Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1921-Jan 1922)

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OTION PICTUR Plain Unattractive Eyes Instantly Beautified with Jost a wee touch of "M A YBELLINE" will make] jght, short, thin eyelashes and brows appear naturally dark, long and luxurious, thereby giving charm, beauty and soulful expression to any eyes. Unlike other preparations, will not spread and smear on the face. The instanl beautifying effect will deliKht you. Perfectly harmless. Used by beautiful (rirla and women everywhere. Each dainty box contains mirror and two brushes. Two shades Brown for Blonds, Blark for Bruwtttf. 75c AT YOUR DEALER'S or direct from as. Accept only Kenulne •'MAYBELLINE" and your satisfaction Is assured. Tear out this ad NOW as a reminder. MAYBELL LABORATORIES 4305-13 Grand Boulevard, Chicag Lasts «a weeie Flower Drops the most exquisite perfume ever produced. Made from flowers. A single drop lasts a week. Bottle like picture with long glass stopper. Lilac or Orabapple, SI. 50;Lily of the Valley, Rose or Violet, $2.00; Romanza, our latest Flower Drops, $2.50. Above odors in half oz. bottles S8.00, one oz. S15.00. Send 20oBtamps or silver for miniature bottle. Rieger's Flower Drops Toilet Water SL75 large 5 ounce hexagonal bottle. yJX^c— .«o..r„„ PER Mi^e * TOIUJ-'wATEIt fTowertrops Rieger's Mon Amour, ounce SI. 50; Garden Queen. S2.00; Alcazar, S2.25; Parfum Rienzi, S2.50, nothing finer; Honolulu Boquet $1.00 At druggists or by mail. Send SI. 00 for souvenir box of five 25c bottles, different odors. PAULRIEGER&C0. Ill 1stSt.. San Francisco GZZ3Z By Note or Ear. With or without music. Short Course. Adult beginners tauuht by mail. No teacher required. SelfInstruction Course for Advanced Pianists. Learn G7 styles of Bass, ISO Syncopated Effects, Blue Harmony, Oriental, Chime, Movie and Cafe Jazz, Trick Endings, Clever Breaks, Space Fillers, Sax Slurs, Triple Bass, Wicked Harmony, Blue Obligato, and 247 other Subjects, Including Ear Playing. 110 pages of KEAL Jazz, zo.000 words. A Postal brings our PKEE Special Offer. Waterman Piano School, 253 Superba Theatre Bldg., los Angeles, Calif. Comics, Cartoons, Commercial, Newspaper and Magazine Illustrating, Pastel Crayon Portraits and Fashions. By Mail or Local Classes. Writefor terms and Listof successful students. Associated Art Studios, 28A Flatiron Bldg. New York Learn to Dance 'M& I CAN TEACH YOU Fox-Trot. One-Step, Two-Step, Waltz and newest "up-to-the-minute" society dances in a few hours— at home— in private by the wonderful Peak System of Mail Instruction REMARKABLE NEW METHOD. Easy-fascinating. Positively no other like it. No music— no partner heeded. Thousands taught successfully. COMPLETE COURSE ON TRIAL. Write me todav for FREE Information and Low Surprise Offer. WILLIAM CHANDLER PEAK, M. B. Studio 127 4737 Broadway Chicago, III. i I Skin Troubles ^— — Soothed — — — With Cuticura Soap, Ointment, Talcum, 25c. everywhere. Samples free of Cuticura Laboratories, Dept. D, Maiden, Maia shirts at stiff prices. Julia Arthur is to play the part of the countess in "The Two Orphans." John Barrymore married Mrs. Leonard Thomas. She is known on the stage as Michael Strange. J. L. M. — Phyllis Haver is the only name I have for her. Dont think we will publish that play. Sylvia Breamer was married to Edwin Morrison, of Australia, but they are divorced, and now she is engaged to F. C. Lewis. She is playing in "A Poor Relation." Francis J. — Please dont apologize. I dont mind the old typewriter. Perhaps she was cut out of the picture. The name of the picture was '"Broadway and Home." Ricardo. — The players you mention are not playing now, and I have no home address. Sheldon Lewis is playing in "The Two Orphans." Perhaps by the end of the inquiries, you will have the full cast. Yes, I understand that "Joan the Woman" is to be revived. Wallace Reid and Geraldine Farrar had the leads. Aloha. — I dont get you. You sound as tho you were raving about something. Write me when you get over the spell. Ruth R. — Yes, I will forgive the red ink this time, but dont let it happen again. You see, the quarrel started from your insistence on exploring your husband's pockets, which is not a proper thing to do. Like most explorers, you found material for a lecture. Norma Talmadge is five feet two inches tall. Clara Williams is Mrs. Reginald Barker. Peggy of the Heights. — Marion Davies was born in Brooklyn. She is twenty-three years old. Agnes Ayres is married, but is divorcing her husband. Wanda Hawley, in "Her Face Value." Mary Anderson is playing in "Two Minutes to Go," with Charles Ray, and then she will be starred in a series for Spencer Pictures. William Hart will be shown in "The Whistle," with Myrtle Stedman. David Powell, in "The Princess of New York." It was taken in England. Bert N. — You say you want me to call you "doctor," but do not say whether it is of medicine, Christian Science, divinity, horse, law, osteopathy, dentistry, or chiropody-— everybody is a doctor nowadays. Well, Doc, there isn't anything special that you have to have to enter the movies. But you've got to have everything. Grace B. — Send along the pecan fudge or butterscotch, and receive my blessings. I have no particular choice, but I prefer both. A friend of mine just sent me half a dozen neckties, and now I am the envy of all the men and the glory of all the women. She has better taste than I have. My taste is all in my mouth. Try Metro, 1025 Lillian Way, Los Angeles, Calif. You say you saw the sun rise. Were you just getting up, or going to bed? Marion E. D. — I didn't see "The Love Flower," so cannot appreciate your criticism. Miss Incognito. — When you look over these answers, you should overlook their shortcomings. Edward Earle doesn't seem to be doing much these days. Corinne Griffith was born in Texarkana, Tfkcas. So you like the "thought lines" in Conway Tearle's brow. No, indeed, the good do not die young — they live forever. I am eighty years old ! Ha ha, he he, and likewise ho ho! E. C. M., Pennsylvania. — Well, the misfortune of those who have loved is that they can find nothing to replace love. Roy Stewart is thirty-seven. House Peters is to star in two pictures for Goldwyn. Will Rogers is starting his own company. Yes, Harrison Ford was married to Beatrice Prentice, but they are divorced. No, I dont mind answering questions. Remove hair vvitHbld (ream! I the new, gentle method perfected by Laboratory ! Note this JVew and Amazingly Different Way! Unsavory Depilatories, the Razor, or any harsh method now unnecessary ! At last, correct scientific principles have been applied to the depilatory. The result is a snow white, sweet cold cream with the peculiar property of dissolving hair wherever it touches. It is called DOT; and it's as easy to use as powdering your nose; and as quick and harmless. You apply a bit of this cold cream where there is a hair growth. Then whisk across it with a dampened wash cloth. And that's all. The hair will be gone. The cream absorbs it. And the skin is left white, and with the cool sense of cleanliness. A gentle method as amazingly simple as it is thorough. In contrast with the unfeminine razor. DOT definitely discourages further hair growth. Thus making the removal of hair, easier and easier to handle as time goes on. And entirely lacking "after odor" it will be found a toilet accessory without the discouragements o£ the depilatory. • You are urged to try this delicate cream dissolvent. Well groomed women everywhere have adopted it, gratefully. If your favorite toilet goods counter, Department Store or Drug Store hasn't DOT. send at once direct to the Laboratory under guarantee of satisfaction or refund 60c for the regular size, or 81-00 for the large for a supply by return mail, in plain wrapper. Address. SharleS. ^Dot & Gd 1001 Eighth & Olive. St. Louis, Mo. Buy? J£ioo/ J^rt Corners"! ,w» i "rfaiNo Paste Needed USCttlCm to mount all kodak pictures.postcards.clippinosin albums ftffado (d Square, Ronod. OtbI, Fancy and Heart of black, cray. sepia, and red summed paper. Slip tham on corners of pictures, Chen wet »Dd stick. QOICK-EASY-ARTIST1C. No muas, no faaa. At photo supply, drusr and stat'y stores. Accept no substitutes; there Unotbiog as good,, 10c brings full pkg. and samples from Engel Mfg. Co., Dept. 69-K 4711 No. Clam St., CHICAGO MAKE MONEY AT iME YOU can earn from $ I to $2 an hour in your spare time writing show cards. Quickly and easily learned by our new simple method. No canvassing or soliciting, we teach you how, sell your work and pay you cash each week. Full particulars and booklet free. AMERICAN SHOW CARD SCHOOL 211 Ryrie Buildinj, Yonge & Shuter Streets. TORONTO, CANADA f\ 109 r PAGli