Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1921)

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(mwsn WHEN YOUR WITHERS ) E on tke alert so tKat others may not observe the first tattling gray streaks in your hair before you discover them yourself. Then do not stop to grieve but act promptly* to banish them. It is easj) to escape the severe penalties everywhere visited upon the woman who neglects her hair when it begins to fade. Unsignth} graj) streaks, when tinted with "Brownatone" to bring back their original color and to restore to all the hair a jtouthful lustre, ma}? challenge microscopic examination, so perfect is the result produced. BROWNATONE is not a paste tut a clean, one bottle, liquid preparation, eas^ to appty, instant in its effect and indispensable in the lives of hundreds of thousands of women who have proved its efficiency. Sold everywhere by leading druggists — SOc and $1.50. Two colors: Golden to Medium Brown" and Dark Brown to Black." For a free trial bottle of "Brownatone" with simple directions send 1 lc to pay packing, postage and war tax to — , THE KEiNTONU PHARMACAL CO. 594 COPPIN BLDG. Covin6ion, Kentucky, U.S.A. Canada ^Smfofak Windsor Agnes In The Abstract {Continued from page 57) faint, abstracted smile. The occasional, startling glimpse of grey when her eyes turn toward you. "Do you know what I want?" she questioned suddenly, interrupting the effort which, in final capitulation, I was making to establish a definite angle to our conversation. I thought : At last ! "To be a star ?" I suggested. She smiled — patiently. "To have your own company," I amended hurriedly. "No," she sighed, "none of those. I want an ice cream soda !" "Oh !" I said meekly. I followed her lead to her car outside. In it we glided over to a drug store on the Boulevard. She gave her order — a chocolate ice cream soda. "I'm so tired of interviews," she murmured, removing her coat, a gorgeous thing of fur. I said nothing, apologetically. Drawing a deep breath, obviously resolving to go thru with it, she plunged into a rapid autobiography. "I started as an extra — of course you know that. I was with Essanay and Vitagraph, and later made O. Henry pictures. Then came Fox and the American cinema — ■ but here are the sodas !" We both imbibed relief thru our straws. Practically every one knows Agnes' most recent work. Her success with Marshall Neilan's "Go and Get It," her work in the Realart picture "The Furnace," and with Lasky and De Mille in "Forbidden Fruit," and, soon to be released, in "Anatol." She has had long experience. Perhaps the only big company she has not been with is Goldwyn — which is now concentrating all its efforts on its authors. It is whispered that she will be starred by Lasky in London. I mentioned presently that I had seen her that night in the Ambassador grill — that she had seemed cold. "Oh no," she said, with faint distaste at the remembrance. "I like that pink and black effect rather well, at least it is different. But unless one dresses suitably it absolutely kills one's gown. That's why I had to keep my cloak about me all the evening— to keep the colors from clashing." She shuddered a little at the thought. We drained our glasses and sauntered out again to her car, pausing on the way to purchase two magazines which seemed to have devoted that particular issue entirely to expounding the charms of Agnes. I had often wondered what it must be like to read about yourself and I watched her curiously. But, apart from a slight lengthening of that abstracted smile, nothing happened. Her only comment was that she photographed rather well ; I agreed. Yes, she did that well. ' I murmured the usual formula as I left. "You have gotten something suitable for your story then?" she asked. "I hope so, because we all like to think we're clever." I waited an instant, hopefully. Something clever? ' , But her faint smile swept me lightly, lazily — dismissed me. Nothing was going to happen. ' \ It was the opening night of the new Ambassador Theater. We sat in the pink and black grill — the Dramatic Critic of the Los Angeles Times, and I, and our ladies. The Critic was enthusiastic. Witness his fists thumping upon the table. "The kind of a woman (Thump) who ra — " I turned presently that I might see — Resindl does wonders for poor complexions Underneath most unattractive skins is a clear, pleasing complexion — all that is needed is the proper treatment! It issurprising how often a brief use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap will clear away blotches, redness and roughness and give the skin its natural freshness and charm. If your skin isn't just what you want it to be, ask your dealer for Resinol Soap and Ointment v§M3cwnCanoe£ STEAL along in the reflections of the shore. An occasional dip of the blade keeps you moving. For an "Old Town Canoe" floats as lightly as a shadow. It responds instantly to the slightest pressure of the paddle. And built into every "Old Town" is a strength that makes it last for years. Write for catalog. 3,000 canoes in stock. $67 up from dealer or factory. OLD TOWN CANOE CO. 105 Fourth St., Old Town, Maine, U.S.A. Reduce Your Flesh Exactly where desired by wen ring Dr. Walter's Famous Medicated Reducing Rubber Garments For Men and Women Cover the entire body or any part. Endorsed by leading physicians. Send for illustrated Booklet. Dr. Jeanne M.P.Walter 353 Fifth Ave., New York Bust Reducer. Price $6.00 /Billinlrs Building. 4th Floor\ Chin Reducer, Price $2.50 lEnt.on34th st..sdDoorEasU Freckles arenas a cloud before the sun," hiding your brichtnesa, your beauty. Why not remove them? Don't delay. Use STILLMAN'SciK' Made especially to remove freckles. Leaves the akin clear, smooth and without a blemish. Prepared by specialists with years of experience. Money refunded If not satisfactory. 60c per jar. Write today for particulars and free booklet — B*'Woald»tThouBeF*ir?" 1 Contains many beauty hints, an J describes a nurakr of deI print preparations indispcnsaVla I to the toilet, Soldbyalldruggittt STILLMAN CREAM CO. Dept. 33 Aurora, III. .**&■ LA6£