Motion Picture (Aug 1922-Jan 1923)

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(F^ AMOTION PICTURF MAGAZINE L 5 II hand at picture writing — ^you seem to have talent. Very little (ioino in that line tho — meaning both talent and •scenarios. Why, I thought "Tol'ablc David" one of the best ])ictures of the year. I'arthelmess is a sure winner. Yes to 3'our last. I^AFAVKTTE.— But it is useless to demand some things, they must be given. Just be patient. Elmer Clifton's picture will be released very soon. No, Maude Adams has never ])layed in i)ictures. There is really nothing I can do about helping your town get a new l)ost-office. I advise you to write or get in touch with one of the officials of your town. That's just a bit out of my line. Next please ! A. E. R. — The verse you refer to was about no one in particular. Wanda Hawley is playing opposite Rodolph Valentino in "The Young Rajah." You want to know what company Brazil Nuts come from ? French pastry ? And, Egyptian cigarets ? I refer you to Mr. Edison. Bu.sTER. — See here, I believe that every child should be taught liow to earn money, and next, how to save it. Yes, if you cant liut money in the bank, take out an endowment policy. Blanche Sweet a!id Marshall Neilan were married in Chicago last June. .Somebody said it was about time. Theda Bara played in "The Two Orphans'* for Fox some years back. H. W. Mo. — Well, I would be in a pretty fix if I told you who I thought was the prettiest player. Have you no regard for an Answer Man's life? Betty Blythe is playing in "How Women Love." Yes, Eugene O'Brien in "The Voice from the Minaret" with Norma Talmadge. Sybil. — Glad to hear of your success. Do send along the picture. When you come to America look me up. Keep busy child, because a pound of idleness weighs twenty ounces. Eleanor (i. — Herbert Rawlinson's i)icture "Come Thru" which is being made by him for the second time has been changed to "The Flash Man." Harry Morey, Marguerite Clayton, George I'awcett and Miriam Battista are playing in "The Curse of Drink," 1. O. U. — I wish you did. A rag, a jjone, a hank of hair! Pardon me, but did I hear you straight? You wish some movie player would send you their hair after it was bobbed. How old would you like it — red, black or white? BiLLv B. — I'm sure you will like the picture of Valentino on page eleven of last month's magazine. Look it up. Yes, Goldwyn is producing "Ben Hur." Gladys Leslie is playing in "Timothy's (Juest" for her own company. Still they come. " Wattlk Blossom, Brisbane. — You've got me there. I cant say whether Katherine MacDonald ever played in "Daddy Long Legs" on the stage in Australia. Sorry I cannot help you, but stage plays are a little out of my category. Well, you ought to know that the savage can see one-tenth farther than a civilized man. T. H. Honolulu.— Hoola, hoola ! And then some. What a (|uestion. Here you list twelve players names and you ask me to tell you the education and how far thru school they went. I'm Norry, Hoola, but I'm not familiar with the childhood days of the l)layers. I may be old, but not so old. Of course we raise cocoanuts in Florida. Shanghai. What? — De bonne grace. Yes, I'm still here on the job while you have married, raised a youngster, traveled thru China, Japan and the Orient. I'm still here, pounding the keys. Flossie C. P. is no more. My heart actually stopped beating after reading your mopt interesting letter. Speaking of hearts, not sweethearts, the heart pumps over 225,000 cubic feet of blood every year, so figure out my heart l)eats since you've been away. Margaret O. — Write Famous Players, 1520 Vine Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Voile) tout. Garland C— It was Dickens who said "My life is one demd horrid grind" in Nicholas .X'ickleby. I never said it. Donald Crisp has returned from Europe, I saw him at the Algonciuin Hotel recently. That's where a great many of liic players stop when in town. So you think ihat Mary and L')oug are real entertainers, and theirs is art that conceals art. We are all waiting for their new pictures. Kh.laknev F"orever. — Long may she wave. D. W. Griffith was married to Linda Griffith at one time. I dont know the present status of his matrimonial affairs. Yes, Doris Kenyon's father was a clergyman. After al life is made up not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles, and kindnesses and small (T\ obligations given Ihf, AGE habitually, are what win and preserve the heart, and secure comfort. That is why I smile on you. Lawrence B. — Shake, I'm glad to know you Lawrence. Ethel Clayton is playing in "Three Cornered Kingdom" for RobertsonCole. The Carter de Havens are playing in "Entertaining the Boss." Tom Mix in "A Kiss in the Dark." Write me again. * Betty S. — No I dont mind answering c|uestions. That's what I get my $10.50 per week for. I just about earn my daily bread and buttermilk. JBut I dont assume that because a girl asks for advice she wants it. Mary Carr played in "Silver Wings" and it sure was a weepy affair. She appeared in person and she brought one of her little Carrs with her. You know she has six. Some people are lucky to have one. Her next picture will be "The Custard Cup," and she says it is going to be' full of laffs. I hope .so. QuinA G. F. — Clever — your letter. Crane Wilbur has black hair and he is 33, stands five feet nine. Bebe. — I'll do my best. William Russell is playing in "A Self Made Man" for Fox. Yes, Jack London's "The Mohican's Daughter" is being filmed now. Ida R. N. J. — You're right, Ida, I dont claim that all you read here is original. What I can steal from Shakespeare, Ibsen, Wilde etc., I steal without hesitation, and my conscience never bothers me. But what great writer doesn't steal now and then ? Yes, Thomas Meighan is one of my favorites too. I liked him in "The Leading Citizen," also in "If you Believe it, It's .so." What an absurd title. He seems to get a lot of exercise out of his pictures, especially when he beats James Kennedy. Write me again, wont you ? Ping Pong. — Are you playing a game with me? Yes to your first. The cause of most divorce cases among the movie people — men and women I suppose. That isn't very original, is it? At this writing Gloria Swanson isn't married. June. — How considerate ! You cant tire me with two questions, June. Yes, Madame Rambova and Winifred Hudnut are one and the same. She did not play in "The Four Horsemen." Beatrice Dominquez danced with him. G. M. H. — Then you agree with Ibsen who said "No man will sacrifice his honor, even for one he loves 1 Millions of women have done so !" So you are for the feminine sex every time. You say you cant stand Rodolph Valentino, but you are for Conrad Nagel. Douglas MacLean is not doing anything right now. Bertha and Helen. — How are the two of you? In part you say "We are strong admirers of Rodolph Valentino and think he would be perfect if he could only find a barber who wouldn't let his hair grow down his collar. Is he trying to compete with the 'Seven Sutherland Sisters,' the 'House ot David' or with you? Please Answer?" More likely with me, I'll wire him immediately. A Shifter. — You're O. K. There is nothing I can do to help you get into pictures. It cant be done. But the great business of man is to improve his mind, and govern his manners. Are you doing that? Henry Walthall and Ralph Graves are playing with Marjorie Daw in "The Long Chance" for Universal. Yes, Francis Ford is directing Peggy O'Day in "The Storm Girl." A CoLLEfiE Girl. — Oh, I drink about a quart of buttermilk a day. Still living in the little old hall room. Yep, and I like it too. The reason you like Wallace Reid is because he never kisses any of the girls passionately. I must say your likes differ from some of my readers. Master R. L. — But preparing for the worst sometimes brings it on. Jane and Eva Novak will play in "Thelma," the first picture they iiave played in together. Joe Moore and ouise Lorraine are playing in "Up in the Air about Mary." E. S. Montgomery. — You say in answer to "The Southerner" in one of my departments, that you have seen many a Southern gentleman shake hands with his colored slaves. You'll have to fight that out between yourselves— cant prove it by me. Lightning. — Horrors, no, he wouldn't like you for saying it, either. Bill Hart is 48 years, and not 60 as you think. I wish you luck. Dorothy Gish and Glen Hunter in "The Country Flapper." This is for her own company too. Catherine Calvert in "What Woman." Maya H., Sydney. — So you like the American pictures, and think Wallace Reid is wonderful. Of course, he is. You also think Dorothy Davenport is the luckiest woman in the world to have such an idea! husband. Oyez Warren Kerrigan is not married. Constance Binncy, in "The Sleep Walker." I've Gottem.— Well, hang onto them. No, you're all wrong. I (Cnntinned on /yac/e 114)