Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1922)

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Ima Girl, Ricaruo M., C. S. N., Thelma D., M. M. R., L. M. B., D. T., F. T.( Skeezix, Jealous Jenny, J. M. C, Le Senorita, E. M. R., Ra't, G. T. R., Evangeline S., H. W. L. — Guess you have been answered up above. W. L. W., Dallas. — You refer to Cecil B. de Mille as the director of "Dont Tell Everything." Tyllie. — To a woman, the romances she makes are more amusing than those she reads. Yes, no? Yes, Mollie King is playing in "Suspicious Wives." Yes, Johnny Hines is playing in "Doggone Torchy." Yes, Grace Darling, in "For Your Daughter's Sake." You sure are for Milton Sills. Sylvia. — Well, I hope Santa was good to you, too. Thanks. Alice Brady was born in New York City. She wont tell when. Bobbette. — Well, a lover is loved most, a wife best, and a mother always. Most of the players have secretaries. They wouldn't be able to answer their correspondence, as well as perform their other duties. Peggy.— Well, I have just had a birthday, and now I am eighty-one. Honest, Injun! Priscilla Dean is playing in "That Lass O'Lowrie." Harry Carey, in "Man to Man." Buck Jones, in "Riding With Death." Pola Negri, in "The Last Payment." Brownie. — Well, if you enjoy repeating anything overmuch, you have probably told it twice to the same person. Yes, Shirley Mason is married. Jack Mulhall is playing opposite Constance Binney for Realart. Oo So Lo Mi. — Getting musical all of a sudden? Emory Johnson is directing Leah Baird. That was a great letter of yours. Florence Vidor is playing in "Judith Beresford." Madge Bellamy is also in the cast. Leena. — But the first newspaper advertisement appeared in 1652. No, I dont remember it. Mary Pickford's name was Gladys Smith. Kid Sallie, Rose Purcell, Mabel Waldron, Duchess Lucille, Boots, Boob McNutt, Elsie P., "K", Doris M. A., T. N. T., Olive E., Bebe, Box 83, Henry, Frances, Elden R., Interested, Frances B., An Inquirer, Gertrude W., Ethel. — I'll try not to put you in the alsorans next month. Loving Rose. — Goldfish are natives of China, and were introduced into England about the end of the seventeenth century. They are bred principally in ponds, fed with the waste hot water from condensing steam-engines. Yes, Mary Pickford was born in Canada, but she has a bit of Irish in her. Max Linder is playing in "Be My Wife," for Goldwyn. Slim. — Mary Pickford is out West at this writing. Constance Talmadge married a Greek, but she hasn't gone to grease. She is very slim. Pat O'Malley is playing opposite Bebe Daniels. Wanda Hawley, in "The Love Charm." Retta Romaine. — Well, well, glad to see you again. You sure do write an interesting letter. Remember me to Vyrgynya. Tell her not to forget me. Vera. — Yes, I am very fond of ermine. It is called so from having been originally brought from Armenia. Yes, send a stamped addressed envelope for a list of the correspondence clubs. Of course, it is interesting. Lillian Walker is playing in vaudeville. Francellia Billington is not playing now. Pep. — Why dont you get a copy of "The Three Musketeers" at your library, and you will find them. Anita Stewart, at 3800 Mission Road, Los Angeles, Calif. Wynd ham Standing and Alma Tell are playing in "The Iron Trail." Valentino Admirer. — Je vons remercie. So you liked Rudolph Valentino in "The Sheik." George Beban is playing in "The Sign of the Rose." He played in the same picture some years ago. They also tell me "Ten Nights in a Earroom" is being produced. That will be something new these days. Answer Man Admirer. — Thanks for your good wishes. Come again. Sun Grin, Evelyn, V. L., G. L. T., Ruth, Cyril Smith, Harrie, Helen, Richard, Mae, Bella, Chubby P., Hilly Billy, 'Lizbeth, June, Marie Louise, Betty, Julius, A Stage Aspirant. — I'm sorry. Georgia Cracker. — Je vis en espoir. George Arliss is playing in "The Green Goddess," on the stage. Yes, he was immense in "Disraeli." Yes, Doris May, in "Eden and Return." Mae Marsh is playing in "Brittie," on the stage. Salisbury Fan. — No, I dont give advice and never take it. Ruth Clifford is twenty-two years old. Yes, and the city of Amsterdam, Holland, is built upon piles driven in the ground. It is intersected by numerous canals, crossed by nearly three hundred bridges. Tyllie. — Good for you. You want Kenneth McGaffy to interview Milton Sills. Sure, I like French ice-cream. Were you thinking of sending me some? Hoopee Doopa. — So you think I must have some woman in my life to inspire me. Nay, nay; there is no woman in my life — not on your life. Conway Tearle, in "A Wide Open Town." Yes, Maurice Costello played in "Conceit," for Selznick. I'll be waiting. Desperate Ambrose. — You're all wrong. I dont look like that. Little Brunnett. — But the greatest misfortune one can wish his enemy is that he may love without being loved in return. You want Richard Barthelmess and Lillian Gish to play together always. I'm afraid it cant be done. Good night. Coppertop. — Fiasco is an Italian word — Ola, ola, fiasco! Mabel Trunnelle, Mary Fuller and Adele Lane are not playing now. Zella Carr, in "The Doctor." Cullen Landis is playing in "A City Fellow." Lewis Stone and Alice Terry, in "The Prisoner of Zenda." All right; come in any time. June Bug, Mabel Norm and, The 11, Marc MacDermott Fan, Frank Mills Forever, Violet, E. M., Movie Fan, Mamie S., A Talmadge Fan, Hopp, Billie B., Elenor X., Mille Barsero, Jerry and Buster, Cassan Ferguson Fan, Miss Ambition, A. B. L., Loretta S., A. M., Perry, Millie. — Write me again. Lillian Gish's Friend. — As Will Carleton says, "People should not 'fall' in love ; they should rise to it." Just send a stamped addressed envelope for a list of the Correspondence Clubs. Benega L. — Wear a tie? What's the use. Sure, I have buttermilk every day. Fred Niblo is directing Anita Stewart in "The Woman He Married." Gladys Hulette and Conway Tearle, in "The Referee." But you know, to invite a guest is to take the responsibility of his happiness during his stay under your roof. Who Is Sylvia. — Thanks. Glad to hear from gay Paree. I wish I could help you. You say grief has two forms of expression, laughter and tears; and tears are not the saddest. Yes, Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend" is being filmed. Yes, Nazimova is playing in "Salome" and "The Dolls' House." Write me again. Babs. — The tallest man was John Hale, ^.MOTION PICTURR lne)| I MAGAZINE t\ SAVE HALF ^ Yet Get a Brand New Oliver This is a most remarkable typewriter offer, saving you half the usual price. A brand new Oliver, direct from the factory, now costs less than a rebuilt typewriter. Get the facts regarding our price reduction. And our liberal offer. Learn all about the famous Oliver and its superiorities. Over 950,000 sold. Merely mail the coupon below. Learn how you can get the finest Oliver ever built at an amazing low price. 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