Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1923-Jan 1924)

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?s This Is About Mrs. Joseph Sckenck Trie Most Famous Woman in Hollywood is Norma Talmadge Tne Least Known Woman in Hollywood is Mrs. Joseph Schenck HARRY CARR rHE most famous woman in Hollywood is Norma Talmadge. T Ihe least known woman in Hollywood is Mrs. Joseph Schenck. And Norma Talmadge is Mrs. Joseph Schenck/ And this is about Mrs. Joseph Schenck. And on the whole, I think she is the happiest married lady in the whole motion-picture colony. Her husband is a good deal older than Norma. He is one of the gentlest and sweetest characters I have ever known. When a small child. Mr. Schenck came to this country from one of the provinces of Russia. He has told me how he went thru the College of Pharmacy of the University of the City of New York on five dollars a week. He had a room that he rented for a dollar and a quarter a week down a side street in the thirties. He got nearly all his meals at a free-lunch counter in the Bower)'. Circumstances gave him a chance to secure the lease of an old amusement park at Fort George in New York. One day a man came to see him with a proposition to put a penny arcade in his amusement park. The upshot of the bargaining was that Joe Schenck became half partner in the penny arcade and the other man became a half owner of the amusement park. The other man All photographs by Melbourne Spurr, L.A. Joseph Sehenck's favorite topic is Norma. He doesn't think much of her except that she is the wittiest, the most beautiful, the most talented and the noblest character that ever adorned the earth. Except for that, he cant see that she amounts to much great Loew Circuit was Marcus Loew. The bargain was the foundation of two large fortunes. Xorma's husband is a very rich man. 1 le has an amusement park in New Jersey that makes a fortune every summer. He is one of the owners of the Music Box Revue in New York, one of Ihe owners of the one of the owners of Metro; a big owner of the West Coast Theater Company which controls a couple of hundred movie theaters on the Coast. Also he is a big gun in oil and real-estate operations in California. And he savs it means nothing. "I can only wear one suit of clothes at a time and the one I have doesn't mean a bit more to me than the 'store clothes' 1 wore when I was going to college on five a week' in New York. I have a few automobiles and chauffeurs to drive them; but I enjoyed walking down Fifth Avenue better. "Norma and 1 have an expensive roof over our heads, but a cheaper one would do just as well. 27 PA6 E