Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1921)

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q^wsw a lot of "crust" to write such a thing and have it printed. Everybody in Dayton is just wild about the Talmadges. Please have her picture (Norma's) on the front page of Motion Picture. Three Talmadge Admirers. Miss Gertrude Fleming, 114 Church St., Dayton, Ohio. Miss Emma Coburn, 34 Lincoln St., Dayton, Ohio. Miss Beatrice Witherspoon, 1341 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio. Dear Editor : — In looking over "Letters to the Editor," I saw a few very unjust words about Natalie Talmadge. I think the writer very unfair in condemning "The Little Talmadge" on her first two or three cinema efforts. Miss Natalie is only a beginner, also a very young player, and we can easily afford to give her a chance as we did with her wonderful sisters and scores of others on the stage and screen. She is very good to look at and does not overdo the small parts she gets. For me, it wont require patience or sacrifice to look at her until she establishes herself on the silversheet, for the simple reason she has the charming Talmadge stamp and bearing. I am for theatrical families every time. The Barrymores, Talmadges and Pickfords, rank first on my list of favorites. Mr. Griffith's, Mr. de Mille's and Mr. Sennett's work keep me alive. But the one thing I wanted to say in this letter is this, "Give us more of 'The Little Talmadge.' " Sincerely, Mary Byrnes. 2331 W. Harold St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jule D. Stolz is moved to defend her stand taken recently on the Talmadge question, and discusses other matters of interest. Dear Sir: — I wish to thank you for the courtesy you favored me with in your January number of the Magazine, and also to compliment you on the nature of the Editorials or Forewords with which the Magazine begins. They are splendid. It is rather surprising, but a number of your readers took the criticisms which I made as a personal affront, and I was literally bombarded with highly colored stationery. Perhaps, this merely shows the interested attitude of your readers, but I cannot get away from the personal note they carried. One in particular, accuses me of making rash statements anent the Talmadge sisters, this I am sorry to say, I cannot agree with. I, as one of the public, am interested in the aforementioned girls only to the extent of their work. Their personal affairs mean nothing to me. It is when I have viewed pictures as poor as those I mentioned that I get "riled," and feel like doing something rash. My personal opinion, has not, as yet, been changed, and I still insist that the Talmadge retinue is "resting on its laurels," for neither, "The Perfect Woman," nor "Yes Or No" satisfied me. I have not as yet seen "Satan's Paradise," nor Mamma's Affairs." They, as far as I know, have not been released yet. Of course, I shall go to see them, as I am willing to be convinced, and am open to argument. Well, to get away from the question of the hour, I want to say something about the work of Miss Sylvia Breamer. Here is a young star ravishingly beautiful, and has the power to portray a difficult role. Is she given a decent picture to show the sort of thing she can do ? She is not ! Instead, she has namby-pamby stuff like "My Lady's Copyright 1921 — The Palniolive Company 1254 Olive Oil Makes Glossy Hair Silky texture and satiny gloss are attractions you need not envy. You can acquire these attractions very easily. Stop the careless washing which makes your hair rough, dull and brittle and use Palmolive Shampoo which cleanses more thoroughly without drying out the hair. After a Palmolive Shampoo your hair is beautifully soft. It is silky and it has that well-groomed look. 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