' 1 ■— «■— ' • INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 6604, SCRANTON. PA. (Explain, without obligating mo, how I can qualify for ' the position, or In the subject, before which I mark X. SALESMANSHIP ADVERTISING Window Trimmer DShow Card Writer J Sign Painter 3 Railroad Trainman 3 ILLUSTRATING 3 Cartooning 3 BUSINESS MAJUOEMENr Private Secretary BOOKKEEPER Stenographer and Typist Cert. Pub. Accountant TRAFFIC MANAGER B Railway Accountant Commercial Law nGOOD ENGLISH D Teacher □ Common School Subjects G Mathematics D CIVIL SERVICE Q Railway Mail Clerk Q AUTOMOHII/F. OPERiTINa ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Klectrto l.lchtlng and itji. Electric Wiring Telegraph Engineer Telephone Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Meohanlcol Draftsman Machine Shop Practice Toolmaker Gas Engine Operating CIVIL ENGINEER Snrverlne and Mapping MINE FOREMAN or ENH'R STATIONARY ENGINEER Marine Engineer Ship Draftsman ARCHITECT Contractor and Bnllder Architectural Draftsman Concrete Builder Structural Engineer PLCMRINU AND HEATING Sheet Metal Worker Textile Orerseeror Supt. _0nEMI8T □ Navigation _Aoto Ilepalrlng inSpanlsb D AGRICULTURE iLJErensli □ I'onltry Railing iGItnlian "He Deposits $500 a Month!" { "See that man at the Receiving Teller's window? That's Billy King, Manager for Browning Company. Every month he comes in and deposits $500. I've been watching Billy for a long time — take almost as much interest in him as I do in my own boy. 'Three years ago he started at Browning's at $15 a week. Married, had one child, couldn't save a cent. One day he came in here desperate — wanted to borrow a hundred dollars — wife was sick. "I said, 'Billy, I'm going to give you something worth more than a loan — some good advice — and if you'll follow it I'll let you have the hundred, too. You don't want to work for $15 a week all your life, do you?' Of course he didn't. 'Well,' I said, 'there's a way to climb out of your job to something better. Take up a course with the International Correspondence Schools in the work you want to advance in, and put in some of your evenings getting Name Present OccupationStreet and No ity Clty_ Conserve Your Health and Efficiency First «I Would Not Part With It For $10,000'* So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. "Worth more than a farm," says another. In like manner testify over 100,000 people who have worn it. THE NATURAL BODY BRACE Save Your Body Overcomes WEAKNESS and ORGANIC AILMENTS of MEN and WOMEN. Develops erect, graceful figure. Brings restful relief, comfort, ability to do things, health and strength. Wear It 30 Days Free at Our Expense j^anSt^'ofl standing and walking; replaces and supports misplaced interna) organs; re* , daces enlarged abdomen; straightens and strengthens the back; corrects stooping shoulders, develops lungs, chest and bust; relieves backache, curvatures, nervousness, ruptures; constipation, after effects of Flu. Comfortable and easy to wear. Kicp Yourm-lf Tit. Write today for illustrated booklet, measurement blank, etc., and read our liberal proposition. HOWARD C. RASH, President Natural Body Draco Co. 117 KuhIi Uullrilng, Sallna, Kansas 101 Pflu i.