Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1921-Jan 1922)

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sj»TO be picked up, even under adverse atmospheric conditions. The Lee children are going back in pictures soon. A. L. C: — Poor child. You say you are all • at sea. Some people say that Corliss Palmer is the most beautiful girl in America, others say Katherine MacDonald, and still others say Corinne Griffith. You will have to figure it out for yourself. You say it isn't your needs that keep you broke, but your wants. That's just it. Our wants are always greater than our needs. Fluff. — Your letter was a corker and very interesting. Anna M. — Never mind, Ann, the slower you climb the surer your footing. George Fitzmaurice will direct "Peter Ibbetson," with Wallace Reid and Elsie Ferguson. All the players you mention are in California. Marie L. M. — That's right, Marie, being on the. square helps make the world go 'round. Pauline Bush was married to Allan Dwan, but now they are not. Martha Mansfield and Eugene O'Brien will play in "The Last Door." Oh, yes, Vera Gordon has been on the screen in Universal's "Sorrows of Israel," before doing "Humoresque." Patience. — You're right about Milton Sills. G. T. R. — Always glad to get your letters. Write me again. Ima Vamp. — I should say you are. William Farnum has been in pictures for eight years and he is thirty-six years old. That's what his charming secretary told me the other day. Agnes Ayres and Thomas Meighan in "Cappy Ricks." Cotty Cltie. — Garage is derived -from the French verb "garer" to put aside or apart under shelter. The correct pronunciation is not gar-ahje. Both a's should be pronounced alike. So you liked Madame Petrova much better than you did Theda Bara on the stage. Antonio Moreno is playing in "The Secret of the Hills." Lila F. — Harold Lloyd played the role of "Lonesome Luke." Yes, Viola Dana, Ethel Clayton, and Mrs. Sidney Drew are widows. Your opinion coincides with mine precisely in regard to the killing of animals in the pictures. Even if it is only a snake, I do not like to see any living thing killed unless it is plainly a danger. You refer to Mahlon Hamilton in "Daddy Long Legs." C. M. Bride. — Why, Douglas Fairbanks, Pauline Curley and Tully Marshall in "Bound in Morocco." Wanda Hawley and Harrison Ford in "Food for Scandal." Yes, Tully Marshall is married to Marion Fairfax. All right, I'll be waiting for you. Psyche. — You ask "How much greater than 3 '4ths is 4/4ths. I would not bother, but I happen to know the answer, which is l/3rd (of 3/4ths). Justine Johnston was abroad this summer. Doris. — You say you cant understand why Elsie Ferguson is never shown "in Australia. Funny, isn't it? Why dont you speak to your manager about it ? Rip Van Winkle is being filmed again, with Thomas Jefferson, jr., in the lead. You think I ought to play the part of Rip. I'd break the camera, sure. Iad Oru. — Congratulations. So you think I am about forty-one, after reading the last issue. Before that you thought I was about twenty-four. That would mean that my education was improving. You just bet, this is the right time for buttermilk, and I have a quart of it every day. I find it rather pleasant in my hall-room these days, but would enjoy a little home in the country. Who wants me? Wild Cat Billy. — Yes, Richard Barthelmess was troubled with mastoids, but he has fully recovered now. He is being starred with the Inspiration Pictures, released thru the same Associated First Nationals, as is Charlie Ray. Easter Walters in "The Tiger's Trail." Huntley Gordon in "The Dark Mirror." Marie Dunn in "A Double-Dyed Deceiver." Well, we all ought to strive for plain living and high thinking. Eleanor. — He is a very ambitious sort, and ambition is merely the hope of success. Well, all I can say is that a man cannot possess anything better than a good woman, nor anything worse than a bad ,\ ■)]£ one. Martha Mansfield played in that Barry -/\'Cu more picture. She is with Selznick now. .^ycT" Miss Chess. — No, Fatty Arbuckle is not try ing to reduce. His fat is his fortune. Dont make ight of the fat man who is trying to reduce; he's only trying to mend his weighs. So you think Corinne Griffith should wear more clothes. Do you mean variety or quantity? Lila Lee is playing with Roscoe Arbuckle in "Gasoline Guss." Fair and Cooler. — Some picture of you. Was it a tintype ? Iris. — Thanks for them kind woids. Raymond McKee is playing in "Kathleen Mavourneen." Why, I am delighted to be of service to you, come again, any time. Douglas MacLean is twenty-eight. Katherine MacDonald in "Her Social Value." Trail. — Did you know that the ostrich is the biggest bird on earth and has the smallest brain?— so you can go by what you say. Hobart Henley and Gertrude Selby in "The Sign of the Poppy." Miriam Cooper and Monroe Salisbury in "The Silent Lie." Cutie. — Yes, Houdini is married. He is working on "Terror Island." He has just published a book called "Miracle Mongers and Their Methods." William Duncan and Edith Johnson are married. William Desmond and his wife, Mary Maclvor, are playing in "Slippy McGee." You sure are fond of Harrison Ford. Janet Rochester. — That was a pretty lengthy letter of yours. Charlie Chaplin was born in Fontainbleu, France, April 16, 1889. You must be another letter like this one. Brooklyn Girl. — I fear I should be a poor judge as to the ten great events in the Old Testament for your proposed scenario, but I suggest the following, which are the same as those represented on the famous "Gates of Paradise" in Florence, Italy : The Creation of Adam, Noah's thank-offering after the Deluge, Abraham's sacrifice on Mount Moriah, Esau's renunciation of his birthright, Joseph and his Brethren, Moses in the presence of the Lord at Sinai, Joshuoa before Jericho, David and Goliath, and the Queen of Sheba at Solomon's court. The last has been filmed with Betty Blythe. "The Deerslayer" has been done in pictures. Marcella. — Thanks, but perhaps that question was written some time before it was published. PearlR.N. — Cant tell you who said,"The woman who has surrendered her lips has surrendered everything," and "A beautiful woman is the paradise of the eyes, the hell of the soul and the purgatory of the purse." He must have been a disappointed lover frozen into a woman-hate. Yours was very interesting, and I should say you are a bit sentimental. Bill Hart at the Hart Studios, Hollywood, Cal. Write me again. Merides. — You say that only a few can have their faces on coins, and that most people are contented to get their hands on them. George M. Cohan played in "Broadway Jones" and "Seven Keys to Baldpate" on the screen. Yes, "Jane Evre" is being done by Hugo Ball in. Flvjffle. — Coup de grace. I dont weigh 200 pounds, nor am I married. Max Linder is boomed as the "Man of a Million Laughs." He has been in pictures since 1903, and is now playing in "Seven Years' Bad Luck." Richard Travers in "The White Moll." Walter Lewis in "The Sparrow." Cullen Landis in "Pinto." LIelen B. D. — How is anyone going to make a fortune on $10.00 a week? I do not crave fame nor fortune and will never have either. Gloria Swanson in "The Sea Bridge." Yes, Madge Kennedy played a double role in "The Girl with the Jazz Heart." Dr. F. L. N. — Hoquiam. — Howdy, Doc. I read every word of your long and very interesting letter. You call me "Uncle Grouch." I'm far from being a grouch. You say you think you will set in and take a hand, if it's a square game, and I deal from the top. I take it that this is the first time you have played with me or you would not suspect me of stacking the cards. You want to know why "the powers that be" want Mary Miles Minter to grow up. You also want to know who is to take her place after she does grow up. Search me, but the woods are full of candidates. You must write to me again. Puellae.— You refer to Richard Barthelmess. Grace {Continued on page 104) I