Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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Answer Man (Continued from page 108) Scotch. — Haig and Haiti or Black and White? Harold Lloyd is all o. k. now. James B. Mc — Thanks for the cast of "The Girl from Outside." Yes, Clara Horton was June Campbell. Boysvch. — Forget about "Who won the war" — this is no time to talk about it. It's won, and there's an end on't. A. W. L. — Thanks very much for the sugar. Sweet of you, I'll say ! In response to your solicitous inquiry, I am glad to announce that I am 98 9/Sth per cent, as to my health — and I am getting younger and healthier every day I live. Ermie, Toronto. — I dont know that it is so hard for a girl with a past to get a good husband, providing that past is not too long. Very few men want an old maid for a wife. However old the men are. they want the girl to be young and fresh. Every eligible bachelor maid and widow who has passed forty and who is very fat or very thin and very homelv. has a secret hope that she will land some nice middle-aged or elderly man. but I can tell her right now that she has about one chance in one hundred and ninety-nine. However old a man is, he prefers the maids to the old maids. You are right, and a woman's guess is generally more reliable than a man's certainty. Write to me again. Peggy W., of 209 Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio, writes me as follows — jnst to show other readers a fair sample hat I receive : "Dear Answer Man — Was so surprised and also very, very happy, to see my answer in the February Motion Picture Magazine. It seems that I had written ages ago and never thought you would answer my letter. You told me to jazz up a bit; now. just what do you mean? My, you must be smart, answering so many letters and saving such awfully funny things. The first thing I read when the magazine comes is your section. I'd just love to see what you look like, perhaps like Wallie Reid, Eugene O'Brien or Kenneth Harlan, and still you may be much handsomer, altho I cant understand how any one could be any betterlooking than the three above named. I do envy Wallie Reid's wife and also Gene's and Kenneth's, if they have one, have they? I'm just wild about movies and could live at a movie house. I think Wallie Reid, Gene O'Brien, Kenneth Harlan. Elliott Dexter. Earle Williams. Harrison Ford, Xiles Welch, Richard Barthclmess, George Walsh, Parks Jones. Jack all, Cullen Landis, Mary Pickford, Mary Miles Minter, Mabel Xormand, Vivian Martin, Wanda Hawley, Viola Dana. Shirley Mason, Billie Rhodes. Lila Lee. Peggy flyland. Betty Compson. Olive Thomas, Bessie Love, Constance Talmadge, Dorothy Gish, Ethel Clayton. Alice Brady, Jackie Saunders and June Caprice are all darlings and. if I had to ch my fa.' rite, it would be an awfully hard job. Ever_ since I saw Mabel Xormand in 'Mickey.' Mary Pickford in 'The Hoodlum' and Betty Compson in 'The Miracle Man' I ju-t -imply adore them. One day I had nothing to do and just for pastime wrote some names of movie stars. Then I • the following rhyme on Mabel Normand. As it i^ my fir-t 'poem,' I'm very proud of it. Now, dont laugh, please. Here it is : ling brown eyes and dark curly hair, 'Mickey' -o <]fi-h. without e'en a care. Spreading sunshine where'er she goes — '■ that every one kr, «°^!cNIURft '!?fl&fll Become an Artist Get into this fascinating business NOW! Enjoy the freedom of an artist's life. Let the whole world be your workshop. The woods, fields, lakes, mountains, seashore, the whirl of current events— all furnish material for your pictures. With your kit of artist's materials under your arm you can go where you please and make plenty of money. Your drawings will be just like certified checks! Never before has there been such an urgent need of artists as there is right noiv! Magazines— newspapers — advertising agencies — business concerns — department stores— all are on the lookout for properly trained artists. Take any magazine— look at the hundreds of pictures in it! And there are 4S,SCS periodicals in the United States alone! Think of the millions of pictures they require. Do you wonder that there is such a great demand for artists? Right this minute there are over 50,000 high-salaried positions going begging just because of the lack of competent commercial artists. No Talent Needed, Anyone Can Learn in Spare Time Our wonderful NEW METHOD of teaching art by mail has exploded the theory that "talent" was necessary for success in art. Just as you have been taught to read and write, you can be taught to draw. \\"e start you with straight lines — then curves — then you learn to put them together. Now you begin making pictures. Shading, action, perspective and all the rest follow in their right order, until you are making I drawings that sell for $100 to S500. No * The Washington School of Art, Inc. drudgery-you enjoy this method. It's just like 1137 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ■ playing a fascinating game! Please send me, without cost or obligation I _ _ /hr"/v I1T I J on my part, your free book "How to Become I Beginners Earn $50 a Week I an Ar,ist •" | Every drawing you make while taking the , course receives the personal criticism of our | Name ■ director. Will H. Chandlee. Mr. Chandlee has | had over 35 years' experience in commercial J Address ' art, and is considered one of the country's fore raa.___________B_________o.__.. most authorities on this subject. He knows the game inside and out. He teaches you to make the kind of pictures that sell. Many of our students have received as high as $100 for their first drawing! $50 a week is often paid to a good beginner! Our course covers every possible angle of Commercial Art. It does away with all the superfluous technique and entangling hindrances of the ordinary art school. It brings the principles of successful drawing right down to fundamentals. In a word, you get all the benefits of a three year course in art at a residence school right in your own home — and for just a few cents a day. Your spare time is all that is required. A few minutes a day will accomplish wonders for you! Free Book and Artist's Outfit Mail coupon nozv for this valuable book "How to Become an Artist." It's just full of interesting pointers on drawing. Reveals the secrets of success in art! Shows drawings by our students. See for yourself what amazing progress they have made through our course. Book explains course in detail, and gives full particulars of our FREE ARTIST'S OUTFIT. Fill out coupon NOW! Mail it TODAY! The Washington School of Art, Inc. 1137 H Street, N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. TMAMOND . JL/ BUYING »WftS DON'T BUY Without This Book It'? filled with wild facts about the < f high grade Diarr ible the purcfa . i f your purse. Write for the Royal Catalog A wbnlnuda J"-w>irj bnnae !-,»>■ ' (t Or) • t«nt >OK: |i |, nil f Mid par m'.nlhlv or w**»»l'-, yoaUke. Liberty bondi&ee«*pt?d. .tiL tor pd! lion H rata and mice in 3 nighta. Change the bait you mix with "Rough On Rata" — that's tho secret. Rata won't eat the same food that they know killed others. Varying the bait fools them. Drucgiata and general stores •ell "Rough On Hats" — the moat economical, surest exterminator. Write for "Ending Rata and Mite." Mailed free to you. ROYAL Diamond Watch Cb, 35 MaidetiTaive ^ NewYorK.