Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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/tr\M0TlON PICTUPf\ MheH I MAGAZINE •_) But the secretary has "confessed" to me in order to make my own complete, so that I know what people write about to Mr. luce. Aside from the business communications coming to a great studio, there are scores of letters from outsiders. ;t of them seek information about scenarios or how to become a star. Nothing surprises Mr. Ince — or his secretary. People and people's friends have been submitting themselves for stellar candidacy ever since he has been a producer, but he has always made his own discoveries, using his personal initiative to make the important choice. However, did Mr. Ince listen to what others think of themselves and their chances, a new order of star might be illuminating his studios at Culver City. For instance, the writer of this: "I am a boy of seventeen and as funny as they make them. I can crack all kinds of jokes and dance. On the corner in Baltimore, where my gang hangs out. they call me 'Comical Dutch.'" More of this brought out the fact that not only did he want to become a star, but desired to drop his comic mask. "Comical Dutch" wanted Mr. Ince to make him "like Charles Ray." Xow, I ask you, why do they do it? The Great Adventure ntinued from page 55) He doesn't aim for especially great things and he considers super-ambition worse than not a sufficient amount. "I dont want to be starred until I've really done something which will stand," ne said. "I like playing leading roles and if I ever do achieve something worth while and an offer of stardom comes along which means something besides the title. I'll be darn glad to have it. In the meantime — well. I'm satisfied." And when he marries he doesn't want his wife to have a career— if she's in the profession he declared that he wouldn't mind her taking a role now and then — if she's an arti-t he wouldn't object to her painting and sketching in her spare time and if she's a writer he thinks it would be all right for her to write stories on the side, but he's darned if he wants it to be more than a hobby. "One career is enough for any healthy family," he declared. I learnt he had spent the previous evening playing chess with his sister— he told it as others would tell about an evening at the opera — even the chess game held for him the spirit of an adventure. His life has not been easy — one accepts that fact when one realizes that he has been on the stage since the age of seven — he worked his way up, every inch — for long periods he was away from his mother. sister and the home which evidently standi for a great deal in hi? life. There is something about him tho. which cau^e you to think he will go on . . . building his happiness on the worthwhile thing . . . making of the thing, of today and tomorrow and the next day, great adventure-.— entering into the battle of life with a vim and enjoyment of the game fair always because not to play fair would be small— and he is big. And some day he will take time to fall in love— I predict it. for did he not say he hoped he would— and it would, be a pity for him not to. And that to him is going to be the very greatest of Great Adventures . . . he's that kind . . . and he's going to grin, as he did so many times during that luncheon, and say as he said so manv times, along with the grin : — "Isn't life splendid!" DIAMONDS ON CREDIT WATCHES ON CREDIT The Loftis Catalog: has 12S illustrated papea of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware.etc. Send your name and address today — a postal card will do— and your Catalog will be sent to you free by return mail. 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You Can Get Into the Movies If You Want To Maybe you are all ready now, but dont know exactly how to go about it. or maybe there arc a few technicalities unfinished or overlooked; or ibly there is a whole lot you dont know and need to know. In any case, we are in a position to offer you sound suggestions. Cut out the coupon below, and enclose -_____________._«_____.«,._. [or postage for our booklet N I GET IX TO THE MOVIES?" Then you judge! National Motion Picture Institute 175 Duffield Street Brooklyn, N.Y. THE NATIONAL MOTION PICTURE INSTITUTE 175 Ouffleld Street. Brooklyn. N. Y. Ph-asc srwl m" a oopy of your booklet, "Wlin ran and Who Cannot Qet Into the Pictun Bnclosed is 5 oetltfl In stamps for mailing. Name. . Address 107 P«6 f . _