Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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(P^Rl ION piCTURf MAGAZINE L Deformities of the Back Greatly benefited or en-^ tirely cured by the Philo Burt Method. The 30,000 cases successfully treated in our experience of over 17 years is absolute proof of this statement. No matter how serious your deformity, no matter what treat__ ments you have tried, think of the thousands of sufferers this method has made well and happy. We will prove the value of the Philo Burt Method in your own case. The Philo Burt Appliance on 30 Days' Trial Since you run no risk there is no reason why you should not accept our offer at once. The photographs here show how light, cool, elastic and easily adjustable the Philo Burt Aopliance ib— now different from the old torturing plaster, leather or Bteel jackets. To weakened or deformed spines it brings almost immediate relief evenin the vwst serious cases. You owe it to yourself to investigate it thoroughly. The price is within reach of all. Send for our Free BooTt today and describe the nature and condition of your trouble as fully as possible so we can give you definite information. PHILO BURT MFG. CO. 299R0dd Fallows Bids.. Jamastown.N.V. M ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" identifies genuine Aspirin introduced to physicians in 1900. Insist on unbroken packages of Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid ■<D Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum For sample Cuticura Talcum, afascinating fragrance, Address Cutlcma Laboratories, Dept.D, Maiden, Meibb. their heels, "Baree's" whimper, Marge's cool hands, the crisp sound of the snow beneath their feet. There were periods, too, when he felt that he was being carried, with the rough feel of shaggy fur beneath his cheek, then another interval of falling thru aeons of space, another awakening with Marge O'Doone's face bending above. "Where," asked David weakly, "where are we?" and he struggled up, clinging to the wall, and stared about the empty cabin with the morning sun garish on the drifted leaves on the floor. "Hush !" whispered Marge O'Doone, pointing thru the yawning doorway. He felt her trembling against him ; "They've followed us ! I thought all night I heard them, and when it grew light I saw, so 'Tara' and I brought you in here. But"— her voice drooped flaccidly — "your gun is gone. It must have slipped off in the night. What shall we do?" Around the bend in the trail came their enemies, laughing exultantly. David set his jaw. Then the cabin echoed with his cry. "Ah ! Dont worry, Marge O'Doone ! It's out of our hands — see !" His cry brought the two men to a halt. They looked up and saw their danger and shrieked aloud. But before they could turn and flee "Tara" was upon them and the white morning air was filled with horrid sounds. David Raine grew sick, and covered the girl's eyes with his hand. "Dont look!" he said in shaken tones; "they were beastly men and they have come to a beastly end!" He picked her up in his great arms and carried her out of the cabin and down the trail, forgetful of his broken head or of aught but the desire to shelter her and drive the look of strained horror out of her dark child-eyes. Afterward, when they had shaken off all sound of the thing that was happening behind them, he set her gently down and they went on thru the golden wine of the morning, along the trail that led to Father Roland's cabin and beyond that to the world. As they went he told her simply Avhat he had learnt of her parentage. "I think," he said, "I am almost sure that I know where your father is. He keeps a highchair and a few broken toys and a pair of red satin slippers in a locked room and his eyes hold the shadow of an old tragedy. We will go to him first, and afterward we will all three go to find the Weeping Lady who left her picture on the train — for it might be your picture, Marge O'Doone !" He showed it to her. She looked down at it with awed eyes. "My mother," she murmured; then, wonderingly, "but why is the face so blurred, David?" for already she spoke his name as tho she had always spoken it. He stopped in the path, touched her hands. "Because I kist it so often," said David, steadily. "I have been hunting for you all my life, I think, and now I have found you I shall never let you go — unless you tell me, Girl of my Dreams!" She lifted her vivid face to him, as a flower to the sun. "Did you not hear me call you Sakewawin last night?" she asked. "It is an Indian word, David, and it means — " Color, sweet, shy, flooded her face to the folded wings of her hair. He bent closer. "Yes?" he prompted, "yes — what does it mean, dear?" "It means — possession," said, proudly, Marge O'Doone. And quite simply she stepped closely into the circle of his hungry arms. WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS _ Photoplays written according to principles, not according to principals. WhyBoivflfou! Writctht^Wbrds fbra#Song? Our Composer will write the music — w e'U have complete sonfe printed and copyrighted in your name, according, to our special plan. Submit Poems to Us on any Subject Edouard Hesselber&, Our leading Composer is a world's famous pianist, appearing in concerts with such celebrated singers as Semhrich, Nordica and de Reszke. Amonfe his greatest sonfe successes are, "IF I WERE A ROSE" of which a million copies have been sold. Don't let another day go by without submitting a poem to us. Do it today. The Metropolitan Studios Department 136 916S. Mich. Ave.,ChicaSo J§tif8H?f:^: To prove that our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles the finest genuine South African Diamond (costing 50 times as much), with same DAZZLING RAINBOWFIRE, (Guaranteed 20 yrs.) we will send this Gents Heavy Tooth Belcher King with one carat gem.. (Catalogue price $6.26) for Hall Price to Introduce, S3. 10, plus War Tnx 16c. Same thing but Ladies Solitaire Ring. (Cataloge price W.98) for $2.60, plus War Tax 13e. Mountings areour finest 12 karat gold filled. Mexican Diamonds are GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS. SEND NO MONEY. Just mail postcard or this ad., etate size and we will mail at once C. O. D. If not fully pleased, return in 2 days for MONEY BACK, less handling charges. Act quick; offer limited; only one to a customer. Write for FREE Catalog. AGENTS WANTED. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dejit. CA2 Las Cruces, N. MeX. {Exclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds) Write the Words for a Song! Write the words for a song. We revise song-poems, compose music for them, and guarantee to secure publication on a royalty basis by a New York music publisher. Our Lyric Editor and Chief Composer is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Mail your song-poem on love, peace, victory or any other subject to us today. Poems submitted are examined free. BROADWAY COMPOSING STUDIOS 105F Fitzgerald Building Broadway at Times Sq. NEW YORK, N.Y. DEAFNESS IS MISERY I know because I'was Deaf and had Head Noises for over 30 years. My invisible Antiseptic Ear Drums restored my.hearing and stopped Head Noises, and will do it for you. They are Tiny Megaphones. Cannot be seen when worn. Effective wh^n Deafness is caused by Catarrh or by Perforated, Partially or Wholly Destroyed Natural Drums. Easy to put in, easy to take out. Are "Unseen Comforts." Inexpensive. Write for Booklet and my sworn statement of how I recovered my hearing. A. O. LEONARD Suite 314, 70 Sth Avenue New York City ts r/ie STANOftno humming SCHOOL fOR TH£ATff£ /VfTS roup somas in one. practical stage towimGlThe school's students stock «*» THEATRE AffORDPUBUC STAGE APPtArVWBS Willi for wtil«t mintionint study toirtd It Ststtav ALVIENE SCHOOLS. Switt 3 aas *»••« 97th strut, NewTwti CHv 116 Afi£