Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1921)

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(orasss* Comb It Through Your Hair and the Gray Disappears Don't think there is no choice between old fashioned dyeing and gray hair. Science has come to the rescue 'with a clear, colorless preparation which restores the original color in from 4 to 8 days. Mail the coupon for a trial size bottle. Test on a single lock of hair. Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer doesn't interfere with washing, there is nothing to rinse or rub off. Buy from your druggist, or direct from us. MAIL THE COUPON The trial size bottle and comb will come by return mail. Mary T. Goldman, 418 Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Mary T. Goldman. 418 Goldman Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. Please send me your FREE trial bottle of Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer with special comb. I am not obligated in any way by accepting tbiB free offer. The natural color of my hair is black jet black dark brown . medium brown light brown ._ Name Address.. Have You a Creative Mind? Make This Test and See This is an opportunity for you to test yourself in the privacy of your home without cost to learn if you have creative imagination and dramatic insight— for if you have, the great motion picture industry offers you a wide field for your endeavors and perhaps a larger income than you could earn in any other way. This courageous test, originated and put into practice by us for the first time in connection with any correspondence course, was prepared for us by Professor Malcolm Shaw MacLean, formerly instructor in short story writing at Northwestern University and University of Minnesota, and H. H. Van Loan, America's most prolific photoplay writer. Its purpose is to find those who really have the natural qualifications of a successful photoplaywright and to save the time and money of those who lack them. Its purpose is also one of self-interest — to maintain a university standard for the Palmer Plan of teaching photoplay writing by correspondence. For the Palmer Institution represents the best interests of the producers, who look to it for the development of new writers of new photoplays, now the industry's most pressing need. Are you fitted for this work; — have you a creative mind? If so you can be trained in the technique of photoplay construction during spare time at home. On the Palmer Advisory Council are Cecil B. DeMille, Thos. H. Ince, Rob Wagner and Lois Weber. Our advice to you, endorsed by them, is worth. your while. Will you make this home test if we send it free? Pass it, and we will then send you two interesting free books, "Essentials of Photoplay Writing" and "Little Stories of Success," in which the Palmer Plan is described in detail. But first, mail the coupon for the Palmer Questionnaire. It may be a most important step for you. Palmer Photoplay Corp., Department of Education, 2014 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Please send me your New-Method Confidential Questionnaire which I am to fill out and return to you for your perusal and subsequent advice to me without charge. If successful, I am to receive further information about the Palmer Plan without any obligation on my part to enroll for the course. Name I Address.. I I ^92 City State... (All correspondence held strictly confidential. that it was a characteristic of the Flannigan tribe save in the ways of petty annoyance. "Where to?" she insisted. "Who abouts with ?" John smiled down at her. "With the girl I love, Midge," he said, "best in all the world. Midge understood that — or thought she did. John Steel had given her the t' rowdown for some other skirt. She'd seen that a-plenty. She flirted her skirts and turned to the door. "There's as good fish as you in the sea, John Steel," she sniped. "You ain't no pertikeler loss to a womin!" Dugan gurgled. John smiled. "I hope not, Midge. Good luck," he said. The door closed to upon her and John grabbed Dugan's shoulders. "Now I'm going to tell my best girl the best news," he said. "I'll be out in a bit." Dugan stepped to the front door to wait. From within he could hear the mingling of voices, mother and son, and the unaccustomed tears came to his eyes. It was so sweet. Because of a Dress Suit (Continued from page 45) much of the real joy of life. Not so Jack Mulhall. To him each moment of the day, each trivial incident, becomes crowned with its halo of adventure. Mr. Mulhall has managed to crowd many experiences into his twenty-six or seven years, and the high glee with which he relates them lend an added zest to the tales. He counts it all as part of the great game, while he surveys life only in its joyous aspects. "What's the use of worrying?" he asks. "We make our own lives and receive just about what we give, so it is up to us to give — largely." It was owning a dress suit that really started Jack Mulhall in motion pictures. One day he appeared at the old Biograph studio. "Have you a dress suit?" he was asked, and when he nodded assent he was told to report that afternoon. And so he made his entree on the screen as a society extra in a Christy Cabanne film, and has been in pictures ever since. "I well remember the first time I had a real part," began Mr. Mulhall, cheerfully. "It was in a picture called 'The House of Discord," with Jim Kirkwood directing. Lionel Barrymore had the leading role, Blanche Sweet played the mother of Dorothy Gish, Micky Neilan the heavy, while I was the juvenile around whom all the discord centered. Some picture, that." And he indulged in a merry laugh that sent the corners of his mouth upward. In 1914, he was sent to Los Angeles by Biograph, and the very first girl he met at the studio was pretty Laura Bundy. Four months later they were married. After several trips across the continent with Biograph, the Mulhalls returned to Los Angeles about five years ago and have remained ever since, with Jack appearing in Universal, Fox, Triangle, Metro and Paramount films. Recently he has been assisting three young stars in their first stellar productions ; playing lead with Alice Lake in "Should A Woman Tell?", Wanda Hawley in "Miss Hobbs," and Bebe Daniels in "You Never Can Tell." After playing opposite Mary Miles Mintcr in "The Little Clown" and Viola Dana's latest, "Off Shore' Pirate," Mr. Mulhall is again at the Realart studio as lead with Bebe Daniels in her new picture, "Two Weeks' Pay." "We're both crazy over the story and $500.00 "EMPTY ARMS" Prize Contest OUR famous Lester Park-Edward Whiteside photoplay, "Empty Arms," is creating a sensation. It has inspired the song "Empty Arms," which contains only one verse and a chorus. A good second verse is wanted, and to the writer of the best one submitted a prize of $500 cash will be paid. This contest is open to everybody. You simply write the words for a second verse — it is not necessary that you see the photoplay before doing so. Send your name and address on a postal card or sheet of paper and we shall send you a copy of the words of the first verse and chorus, the rules of the contest and a short synopsis of this wonderful photoplay. It will cost you nothing to enter the contest. Write postal or letter today to "EMPTY ARMS" CONTEST EDITOR Lester Park-Edward Whiteside Photoplay Productions 214 W. 34th St., Suite 22, New York, N.Y. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine — double strength — is guaranteed to remove these homely_ spots. simply get an ounce of Othine — double strength — from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine as thisis sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Ride and Sell Black Beauty Bicycles — the bicycle with the biggest reputation for easy riding, good looks and good solid wear. This wonderful wheel with 18 exclusive features — From Factory to You — FREE We'll ship on approval — express prepaid. Look the wheel over before you pay a cent. You're sure to be enthusiastic ■when you see the wonderful 1921 Model Electrically Equipped BIACK BEVUTY Our direct-from-factory-to-you-price saves you money. A small deposit and A DOLLAR A WEEK— the wheel IS yours with the first payment. Don't delay — write now. HAVERFORD CYCLE COMPANY Dept. 296 (Est. 25 years) Philadelphia, Pa. Be a Black Beauty Owner Agent MARE MONEY AT HOME YOU can earn from $ 1 to $2 an hour in your spare time writing show cards. Quickly and easily learned by our new simple method. No canvassing or soliciting, we teach you how. sell your work and pay you cash each week. Full particulars and booklet free. AMERICAN SHOW CARD SCHOOL 211 Ryric Building, Yonge & Shutcr Streets, TORONTO. CANADA Bignew catalog in color —FREE lAG£