Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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»2INE \. 5 There are certain distinctive features possessed by the PLAYERPHONE which account for its unique tone value — the peculiar sweetness and resonance which at once distinguish to the ear the quality of the PLAYERPHONE as a master instrument. J Much of the secret of this wonderful tone lies in the specially designed tone arm, reproducer and newly invented weight adjuster, which are exclusive to the PLAYERPHONE. This simplicity of construction allows the playing of any disc record without change of equipment to the advantage of each record. J These exclusive parts, as well as the exquisite cabinets; are produced by our master craftsmen in our own new, four story factory, which covers nearly half a olock, the entire space of which is devoted o the production of the PLAYERPHONE. 5 Before buying, insist on seeing and nearing the PLAYERPHONE— the talking machine with the human tone. j Dealers can procure the PLAYERPHONE agency through well-known jobbers who carry a full line of PLAYERPHONES for immediate delivery, and back the PLAYERPHONE with their own reputation. 5 The PLAYERPHONE comes in nine different styles and sizes ranging from $110 to $500. Each PLAYERPHONE guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. It is now being advertised monthly in this and several other leading publications. A few splendid jobbing territories still open. For Further Information Address PLAYERPHONE TALKING *T 'CHINE COMPANY Dept. I W. Lake St., Chicago ir off co,cKENZIe, w. D. CALDWELL, ■ " ■ ™ ent Treasurer JlTHUI 164 Jear SirJ ■a a copy or which ||||||| |||||MS J) City. lAG£ another engagement. All of this puts a strain on the nerves. But the actor of the screen is under no particular strain. His hours are seldom irregular and his salary is sure. Unless he is a director he hasn't much to worry about. "Mrs. Mulhall and I have been married for five years. I wont say we have never quarreled once. On the contrary we have. I dont think two people with any will at all could live together without having occasional arguments. And, if they could, think how they would bore each other. No Irishman would be contented if he were married to a woman who always agreed with him" — this with a merry twinkle in his eye. The pictures in his house are, for the most part, Maxfield Parrish prints, beautiful and fairylike. A few other pictures, all too few, he says — she has neglected her work of late — were painted by his wife. They are delicate and fanciful. "I love that sort of thing," he said. Jack Mulhall has managed to keep the romance and, one fancies, much of the restlessness of his countrymen — and one cannot help but be glad. Sure — and it does your heart good to see this smiling son of old Erin Isle, by his own fireside, with his pretty colleen wife and bairn. It is a picture you carry away with you to remember often. |0 The Little Master Builder (Continued from page 65) everything together, we go everywhere together. We are inseparable. Neither she nor Dad has ever said to me, 'You cant do this,' or 'you cant do that.' They have always appealed to my logic, to my own reasoning processes. I have been as free as air." "Do you think that method would work in all cases?" I asked. "I think it all depends on the mother," said Blanche, securely. "You have never felt undecided, have you?" I asked, "never have vacillated from one ambition, to another, one ideal to another?" "I have concentrated," she said, simply. "I have always known that I wanted to act, and I have deliberately let nothing interfere. I studied for it in high school, public speaking and all that, and I have read all that I could manage to read on the subject out of school. It has occupied me exclusively. "I have never had a beau. Most people think that it's very funny, even queer. They say I have been tied to my mother's apron strings, or that I couldn't have one, or that I have been kept under my parents' thumb or something of the sort. It isn't true, of course. I have been as free as air all my life. I have never felt any need of that sort of thing, that is all. I have had mother, and Dad, their love has been enough, and I have had my career. I am completely satisfied. I do not believe that I shall ever marry. I couldn't 'do two things, and I certainly couldn't give up the career for which my whole life and all my thought has been preparation and waiting and building." She said, as addenda, sweetly, "Anyway, there is no love like mother-love, dont you think so ?" "It must have taken courage," I said, "way down in San Antonio, far from the crux of things, to believe in the Big Chance coming to you." "It did," she said, "but I never lost faith. I knew, just knew that some day some one was going to take an interest in me and (Continued on page 112) fAQE ADORABLY FRENCH EXQUISITELY FRAGRANT Also makers of the Rouge of Unique Naturalness — "ASHES OF ROSES'*^ (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) famous FRENCH Depilatory for removing hair A delicately perfumed powder; removes hair, leaves skm smooth, white; for arms, limbs, face; 50c, also $1.00 size, which includes mixing cup ?-nd spatula. At drug and department stores. Send 10c for trial sample and booklet. HALL & RUCKEL, 102 Waverly Place, N.Y. Be a "Movie" Photographer Earn $50 to $200 weekly Fascinating work taking you to all parts of the world E. BRUNEL COLLEGE OF PHOTOGRAPHY 1269 Broadway, N.Y. 29 East Madison street Chicago, III. Day or night classes. 3 months' course complete Instruction In General Photography and Motion Pictures operating: all standard cameras. Expert instructors. Installments taken. Emile Brunei operates 20 studios in New York. Chicago. Boston. Phila delphia, Detroit. Pittsburgh. Call or send today lor Booklet R >es troys per nently the heaviest growth on face or body, because it eradicates • and root No caustics. No electricity. ZIP is the rapid, safe, painless, reliable and fragrant compound used by leading actresses, debutantes, beauty specialists. At better class stores or direct by mail. Write for FREE Booklet. Call to have FREE Demonstration. Correspondence confidential. MADAME BERTHE, Specialist , Dept. L 12 W. 40th St., New York . A.r-f.