Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1921)

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stumbled, only half aware of what she was doing, to the trunks, found the one that had been hers, her costume was there. She dragged it on with trembling fingers. The crowd in the cireus tent was soon aware of the little clown who did such amazingly funny things. Presently they were watching her instead of the act in the ring, shouting, cheering, laughing till the tears came. Pat invented new tricks on the spur of the moment, she improved on her old ones. Her heart was heavy, but her feet were incredibly light. Even the performers stopped their acts to watch her with a kind of awe, and Daddy Toto in the wings stared as tho he could not believe his eyes. "She is great," he muttered, "because she is unhappy— " A hand clutched his arm, and David's young face came between him and the small, red and white figure. "Where is she ? Pat ? Quick !" the boy's voice was hoarse, his eyes haggard. "We didn't understand last night — till Roddy confessed — ■" "Confessed?" said Daddy Toto heavily. "That he'd put gin in the lemonade, almost half a bottle!" David was almost shouting, "He wanted to see Toto act funny, he said, and he knew that when father drank cocktails with gin in them he acted funny. So that imp " he choked, I was crazy! I've been traveling all night! Do you think — she'll forgive me?" Daddy Toto clutched David's arm hard. His eyes blazed above his eternal grin. "Your people? Will they treat her kindly after this, will you neglect her? She was breaking her heart among you !" The boy gulped. "I didn't realize — I suppose I did leave her too much alone, but it wasn't because I didn't love her. I guess my mother saw to it, I was invited places and she wasn't, but they're sorry now. The crowd saw the hatless figure leaping across the ring to catch the Little Clown in his arms. They cheered, thinking it all a part of the show, and when the Little Clown, unheeding time or place, lifted her lips to his kiss and left across his face the imprint of a great red mouth, grinning foolishly they rocked in their seats with mirth. Then David heard them at -last, and catching her up on his shoulder, made a running leap onto the back of Venus de Mile-o and away they galloped, out of the tent, and into a world peopled only by themselves. But Daddy Toto went on. Certainly no one would have guessed that as he stumbled and grimaced and cavorted he was thinking of a little cuddley house with hollihocks and pigeons and six red-cheeked babies having a party with tarts and raspberry jam! Dialog Imaginary (Continued from page 68) hundred per cent failures. Pardon me, but I must leave you now. Call again and I will tell you of some stage plays and stage stars that are worth while on the screen. Meanwhile, just remember that I prefer to have you say, when I have done, "He is not 'Jack the Giant Killer'," after all, for — behold the "House that Jack Built" ! Miss F. — One more. Did you see "Idols of Clay"? J. — Yes, glad you asked me. That is about the greatest play that has yet been done, and I take exception to the critique of the able Adele Fletcher in which she differs with me. The play will not survive as a masterpiece, but for those who know, it contains more artistry, more earmarks of genius and greatness than any play I can recall. It marks a mile-stone on the road of Progress leading to Perfection. Of this, more anon. Adieu! I? "The Job is Yours — on One Condition!" "For a long time I watched the new men who came into this business. Some stood still — stayed right where they started. Others climbed — made each job a stepping stone to something better. "Now, what was the difference? Well, I investigated and found out. The men who were getting ahead had been devoting part of their spare time to study along the line of their work. Our treasurer used to be a bookkeeper. The factory superintendent was working at a bench in the shop a few years ago. The sales manager started in a branch office up state. The chief designer rose from the bottom in the drafting room. "All of these men won their advancements through spare time study with the International Correspondence Schools. Today they are earning four or five times — yes, some of them ten times as much money as when they came with us. "So out of this experience we have formed a policy. We are looking for men who care enough about their future not only to do their present work well, but to devote part of their spare time to preparation for advancement. "And I'll give you this job on one condition — that you take up a course of special training along the line of your work. Let the I. C. 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