Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1923)

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„-,OTION PICTUR] 01 I MAGAZINE On the Camera Coast (Continued front piuie 70) Xew York. Miss Murray has never found much appeal in Hollywood. Like D. \\ . Griffith, Tom Meighan and several others, she needs Fifth Avenue to give her inspiration. Will Rogers will soon arrive in Culver City to begin work at the Hal Roach studio. His leading lady will be Marie Mosquini. Marie, in her backyard, has been raising a turkey tor the table for a long time, having taken him to her young affections when there was still an egg around him. Every time any person of great moment comes to her house to dinner. Marie takes the family ax and goes out to the slaughter, but never can get up courage for the dreadful deed. \\ ill Rogers has already been invited to a family dinner at the Mosquini manor-house and Marie is sharpening the old ax. Wanda Hawley who recently trekked off for Europe in a most mysterious manner, denying her identity at the passport office, is plaintiff at a divorce against Allen Burton Hawley who, she says, is the scion of a family of ancient and high degree, but who will not work. She says all he did was to sit around and ask her for money and criticise her personal appearance. Mr. Hawley says, why it positively isn't so and if he cared to tell all he knew ... Oh well. Jos. Schenk, the husband of Norma Talmadge, is either going into a grand financial smash or he is going to be about the biggest figure in the film business : the gambling is on the latter contingency. Schenk has recently bought a big interest in a syndicate controlling something over one hundred of the biggest movie theaters on the Coast : also he has purchased the monster United Studios. At the present time, this enormous plant is rented out by the unit plan to whoever wants to make pictures and many companies are housed there. Whether Schenk will continue this policy, or whether he intends to utilize the space for some ambitious photoplay plans of his own, is not yet clear. Among the announced ideas upon which he is working is a production of "Romeo and Juliet," with Norma as Juliet and Valentino as Romeo. Dorothy Phillips and Allen Holubar are the only couple I ever heard of who were -o happy they had to separate their busiactivities. Their friends say that they have decided to break up their business arrangement owing to the fact that they deferred to each other so much neither was hitting on all six cylinders. If you talked to either one, they handed the whole credit of everything to the other ; which was loving but not practical. Wherefore Holubar is going to start an independent producing company and Mi^s Phillips will star when she decides which several offers she wishes to accept. ;her they have worked in such picture~ a : "Man, Woman and Marr:; "The Heart of Humanity," "Hurricane's Gal," "The Right to Happiness," "Once to Every Woman." "A Soul for Sale," "Paid in Advance." Blanche Sweet has been living at a big dairy farm out in the country for several weeks on a cream diet. She has just returned home to get ready for "Tess of the I/Urbervilles," in which she is to star under the direction of her husband, Marshal Xtilan. The exterior* for the picture were taken some time ago in England. Charles Brabin, the husband of Theda Bara, has arrived at the Goldwyn studio to direct Corinne Griffith in Elinor Glyn's W L.DOUGLAS t FOR MEN AND WOMEN $5$6$7$8#9 SHOES \V. L. Douglas shoes are actually demanded year after year by more people than any other shoe in the world BECAUSE ^ • L" Douglas for 46 years has been making surpassingly good shoes and the smart styles are the leaders every where. 'When you need shoes and are looking for the best value for your money examine W. L. Douglas shoos and you will appreciate their superior qualities. Wear them and save money. W 1 DOUGLAS name and portrait is the best known — '■ — shoe Trade Mark in the stands for the highest standard of quali' workmanship at the lowest possible cost. No Matter Where You Liv< shoe dealers can supply you with W. Li, If not convenient to call at one of our 1 1 large cities, ask your shoe dealer for W.L. Protection against unreasonable profits i by the name and price stamped on the pair before the shoes leave the factory stitutes. The prices are the same everj If not for sale in your vicinity, write for catalog. TO MERCHANTS: If no dealer in your town handles W. L. Douglas shoes, write today for exclusive rights to handle this quick y; selling, quick turn-over line. 132 NONSP! AN ANTISEPTIC LIQ.UID — CtMnpit Nonspi keeps the underarm and odorless— applied, easily and quickly twice a week, will free you from al perspiration troubles — discomfort, embarrassment and ruined gowns. Eri. .a by fihysicians and nurses— u^tJ by innumerable women everywhere. Send 4c for personal Testing Sample. 50c (several months' subtly) at all leading toilet and drag counters, or by mail (tosttaid) THE NONSPI COMPANY 2643 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. Dancer. __ pie with this extraordinary method glveo to you. * Right at Home! Let me send free proof that you can ulckly become n charming Fancy er. Instinct Inborn In every girl. i repertoire, from simple com na to classical numbera and advanced tor-dancing. Students prepared n short time for public appearance .homo fjiaw*' entertainments, stage, etc,. Low cost. Free equipage. Writ© for The Art of Fancy Dancing"— tent frcet no obligation. MADAME LUDWIG STUDIOS Studio 25 4737 Broadway Chicago Livrt: You Can Easily Learn to Play Any Music on the HAWAIIAN GUITAR Just As Hawaiians Do — Native Instructors Teach You QUICKLY! In Half an Hour You Will Be Playing "ALOHA". Soon You Will Be Winning Praise Everywhere Playing "Stumbling", "Three O'clock in the Morning", "Hot Lips" and ALL Popular Music as Well as the Beautiful Hawaiian Melodies Here's the chance you've been waiting for— the opportunity to play popular music quickly on the most entrancing instrument of the age— the Hawaiian Guitar. No previous musical knowledge necessary. Here *s ^Proofofo u r Remarkable Course Buchanan. Va. First Hawaiian Conservatory of Music. Inc. It has been two months since I have finished yoir course on the Hawaiian Guitar and Iran play anything I wish. The course was alt that could be desired and I am perfectly pleased ONLY FOUR MOTIONS TO LEARN 1 you acquire in a fe utes. No n to vlau ce fii ■not ishing your Koester School. SU So. Franklin St., Chicago. III. I ir-st Hawaiian Conservatory of Music. Inc. I shall certatr.lT be very glad to recommend roar course whenever the « mine to do »o. Mr. W.R. Johnson has not phoned me yet. and If be does not pDOfM in a day or ao. will writ* him. Am sending a letter to Mis* Helen Slarik today which I think may **<-ure her enrollment, and I shall bet glad at any time to write a personal letter to anyone whom you W. L. Walker and the troublei _ _ harmonious chordm immrdxatrtvt We don care if you never f aw a note Of music in your life, we ou'irnntrr to traeh you to play just as CAe Hfivfiitin* dot We Furnish Everything--* Beautiful Hawaiian Guitar, Picks, etc.. and 52 Pieces of Music FREE I Too have always wanted to play some Instrument, so we have made It unusually easy for you by furnishing everything•» beautiful Hawaiian Guitar, i-omplete Conservatory Course of instruction and £2 piecea of especially selected music. No Other Course Teaches at Quickly and Easily This Is the only Conservatory Course wh^re you set the personal instruction of Native Hawaiian Experts.. Frank Ferera, Waif. ■ moku. Lawrence KaUIukl and Carl Seville, famous the world over and the most noted makers of phonograph records, supervise your playing. Mall Coupon for Details of FREE Offer Don't wait another mfrnafta Hfp. fill In and mall the er,opon NOW and (ft full details of our re. markable offer to t*-arh you how to play the Hawaiian Guitar just as the Hawaiians do. Sveinl Coume* under famous Teacher*. Tvnor-Ffanjo.Visjlin.&anjn-IJkrlelr and Ukelele. nnr Toned Instruments FREE1 Yoa will be {* f J c 1 I g h t O. t J aw with the fine O-fflsf tone of this ' ** ^*J» splendid Ha ^^^ waiian Guitar "▲ I ri First Hawaiian Conservatory of Musfe, fne. , | De,k 4li ?.".-'! Kroadway 'Woolworth Kldtf . J NewYork 3*>nr1 meat onof detail* about your 02 easy lessons and | FREE Hawaiian Guitar offerl I Name | Address I Town State PrlDt name and address clearly. I \ 109 r PA Gil