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Favored by
the Stars
BOSC1LLA Beautifier is a constant delight to lift-. The shin responds immediately to the treatment. Blackheads vanish — the complexion berare!: smooth and satiny.
On'mic. Griffith
Boncilla Beautifier
Prepared from Mme. Boncilla's famous formula
Gives the skin a relvetj softness anJ youthful texture.
You can n"» take these treatments yourself by a simple application of this wonderful preparation.
In a few minutes after applied you feel the soothing, lifting sensation that assures you of its work of youthful restoration. It lifts out the lines.
Boncilla Beautifier is more than a skin treatment. It acts on the muscles and tissues of the face, giving a firmness and youthfulness in place of any sagginess of the skin or tissues of the face. It also renews the circulation of the blood in the face, giving it a renewed fresh, clear, radiant glow of health.
You will note the improvement from the first treatment. Use twice a week until you get the face free from lines and other imperfections, then occasionally to keep it so. .
shall not be disappointed, for if it does not fully satisfy you, we return to you the full price paid, as per our guarantee with each jar.
If your dealer will not supply you premptly, ring price and Revenue Stamps.
Wanted: ScreenFaces for the Movies
Hundreds of All Types Needed. You May Have Perfect Screen Features
For the first time in the history of moving pictures it is now possible for you to get consideration from the big film directors, .tter where you live, we get your photograph before the directors, many of whom are in urgent need of new "screenfaces."
Ipb Ince. famous Selznick director says: "There are many young girls who could make good in the movies. I will be very glad to take advantage of your service." Marshall Neilan, known ever r his work in directing .Mary
Pickford. say;: "I am convinced that the service you render screen aspirants offers many new personalities to moving picture directors." P. A. Powers, of Universal, says: "A new crop of film stars cded at once to supply the in
With the assistance of famous directors and ars wc h I a printed
guide. "The • New Road to Film Fame." which tells you what to do and gives full directions.
It also contain* e: lr service
statements from dir portraits of celebrated stars and direct advice ■ ie King.
This Is a favinatlng profession paring hlz Mlarita. Don't miss this oj : . I Posture <
Coim to Gorer postage and wrapping this m-w Get it at once— it may start to fame
and rerun Screen Catting Directors Service. Dept. H-2. Wilmington. Delaware.
u ore sincere in your desire to get in the mcz-ics, please do not send for this printed guile.
The Romantic Irish
(Continued from page 33) supplied our make-up, towels, lunches and even our clothes, and paid us five dollars a day besides. I remember the first day I was there. We were going out on location and when 1 saw the big Packard that was to take US — at that time automobiles were not so plentiful as they are now — I asked who was going to pay tor it all. When 1 was informed that the company was going to pay for it and that it was the usual thing. I made up my mind that I would stay in pictures from then on."
This was with the Biograph Film Co., at the same time that Mary, Lottie and Jack Pickford. Lillian and Dorothy Gish, Robert Harron, Henry B. Walthall, Marshall Nielan, Blanche Sweet and many other now famous stars and directors were there. He played leads for four years. There were no stars and forty dollars a week was considered a large salary. "It was a rare thrill to us all when Henry B. Walthall received a raise to a hundred. We used to stand around in groups and talk about it in hushed voices. A hundred dollars a week — wh-e-ew ! How can he ever spend all that money? He cant, that's all; it's impossible!"
Jack Mulhall laughed heartily at the recollection. How little a hundred dollars amounts to today !
It was during his engagement with the American Biograph Co., that Jack Mulhall met his wife and she was the first girl he met on his first trip to California. He was very young and must have been somewhat anemic-looking, because he heard her say to another member of the company, "Who is that pale, thin-looking young fellow over there?" Four months later they were married. During the next four years they worked six months of each year in California and six months in New York.
"I wish we had some of the landlords we had in Xew York," he went on. "They were great. We would look at apartments in the Bronx and one of these landlords would show a very pretty apartment for $25.00 a month. I would say, 'I know where I can get one just as good for $24.00.' He would say, 'Very well, you can have it for $23.50.' "
Jack Jr. had left us a few minutes before and wandered upstairs. Suddenly there was a crash and the consensus of opinion was that Jack had fallen downstairs (this sentence should be punctuated with a dash after Jack). However, we were greatly relieved to find that it was just the cook closing the cellar door.
"That is the sort of thrill I am having all the time," said his father. Mrs. Mulhall had captured the baby and was holding him in her arm^.
"He's a great little rascal," said her husband affectionately.
Jack Mulhall is all Irish ("You bad to be to live in Wappin^crs Falls," he said) — the romantic type of Irish, who have high hopes and make them come true by fine, cheerful faith and hard work, that is always colored with splendid enthusiasm. He has dark eyes and hair and is about six feet tall. He doesn't believe that moving picture ^tars need mperamental. "I c... understand it in an actor of the e." he said. "A man has a right to be irritable when he knows that ust have his lines letter perfect; when his performance may be very good one night and very bad the next ; \ he must make every look and every ttire tell; and when, after rehe part for three month he may play it one or two weeks and then have to look for
Send No Mone
Ladies' Solitaire —
Examination Free
10 Months to Pay
Examine Ring l-'l RSI. then if you de C^cv; cide to ^ss keep it pay only $2.00. Buying
direct assures you J the Rock Bottom] Price. A nerfectlyl cut blue-White l)ia-i tnond in ladie solid gold setting at only $2. SO a month! Take Advantage of this amatstac. offer
todaj MM K MONEY. BACK if you arc not satisfied. -No Security, No lted Tape.
A Postal Brings You the Greatest Diamond Watch and Jewelry Book Ever Published Whether you order this rinn nr not, let us send you tiiis Do Luxe Catalog FREE, containing descriptions of rings, Watches, diamonds and other articles of jewelry. Everything soul on KIUCE EXAMINATION. Address Dcpt. 31-M. Sweet's Capital $1,000,000
Jb/fet preparations
ESTABLISHED 1S6S Scientifically prepared. Vsed by discriminating
persons everywhere. PflC AT THE Olves the face and nails a deltc***— 1 noOHLIllL rnse Unt Softens and vclvotlzes skin and Is superior to dry rouges for tlntliV ROSALINE is not affected by perspiration f displaced by bathing. Jars, 35c. . jp\
grit, producing an immediate and lasting pollsvS
Its delicate rose tint will not discolor the skin iB
cuticular fold of the nails. Diamond shape box, 3 5 mm
flMfiriTIMP bleaches and cleans tho nails, n
VllUVliinij moves ink, hosiery and glove slain
from the skin: guaranteed harmless. Uuttles, 65c.
P.RFAM VAN flli Fnr softening and whiten« linLHlll YHH VLH ,n(, tno skln Fecdj anJ •
nourishes the tissues. Preserves a beautiful com ■
plexlon and restores a faded one. Jars. 3 5c.
Sold ov dealers everywhere, or sent direct on
receipt nf price and 10< extra lor postage. Bond
ttomp lor illustrated catalogue ol prices.
Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors
10 and 12 East 23rd St. New York City
Its sniio-flne quality and its on which pays homage to velvety skins
Evei rain tant, is Lablachc, an G-'tar, unobtrusive. Anoldfavorand bleofimprove
Rtrtuso Substitutes
Tluy may bo dan1' 1 o 8 li, W b i t 0, Pin* or I ream 7"e a box • >f druggists er by mail Ov-r two million boxes sold annually. Send 15c for a sample box.
Frrnsh rrrfumrrr,. Ilrpt. r,l)
125 Kingston St., Boston, Mass.