Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1920)

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JIW1 I MOCAZINE. (Classsi fied continued from page 15) PHOTOPLAYS $1200 a Year Writing: Photoplays. You can write them. Turn your ideas into dollars. We teach only sure method. Send for free book valuable information and special prize offer. Chicago Play Coll., Box 27S, B-15, Chicago. Photoplays Wanted. Big prices paid. You can write them. We show you how. Experience unnecessary. Easy, fascinating way to earn monev in spare time. Get free details. Rex Publishers. Box 175, B-26, Chicago. Send Me Your Ideas, Plots, Etc., for photoplays! Submit in any form. I will arrange In photoplay form, typewrite and help you Bell! Details free. H. L. Hursh, Dept. 2, 123 So. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Stories and Photoplay Ideas Wanted by 48 companies; big pay. Details free to beginners. Producers League, 441, St. Louis, Mo. How to Write Photoplays. Our book tells how; also where to sell. Contains model scenario, list of 50 buyers, and all information necessary; price 25c. Photoplay Book Company, 4S3S Champlain Ave., Chicago. Write the Words for a Song-. We revise poems, write music and guarantee to secure publication. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios, 105H Fitzgerald Building, New York. Free to Writers — A wonderful little book of money-making hints, suggestions, ideas; the A B C of successful story and play writing. Absolutely free. Just address Authors' Press, Dept. S, Auburn, N. Y. Write Motion Picture Plays. Our book contains twelve chapters of about 5,000 words, consisting of Model Scenario with Synopsis and information necessary for beginners. Price 50c. Sano Sales Company, Box 1404, Des Moines. Iowa. Exchange Plots for $$. Photoplay ideas accepted any form; revised, typed, published, copyrighted, sold. Advice free. Universal Scenario Corporation, Western Mutual Life Bldg., Los Angeles. SALESMEN WANTED lave Salesmen & Brokers can make big money by connecting with us. Liberal commissions paid. Harwell Brokerage Co., Stocks, Bonds and Leases, Central Stock Ex. Bldg., Wichita Falls, Texas. Salesmen. City or travelling. Experience unnecessary. Send for list of lines and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries — $2,500 to $10,000 a year. Employment services rendered Members. National Salesmen's Training Association, Dept. 139G, Chicago, 111. Sell Tires direct to car owner. 30 x 3 non-skid $11.75. Tubes $2.25; other sizes in proportion. Guaranteed 6,000 miles on liberal adjustment basis. Big commissions paid weekly. Experience or capital unnecessary. Auto Tire Clearing House, 1565 West 15th, Chicago. SONG POEMS Write the Words For a Song. We write the music and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, Love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 S. Michigan Ave., Pioom 184, Chicago. You Write the Words For a Song. We'll compose the music free and publish same. Send Song Poem today. J. Lenox Co., 271 West 125th Street, New York. Writers: Have you a song-poem, story or phc*oplay to sell? Submit MSS. now. Music Sales Co., 42 St. Louis. Do you want your song poems accepted? Send your poems today for best offer, immediate publication and free examination. Song writing booklet on request. Authors & Composers Service Co., Suite 505, 1431 Broadway, New York. Write the Words for a Song. We revise poems, compose music for them and guarantee to secure publication on royalty basis by New York music publisher. Our Chief Composer is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios, 105-B Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. Write a Song — Love, mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication Send words today. Thomas Merlin, 231 Reaper Block, Chicago. Stories, Poems, Plays, etc., are wanted for publication. Good ideas bring big money. Submit MSS. or write Literary Bureau, 134, _Ma.nnibal, Mo. 4,20 SONG POEMS You write words for a song. We write the music, publish and secure a copyright. Submit poems on any subject. The Metropolitan Studios, 914 S. Michigan Avenue, Room 103, Chicago, 111. Be a Song Writer. You write the words, I will compose the music and guarantee publication. Among my great hits is "Desertland". Submit poems on any subiect. Ethwell Hanson, 3S10 Broadway, Room 104, Chicago, 111. SONG WRITERS Be a Song Writer. You write the words and I will compose the music and guarantee publication. Among my great hits is "Desertland." Submit poems today on any subject. Room 105. Ethwell Hanson, 3S08 Broadway, Chicago, Illinois. Write the Words for a Song. We revise poems, compose music for them and guarantee to secure publication on royalty basis by New York music publisher. Our Chief Composer Is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios, 105-A Fitzgerald Bldg., New York. Song-writers Manual and Guide Sent Free! Contains valuable instructions and advice. Submit song-poems for examination. We will furnish music, copyright and facilitate publication or sale. Knickerbocker Studios, 309 Gaiety Bldg., New York. Write the words for a song. — We write music and guarantee publisher's acceptance on a royalty basis. Mr. Leo Friedman, the composer to the American people, is our leading composer. Among his well known hits are such songs as "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland" and "When I Dream of Old Erin." Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Company, Dept. 325, 920 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. You Write the Words for a Song. We will write the music, publish and secure copyright. Edouard Hesselberg, our chief composer, has to his credit the great hit, "If I Were a Rose," and other famous songs. Submit poems on any subject. Send for our Song Writer's Guide and submit poems at once. Metropolitan Studios, 914 South Michigan Ave., Dept. 140, Chicago, 111. STORIES WANTED Wanted — Stories, Articles, Poems, for new magazine. Cash paid on acceptance. Typed or handwritten MSS. acceptable. Send MSS. to Nat'l Story Magazine, 64 Vanderbilt Bldg., New York. Earn $25 Weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience unnecessary; details free. Press Syndicate, 560 St. Louis, Mo. VAUDEVILLE Get On the Stage. I tell you how. Send 6c postage for illustrated booklet, "All About Vaudeville," and full particulars. LaDelle, Sta. 301, Jackson, Mich. THE PHOTOPLAYWRIGHT'S PRIMER By L. CASE RUSSELL Author of "HERE LIES" If you are interested in becoming a successful photoplay writer you can't afford to be without this book. "Remember, a plot in the mail is worth two in the head." FIFTY OE2XTTS Brewster Publications, Inc. 175 Duffield Street Brooklyn, N. Y. Helen Happy. — Your letter was a veryhappy one, indeed. Silly questions have their uses, you know, and if there weren't any I could not make a living. Lee Moran and Eddie Lyons are going to play in "La La, Lucille." The Mystic Rose. — May it bloom forever. Glad to hear your opinion about our magazines. You write mostly about Pearl White, and you say you enjoyed "Just Me," the book she wrote about herself. Minter Lover. — Nay, nay, madam, say not so. Well, the man who agrees with you in all things will at least be credited with having good judgment. Harry Morey's "The Gauntlet of Greed" was taken in Tennessee. Jo Mitch. — Come, come, crank up, your motor has stopped Dorothy Dalton is not married. So you think I look like a Bolshevik. Never you mind, so long as I dont act like one. Betty Blythe is married to Paul Scardon, her director. Mary Pickford Admirer. — Why, the Frederic der Grosse is now called U. S. S. Huron. Marguerite Snow is not playing now. Anita Stewart is out West. Frederick James • Smith edits Shadowland, Adele W. Fletcher edits the Motion Picture Magazine, and B. F. Wilson edits Motion Picture Classic, and Eugene V. Brewster is editor-in-chief of all three. Estelle of Maine. — Oh, gosh ! Your letter was shocking ! Why, the Lee children are playing in vaudeville. No, Ruth Roland is not. Blanche McGarity is much prettier than any of her pictures. Wait until you see her on the screen. She has a very lovable character. Queen Elizabeth, Jr. — What's the idea of your sending me a comb? You are right, many a man claims to be a live wire just because the charges against him are shocking. Mary Miles Minter was 18 the 1st day of April, 1920. Dardi Nella. — That thing certainly did make a hit. You want more of Madge Kennedy and less of the Lee children. Yes, I have been to both places named. I use my beard for a book-mark only when I am looking thru reference books to answer puzzling questions. Yes, Louise Huff has signed up with Selznick for five more years. Bubbles I. R. A. — When you feel blue like that, always compare past woes with present happiness. So you think Richard Barthelmess is a heartbreaker. Yes, most girls do. He is not married to Corinne Griffith, nor to anyone else. Thanks for the lots of love, but I only get it in letters. Janet A. — Yes, brother and sister. The four leads in the last Fame and Fortune Contest were : Blanche McGarity, Virginia Faire, (Brown), Anetha Getwell, and Anita Booth. You're welcome, and come again. Gae-Cleo. — A bushel basketful of thanks for your kind remembrance. As Publius Syrus' says, I am not your friend ' unless I share in your fortunes as well as your misfortunes. I cant give you any information about Truman Van Dyke. Anybody know? No, children, I wish I could write you personal letters, but I have all I can do to answer you here, so dont expect too much. Duquesne Chocolates. — And what would life be without a letter from you every now and then? You write a very clever letter. You are the first to think Richard Barthelmess is conceited. I'm afraid you have him wrong. But you do like Conway Tearle. Carmel Myers has returned to Universal after appearing in musical comedy. Agnes Ayres has signed up to play in Marshall Neilan films. (Continued on page 123)